Personally I think they need a new system that is neither F2P nor P2P, at least not exactly.
I think that each game should let you play a free day a month. Maybe split this up into 4 hours free a month or something. I feel like a lot of people com…
Different people have different play styles. I wouldn't consider someone to be griefing another person, regardless of whether or not there is "meaningful" PvP, unless they were doing something to me that I couldn't do right back to them. Or if my ab…
I suppose I've never really been terribly interested in the exploration factor of games. At least, I am not usually interested in exploring what the developers decide to put into the game. I am more interested in exploring what people have done with…
I would have to agree about Sony. I think the playstation has some excellent games out. I recently enjoyed playing Mortal Kombat very much, but I am constantly disappointed by Sony Online Entertainment. Mostly I do enjoy playing their games, but the…
I am playing the early access on european servers. And bought my copy at the local game stop (which I assume sells the US copies as I am in the US.)…
If they know how to code properly it will be harder to hack.
Also, by running a client side scan to insure all the files are correct helps a lot. People don't like some of the programs that let the company know what they are running but I thin…
Originally posted by klannis
Ah...a disbeliever in capitalism. Bet your family is proud.
No see klannis what you're doing makes no sense. It's like me buying a cheeseburger for a dollar and trying to sell it for a dollar fifty... while i'm still …
Originally posted by klannis
Your assessment that I am a 'stupid git' is laughable. I do not understand how my ability to get an item for a lower price than its worth is stupid. Thanks for proving your inability to make sense.
Why in the world w…
No klannis, that makes you a stupid git. I'm going to laugh when she makes another one and sells it for 2200 and corners the market and you will only be able to sell yours for 2000... Retard.
One of my favorite reads on, hopefully they'll open up new progression servers eventually, then I'll play. I hated being so far behind on my regular server, had to play catch up 24/7 and you really don't get anywhere because everyones ahe…