Originally posted by nfuh
It has nothing to do with active maint in the building, it has to do with active accounts.
If the player hadn't paid for their account since 4/2006 the buildings were flagged as abandoned and able to be packed up. The pa…
I did the same thing.
Basically they improved it, yet still dumbing down the game.
They are still, with 9 profession, trying to balance.
They are contradicting themselves pretty badly with the past and present. Buffs, Soloing, DoTs.
Originally posted by Shayde
Originally posted by bobbyjr
It's a hoax, and the longer people believe it, the stupider they become. Think about it from a business standpoint. Shareholders would be notified months in advance so they can pull out of…
First, if you like it. Play it.
Second I don't like it as I enjoy games with really nothing set. I can set my own objectives, and have fun doing that. NGE is linear compared to Pre-CU or CU.
Also the fact they were improving the game(CU), rele…
It was easy to just to get the radial option on backpack to open in new window, then drag the items from the backpacks into inventory's other window or through the icon.
He plays on Bria is butthurt from ATO ownage.
"Your guild is a guild of Losers, Quitters, and Crybabies. Speaking
about Babies...who in their right mind would think about naming their
player city after the home of the world's most notorous child m…
I was Pistoleer/BH after it was FoTM, I got bored with it.
I then went Swords/Doctor for awhile and had fun in PvP as well as being group support(Healing andBuffing, which was a great ability I enjoyed all the way to the end. It was before a whole …
I don't play but the way it looks it's broken. Unintended.
A Nerf would be calling the Dev Team to adress issues of something they wanted. Fixing is something like overspawning, which apparently STs are doing in the city.
Personally I believe NPC…