yea keyboard for me even though I dont play anymore,its so much better imo, you rarely use the mouse, most targeting is done with tab , enter, and F keys, when you get used to it. its much better then -wasd- for that type of game.
controller is ok…
all warrior guild :
heal me!!!111
bandage on cooldown lol!
those "class" only guild might be fun for a while, but that not something you want to do with your main.
I'm not playing any mmo right now because of darkfall, even though I'm still a bit sceptic, if its not coming oh well, I probably wait for Aion or play AoC, or see how chronicles of spellborn do at us/uk release.
Originally posted by Faxxer
pc just isn't in the same ballpark imo.
this vid says it all about ps3/xbox
yea yea ok ps3 fanboy, thats just numbers, actually the cpu on the ps3 is much better th…
yea no offence but thats a bad article.
if you read the manual they tell you redmage use sword and elvaan are the best with sword, so what the fuck i did? yea I rolled a elvan red mage... not the best choice.
thats what this post remind me about…
you can install some distributions of linux like ubuntu, yellow dog on the ps3 but I dont know why we're talking about ps3 when this thread is about ea and steam.
oh and linux is for nerds. the basic of it is very easy to use but some hardware sti…
-star wars: knight of the old republic is very good too
-dreamfall: the longest journey (It work on my netbook, 1.6 atom cpu, 2 gig or ram, intel 950 gma), morrowind also work but it lags a little outside ,inside is ok, dont know abou…
I love steam
and I just checked, most games are the same price as, or higher of a few £
orange box at game: RRP 49.99
Now £39.99
steam : £16.99
even call of duty 4 that used to be £40 on …
Originally posted by sanders01
I just got my christmas money (YES!) so Im ready to resub for a game. I've been thinking about it and I've narrowed down my choices between:
PIrates of the Burning Sea: Loved this game for the pvp action, and the c…