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  • nice survey they did. wonder how long it will be up before they realize it has over 50% of people saying that funcom is doing a bad job?
  • Originally posted by neorandom cant call having fun a "time sink"  its only a time sink when you are required to do it to compete but dont enjoy it, when you are having fun with your time its called enjoyable game play.  kthxbai   I know t…
  • How WL work in melee is they add about 15-30% of your over all dps, more if you spec pet. In game play there are a lot of ability that require you to eather be within X feet of your pet to pull off a move or attacking the targets flank. Those abilit…
  • one of my favorite memory so far from beta would have to be the time i was playing my Warpriest, I was going into the T2 PvP zone looking for some action when. I went off to a flag that was out of the way and thought that i might be able to solo tak…
  • Ah the good old days of first person EQ. I played that game for 3 months before i even learned that it had a 3rd person view and still never used it.    I just realised why so many other MMO games fail at their 1st person view and your right it is…
  • Well i have played the beta for the last few months and i am sill excited about the game. I have not played any of the green skin and dwarf content just so i can have that new game feel to it. Even during beta i knew that i did not make the wrong ch…
  • The future of MMos is not known, I have to say that if you think 1 game will bring down the WOW giant your wrong. The game is just to big to be brought down from one blow. The industry that is now being built up on the backs of gamers will change an…
  • ARRGG i hate the NDA some times... all i can say is if you watch the pod casts mythic is trying to bring the hole world RvR system to the front with adding keeps and other battle field objectives. while citys may be instanced this is because of havi…
  •    There is a beta and there is most definatly... WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRGG GGGGGGGG!!! From beta with love
  • I think i remember that they said that PQ would be rolled random with a modifier based on what you did to help the fight. That could be DPS, Healing, Taking damage (tanking), Agro, and any other effects that help to win the PQ.   Here is an idea…
  • This is why i am not going to even buy the game until at least 2 weeks have gone by and the opening volly of patches and crashes has passed.
  • I agree with you in theroy. Yes WAR should have all the real elements of a real war but this is a video game. not a documentery on how the Chaos invaded Aldorf and cut the heads off babys. (and that is just for breakfast) I hate to say it but by t…
  • I also didnt get one. from what i have been hearing is that not every store got the beta key and that some of them gave them out to none collecters adition preorders.
  • Amen  lets kill this thread
  • There will not be stealth in WAR. That said, i do believe that there will be ways to be stealthy in the game. From all game footage it looks like there is no auto lock or target nearest enemy button. That means that if your hiding behind a bush an…
  • I say no to the lifetime account, It is like getting a life time worenty on a computer that you know you would have to replace in 2 years.  
  • I think seeing a black orc charge the front lines of an dwarf army and try and take out as many as he can before he dies with no consers of death is exactly what mythic is trying to go for. The hole death penetly would cause those crazy orcs not to …
  • Ok from what i have seen of game play from their demenstrations there will be no real down side for PvP deaths to the person that died with maybe a 30 sec time respawn for their battle grounds. But to the person that killed you he will be given Exp …
  • just log onto their web site its all there.
  • Ok, So the graphics look the same at first glance. I dont realy care. UI has a simular set up, so what i liked the WOW setup for how i controled my character. all this does not change the fact that I have played WOW, done every quest and killed ever…