In addition, 40K "iconic" forces are all armed forces. While it is conceivable to be a middle age knight without being in the barracks all day as the middle ages idea of "standing force" was very different from nowadays, it isn't that a space marine…
Originally posted by Gunblade
I hate to break it to you all...
But these are videos for the old sega/climax warhammer game. I remember individually downloading these model animations off the old website.
Notice the non-flat texture look, and how …
Originally posted by Ichmen
ya got to admit though if your on the enemy side facing space marines with kitty helmets your just got to be messing your pants thats got to be THE!!! scariest thing in all of 40k i mean chaos gods with their nasty spike…
Originally posted by Fusion
My vote goes to Chaos in this case, because the "coolness" factor seem to favor "Chaos, Dark elves etc. (not including greenies), Order side chars seem to blant.. and kids tend to favor "coolness" factor im afraid.
Originally posted by Alanthus
Originally posted by ob1sr
Now i have to agree with Senden about his concerns but let me tell you something you might not know, Mythic tends to screw up their games whether people ask for it or not, just look at DAO…
Originally posted by -exo
i did see some skaven and some vampire counts in there... now doyou think we will be fighting them?.....or end up being them as well?
Dunno, prob be in a Expansion (if there is one)
Well i really like what Mythic has done but it just looks a little to Bright and cheery, not dark like Warhammer should be. but who cares just graphics so Way to go Mythic
Originally posted by Volkmar
Originally posted by ghoul31
Well since they won't even list what features are in the game, we don't have a lot to go on. So from what little we do know, it does look like a WOW clone.
So the only people making stupi…