This game basically managed to achieve nothing that hasn't been done before and wrapped it up in graphics that are lacking.
The game is bug ridden, without a doubt we're paying to play a beta. For some thats okay, but me, I avoided the beta for t…
I'm playing this game with some friends right now due to lack of better options and being bored with whats already out there. If you've only seen 2 bugs since you've been playing your either not paying attention or been playing 2 minutes. Taljinn …
He's asking for a high levels opinion, level 4 is still low level. I'm sure he appreciates the comments tho. And your comment on the 8/2 split is dead on track, good suggestion there.
I'll explain this as best i can sainted. The way the devs di…
Monstesr will climb up boxes or barrels now, well the majority of them will at least.
Not going to get into all the reasons I'm not buying this game.. if you've only played it for 10 days, or even 20 your not likely to see the vast majority of the…
I've been playing DDO for several months now and decided after pre-ordering to cancel and I'll tell you why.
After Orien went down I hopped onto val, rolled up a new character and it didn't take long to realize I had absolutely no desire to play t…
Also in agreement here. I just could not get into this game at all, the midground just made for boring gameplay. They need to figure out something to do with this game because releasing as is this game will go away faster then Horizons did.
Pretty much with the others.. the game has a way to go, its pretty ugly right now, but thats not all that matters. It will be intersting to see how it turns out when they are done with it.
The game is boring with very little in the way of content. The UI is clunky in regards to movement. It suffers most the same problems L2 did at release except there's less of a game here. The concept is cool, the graphics are nice and it has pote…