click to pay is a screwy payment site that reakktor used. At this point I wouldnt trust click to pay with my account information. Avoid Neocron2 it is nothing but a shell of an awesome game now.
play it if you have nothing better to do. This game is struggling to stay afloat, it has a playerbase, albeit not a very large one, actually very tiny and dedicated. KK devs and GM's keep this game going with duct tape and luck. It used to be a b…
if you want to cancel you had best do it a few days before the trial period is over, if you wait till the last day likely you'll get charged due to the overseas billing crap they use to charge players. Click2pay or whatever it is now. Be wary of h…
Game sucks nuff said. Put it behind you. plenty of new games coming, someone will get it right eventually, and then there will be milk and cookies for everyone...
Just got done dying on mustafar due to improper pve. Went home to Lok where the city of Cion lies, placed my elder robe in my inventory and sat on my couch in the 3rd sub level of my new bunker house and looked around at all my belongings. My holo…
All Religions have made their mistakes, its the ones who admit their mistakes and move on that will prevail. Islam is not a bad religion, RADICAL ISLAM is the problem. Extremists twist faith into tactical superiority and genocide...All for the roo…
Lawsuits against SOE are as pointless as playing SWG atm. lol anyone who actually sues a company about a game is in need of psychiatric treatment, i'm sorry. ITS A DAMN GAME. STOP PLAYING IT.
Only wasting more money trying to win a case YOU WILL …
Originally posted by VixenHeart
I admit I have had some crappy experiences with SOE, but I still play their games.
How many times have you gone to a fast food place and got shafted out of something? Only to come back a week later and reorder from…
someone mentioned spirit....the spirit didnt die, the Veterans who loved the CU and Pre CU took it with them... so it s still alive as our counterposts show, but as far as any spirit being in game. hah, its not spirit, its life support hooked up to …
Blingus- Flurry server (14.99$)
Telaranrhiod-Flurry server (14.99$)
not much but its money they arent getting, or are ever going to get again...
even if the world goes back to the way it was, SOE = LIES = NO MORE MONEY....
oo another good one, FEAR FACTORY-DESCENT deeper into this abyss, life did not offer me other than false destiny, i feel nothing, i am nothing, i feel nothing NOTHINNNNNNNGG!!!!!I descend i descend, ive reached my end, i descend.....