Originally posted by BailoPan15 Originally posted by ripaila
Game is full of bots, pay2win items in item shop and scripted pvp.
I agree for the bot and pay2win items but what do you mean with the scripted pvp :O Originally posted by APThu…
I remember the good ol days in Lineage 2 were you had to grind 1200 quest items for a weapon recipe that had a 60% chance of success when crafting, and the drop chance of the quest items was like 1/3. Another fun quest was for one weapon enchant, a…
NIce article and true words spoken. I remember the old days when i used to search 20-30 mins for a specific class for hunting/instances, but now ppl just open another session of the game or if they have another pc, 2 more sessions and they are self …
I dont know if this happens in the west but in my country and in the countries near me you can find a lot of private servers with games like Lineage 2 or WoW wich u can play for free and there are a lot of players on them.For example i play RF Onlin…
I have an active account on 2moons closed beta but im still thinking of plaing because there will be a wipe out after closed beta....but anyway the game looks kinda cool....more pvp less pve.