SP2 on Windows XP does cause problems for certain games...it is documented on Microsofts website...BUT....it is only because the services pack screws with the XP firewall and locks down certain TC/PIP ports and they are easily opened up again.
I bet they are releasing the mails in batches to help smooth the login mayhem. It would be a little more realistic then everyone having gone to the store and gotten it installed all at the same times. Just a guess, but either way...I just want the m…
Did anyone get their fileplanet e-mails yet? I haven't received mine yet...just wondering as I got the first mail and have it installed already...just want that account creation mail
Beta'd: Neocron, Planetside, ShadowBane, Horizons, City of Her…
You lucky bastages Claim your prize and show us losers some respect hehe
Beta'd: Neocron, Planetside, ShadowBane, Horizons, City of Heros, Saga of Ryzom, Lineage II
Played: EQ, Shadowbane, DAoC, SWG, Anarchy Online, Asherson's Call 2. Earth and…
I liked EQ quite a bit...to say otherwise would be silly...I played on/off for almost 5 years now hehe
That said I feel like I am done with EQ, though I still play here and there, I feel like I have done most everything I want to in the game. I am…
Originally posted by LilFunaho
Am I the only one that thinks instancing is the stupidest creation known to MMORPG's?
Yea yea I know it makes it easier on everyone having their own little zone where their group can go and level up, but I'm not a co…
WoW at least to try a while...it looks too good to not at least try it for a while.
EQ 2 long term becuase that is where most of my friends are headed and it looks great to me too.
Vanguard: Saga of Heros has my interest, so I will at least have…
First...I assume you mean do the WoW graphics look cool, not the game as a whole.
The graphics in WoW obviously don't have the new technology behind them that EQ 2 does, but I think WoW's graphics appear to have more of an artistic and fitting app…
LOL....that is well done
Beta'd: Neocron, Planetside, ShadowBane, Horizons, City of Heros, Saga of Ryzom, Lineage II
Played: EQ, Shadowbane, DAoC, SWG, Anarchy Online, Asherson's Call 2. Earth and Beyond
Playing: City of Heros, EQ
Originally posted by _belial
The 6800 has been lowered to 350w.
Again still too high for the 250W PSU in my shuttle But depending on which review you read the X800XT could be quicker than the 6800U anyway, i think each review I read has …
Originally posted by rathma
Far clipping plane. I can see the Qeynos towers from there.
Playing: City of Heroes/ Dark Age of Camelot
Upcoming: EverQuest II
Yeah that was one of the first things I noticed...did you happen to notice the detai…
Originally posted by boos
do you think that ppl will still b playing EQ2 in 5 years time? or how about EQ1? ppl are gonna get bored of a game eventually.
I bet EQ 2 will have a long run time, as long as EQ 1 ..who knows! EQ I think will get hu…
Great concept but would it just fall prey to the doom so many other MMORPGs are lately or would the new concept alone get it enough hype to keep the damn corporate boards willing to sink the money into developing such a game? hummmm
Beta'd: Neocro…
Originally posted by DrunknMaster
Quick place your bets on the next one. Im gonna say Dragon Empires
HEHE Start a poll
Beta'd: Neocron, Planetside, ShadowBane, Horizons, City of Heros, Saga of Ryzom, Lineage II
Played: EQ, Shadowbane, DA…
WOW ... I mean to see some of the smaller titles bag it basically because of WoW and EQ 2 is one thing but to see something like UO X call it quits really blows my mind!
All I know is that if this continues I hope to hell that EQ2 and WoW make mos…
I think perma death is too much for the masses and I will include my self in the masses part of my opinion.
Here is the problem as I see MMORPG death/grinding:
Everyone equates real life to MMORPG's for some reason, maybe due to the environment…
Originally posted by zide56
Most of those people have absolutely no content in their lives, so they're very apt to wasting it on a game with similar attributes.
That is a classic statement Don't know if you made it or not, but the first time…
Borders would be great ... making (even finding) repeating patterns and matching corner artwork that fits well into a fantasy site is very tough.
I had 2 other thoughts:
I think that artwork for icons for such forums would also be a great help a…
Originally posted by Hammerfel
What else would you like in the Fan Site Kit?
Nathan Pearce
Director of Web Presence
Sony Online Entertainment
Wow cool...didn't think someone from SoE would see this!
I think the fansite kit is great for some…
Personally I think polite is always good in most situations, but if you are really trying to roleplay then "politeness" needs to go away in any public channel.
One of the most fun roleplay experiences I had was in SWG with the rebel/empire battle…