Originally posted by DeserttFoxx
Is there a reason you posted an age of conan delay in the warhammer forum with a link to a warhammer fansite?
He's just trying to start a fanboy war. Like there wasn't enough bullshit with the PS3 vs Xbox 360…
Vanguard had a 9.2 score the first weekit came out. Look where it is now.
It's the same thing with LOTRO.
At least im not gonna play it. I finished with WoW a long time ago, but i still remember I had much more fun in WoW as I have had in LO…
Originally posted by Rihahn
Ahh, a good excuse to drive to Anahiem again. The last Blizzcon was pretty awesome, and I figure this one will be even better as Blizzard will have the few small problems from the last con all figured out now.
Best quo…
Originally posted by Alexis101
I can't remember what game it was, but I remember seeing something like this right before April Fools Day. I wish I can remember what game it was or what the joke was. All I can remember is that it was pretty funny…
Imo, they shouldnt make northrend yet. If they did, they would have to make it possible to fight Arthas, whom which we all know is one of the strongest beings in warcraft lore. He is Mr Lore.
There are other places I would like to see implented to…
Originally posted by guinefort
Originally posted by sitheus
Or maybe a new playable faction instead of Horde and Alliance!! I think it would be neat to play the Burning Legion where the starting zone is in the Twisting Nether and you can choose…
It's unbelievable how narrow minded the Warhammer fanboys are...
Every fantasy universe does not all have to be the same. When WC1 came out I can understand that Warhammer fans was pissed with the Warcraft game looking too much like Warhammer, but…
Remember that WoW BC also have brought something very special into the end-game for casuals. Heroic Mode.
While the instances themself have already become way more casual, most of the end-game instances are still for 25-man raids, if not for Heroi…