Have them pop anywhere in a region of maps. No distinct place. Problem solved (sorta).
example: Desert rare NM would pop in any desert type area (map).
I just started again after quiting in 2006. Im having an absolute blast and I agree that there is no mmo like it. Now i didnt loose my PlayonlineID so i was able to get my char back (highes was 47 blm ).
When it comes to making money I've alw…
If he uses wireless does he have a password protected wireless network up? If not, someone within range of the wireless could steal information easily within the network making it easy to steal from any computer in the house. This is why I NEVER l…
Mmos are fantasy replicas of real life. In life you have to grind to make a living (Some have it easier than others). Only makes sense that mmos require grinding (stupid quests) to get to a goal.
The developers are mimicking the only way they…
The initial release of a mmo is almost always a mess (server crashes, etc). If I'm interested in a mmo i usually pick it up 2-3 months after release.
When it comes to AoC funcom needs to iron out the stability issues. People generally will deal…
Final Fantasy XI was my very first mmorpg (Played during college for 2 years). I absolutely loved it. The story, atmosphere, community, and music are great. The only reason I stopped playing was because it took way too long to lvl up later in the…
For me it was Final Fantasy XI. Played it for 2 years. I still crave going back. Requires too much time though . WoW hooked me in soon after with its casual nature and kept me playing for 2 years. I've since stopped playing mmorpgs but the only…
Same could be said about the american dream.
Education ---> good job ---> good money ---- > epic stuff.
Many ways to get there. Just one example.
A materialistic world leads to materialistic games.
In WoW I got really irritated by a group of 2 asking to be run thru Gadgetzan to finish quest. I agreed and the second i got there I aggroed about 30 of those trogs. Everything i could find took them back to them and logged out. They were really …
I was only able to play this game about 2 years in college, because i had a ton of free time then :P. As as my work load pick up I decided to move on to EQ2 and then WOW which had just come out .
I really loved this game but it truly took tooooo…
I honestly don't understand the "crocs shoes" success.
In life you have to learn to accept a product's success. No matter how ridiculous it may seem.
By the way I played WoW and enjoyed it :P. It's got its flaws, but more pros than cons.
No to first.
Unfortunately yes to 2nd. I used a fishing program in FFXI. It was the only way i could maintain some type of money and play that game while trying to maintain a normal life of work/gym/relationship/games :P. I never had that much…
Didn't meet the min requirements :P. My current comp is P4 3.0 / 2gig of Ram / x800 xt . My rig is starting to feel the age . I wont buy one though till Warhammer hits stores .