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  • Nice how Lineage II keeps updating and moving forward. Might have to check back into the game and see how things have progressed since C1 (been a while since I've given Lineage II a second look) Thanks for the update.
  • I think Guild Wars is a bit better than WoW in terms of PvP because it's what the game is all about. Both games are very similar however, with it being very difficult to dominate any opponent 1 on 1 and the PvP sessions drifting a bit into the point…
  • I've been eyeing Eve Online myself. I played about 6 months ago for a couple months buy my wife never could get into it so we let the accounts go. I've been itching to try the pvp or joining corp side of the game. I remember it being slightly on the…
  • I did my check test of SWG about a month ago and cancelled the account again after about a week of trail and error. I like some of the changes and find the game has a bit more enjoyment at times. However, it's the lack of rewards and the difficulty …
  • My wife decided to try FFXI again a couple months ago to see why so many people seemed to love the game. After a couple of weeks she canceled the account due to game play issues that she couldn't seem to find the fun in (combat, grouping, grind time…
  • City of Hero's was a lot of fun, but yes... the quests are the same all the way through. In comparison to WoW, City of Heros has much less to offer in terms of variation. That being said, City of Hero's is a great experience and worth playing jus…
  • I Played DDO for a month and enjoyed it a lot. I ended up canceling the account after getting Oblivion (it became clear I was going to spend some time with oblivion). Then when I thought I was going to go back to DDO I got Auto Assault. I wonder,…
  • Wow was my game of choice for many months... then my wife got me Auto Assault and we haven't been back to WoW in weeks. After being level 60 in WoW for a bit the fun starts to fade... it may be the forced grouping and the 3 hours or more instance se…
  • After 3 weeks I've been very impressed with Auto Assault. I'm just now looking at the forums and seeing the various opinions and I'm happy to see so many people are enjoying the game as I am (about a 8 for and 2 against ratio from my perspective). …
    in first month Comment by donnieb May 2006