Runescape has gotten better with the gombat sepcially with the magic option at high levels u can use up to 92diffrent spellsand there are new armour like barrows armor that make the game that much better every judges runescape on how it looked when …
lol the middle east make a game oh..make a game on the middle east could be nice with the fight for freedom of the romans u mean
nowtimed or couple thousand years ago pm me
lol knowing my luck whicth is horrible once i moved to flordia to play running back at high school cuse i was good and my parents knew i would be scouted but the guy in front of me was amazing so ill get naaaaaadaaaaaa but grats to the other winners
lol stuff happens i would be mad cuse if its your computer your moom shouldnt be telling your bro what he can do on it its u who tells hime what to do....
lol i hope so have some more free games cuse if there good there never really free if u no what i mean it likeing the game and pay for extra upgrades:)