The game has EVERYTHING (money, big studio, famous developers & the IP) to its advantage for success yet it...
It's not the biggest failure but definitely the biggest letdown in MMO history as far as I could remember. I was in beta and had …
The consensus on TOR official forum is 'WOW sucks but it has way better CS than TOR'. So you could tell how bad it is.
The CS is basically non-existent.
Originally posted by Gurpslord
HOW DARE YOU SIR, you get back here right now and make this worse! It was expected of you and how dare you let us down!
LMAO!!! This thread totally cracks me up.
I agree with the OP. I won't call the game a…
It's simply harder to achieve the same level of gratification in sandbox compared to themepark. The sense of gratification keeps players going and not feeling 'bored'.
The most common complaint that I've heard from friends playing sandbox gam…
It's funny that the hackers keep targeting Sony.
I always use virtual/disposable credit card numbers online coz we all know that security online it's a matter of risk mitigation.
It's just a matter of 'when'.
Originally posted by boobot Personally I don't think any game will ever capture those great first moments you had with
your favorite MMO. Once I stopped expecting them to do that the new MMOs became a little more better and easier to tolerate!
Originally posted by Guileplayer
Originally posted by milkpudding
Originally posted by Guileplayer
Originally posted by milkpudding
Why are we still talking about voice-over like it's an unexplored territory?? My 4-year…
Oh my... I thought everyone should be perfectly clear about this after going through the EXACT SAME process for every single launch of a new MMO.
Nothing will kill WOW except itself.
B2P, F2P or freemiuim all work for me except P2P.
I don't really have the time to play a MMO everyday for a few months. So I would like to hop on a game randomly without having to worry if I'm even able to log-in or the worst, paying a monthl…
Originally posted by Guileplayer
Originally posted by milkpudding
Why are we still talking about voice-over like it's an unexplored territory?? My 4-year old PSP has many games with full voice-over.
It's like listing '3D environment' as the…
Why are we still talking about voice-over like it's an unexplored territory?? My 4-year old PSP has many games with full voice-over.
It's like listing '3D environment' as the game's selling point. This is going to be 2012, not 2002.
I feel that it's between mediocre and dissapointing.
You have to look at its competitors and potential customers to see how successful a product will be. TOR will have a tough year ahead with games like GW2 and Diablo III on the horizon.
Originally posted by ShredderSE The enviroment look a pastel painting and the characters photoshopped. In a weird way. Or maybe I have something wrong with my eyes.
Same here, you are not the only one.
I just hope that they don't get to engr…
When you say "the same", if you mean by them looking medieval or Middle-Earth-ish then sorry (to thank god to the rest of us), this won't change as long as the company still respects the IP.
It sounds like the anime asian games are your cup of…
Originally posted by bumuscheekus When I first heard Old Republic was being made I thought: sci-fi MMO based on Star Wars, hmm I hope they're smart enough to realise that they can't just import a sword and sorcery template to sci-fi combat. In other…
Frankly speaking, the only RPG that I love on PC is Dragon Age 1 and 2. It will be much better if you have a console, even a portable one like PSP.
May be Mass Effect 1 & 2? I've only played 1 a little, so I can't vouch for it.
PS. I'm a…
Originally posted by Matt_UK
Originally posted by milkpudding
It's a game meant for people who have never played the major MMOs (LOTRO, WOW, EQ etc) out there before.
Really? I'm enjoying Rift and i've played everything since UO…
Originally posted by Naral
I am not sure about Defiance, knowing not too much about it other than what I have gleaned here.
But, if a game can bring consoles and pcs together in the same persistent world...*and* do it well (that is a big if)…
I participated in the last round of beta and I had already forseen all the problems that made me cancelled my sub later. Yet I've bought the game hoping that things will be somewhat different after it's launched.
The game has no soul. (pun in…