Sorry, just trying to show you that there are many corps already military friendly and many that run just like a American Legion Post, if not better. I just thought it be a waste for you to go through and make something when I got one ready to go an…
I currently run a corp that has been around since 2005. I wont be giving it up, due to all the time and resources I have put into it, but I have been told, that I run a decent corp. I served in the US Army 1996-2000 and US Coast Guard 2000-2004.
Hey, if your going to post my quotes, make sure you read it first. I said, I started testing things when I first saw the thread, so no, it didnt take me 4 mins. And this is a easy test. 5 PCs with 5 different configs is a good test. But since you ha…
there is no McWarcraft, Warhammer has been out for 20+ years, Blizzard tried buying Warhammer rights and failed, so they made Warcraft, stop saying Warcraft is anyway the true Warhammer, its not. Do some research and find the truth. And for polish, …
Thanks for playing, now get out of the WAR forums and safe us the headache of hearing you WAAA.
BTW - The game has been out for less then 2 months and you already passed all what they fixed and improved. To bad, you missed out. Took WoW much long…
Did you by chance, log onto the server ands ee, I am not sure if there is a database for that info or if anyone from that server checks out these forums. Sorry, wish I could help.
Ok, so it seems I need to lay everything out for you, should I lay out the PCs being used as well. I live with 2 roommates, we got 3 desktops and 2 laptops, my laptop being over 4 years old, a Acer Ferrari 3200. When I first saw this arcticle, like …
Still dont see a issue here and I know alot of people playing this game. I would think one of them would say something to use, especially since alot of us are tech support people, hence I am tech support for a ISP. Majority of the issue lie with the…
If full screen works, then its your side, not warhammer. Any PC Tech will tell you this. And other people are not having issues and if they were, they fixed it within their PC, not Warhammer. So your just being stubborn and looking for a reason to b…
But if I would go to the the game forums i like, I will never know what WoW has in store for me, but then again I dont play WoW, but hear its a great copy catter. WOOTs. Nice post.
Well I dont know why you play a MMO then, cause the MMO = Massive Multi-Player Online not MSO = Multi Single-Player Online. Besides, if you want to get any good XP in game, its RvRing, not PvEing, the game is focused around it. There are alot of bon…
Problem isnt mythic, but players. Everyone is soloing quests and not balancing the game. I been playing since Beta, did the whole Collectors Edition Launch and I just NOW reached level 20. Lvl 15 was made doing nothing but RvRing. The gae has more s…
He must be the dev that got fired over T20, sounds like he knows what they are doing over there.
Yeah, if the above 2 people dont get your stuff, may I have it??
Ok, it seems alot of you are bashing for no good reason, WE ARENT IN LAUNCH. Its stil OB, damn. And dont whine about the MOBs, its OB, they will patch it. This is my 4th MMO beta and my 8th MMO overall and by far, this has been the best one yet. Sto…
I really dont see the point if it is linear or not. You got plenty of freedom in how to level up. All you got to do is either pick Destruction or Order, then once there, pick your class, then run to a war camp and decide, where you want to go. Just …
Stop wasting time and posting things, you know nothing about. Its Beta, welcome to all the crashes and shut downs. They dont have to tell us when they do it, its called BETA. And no, pre-launch wont be a headache, damn, have you ever played a MMO be…
Ok, in my opinion, this post has no meaning. Battlegrounds = suck, Instances = suck. The queue is for a scenario for open battles between all classes and helps to introduces RvR, which is way different then PvP.
Guilds already have a place and I …