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  • In the end WoW wipes them up and eats them for the AO  II ekKIM sEAN PAUL! ooo yea for breakfast. WE can live in denile all we want but WOW is the game where you battle the the evil archimonde one last time in the epic battle for MT hyjal where thra…
  • archlord/lineage II/ silkroad are games you play if only you are into non hetro butt secks.
  • EQ 2 just isnt a noob friendly enviorment imo there isnt a ALOT of people in the noob areas to quest and instance with like there in WoW, there are always massive ammounts of lowbies on every server.
  • Out of all the current MMOs id say WoW is the best for casual play till something better comes out for example warhammer i think AOC will flop but thats just me. ALot of promising mmos are comming and currently WoW has the throne but everything come…
  • Originally posted by grunty If the progression servers of EQ were so successful then why are they being merged into one server so soon?   Because the good times end with the release expansions after kunark they were doing great before then.
  • warcraft will always be stuck in a constant loop of wars i dont think there will never be a definate end. But there always is a end to major characters like uther, grom etc. All bets are malfurion will be killed, illdan will eventually be killed but…
  • Your intel pent will need to be 3.0 or higher, sadly i know your saying BS but vanguard is EXTREMMMELY computer sensitive like one flaw can set it out of wack. Though i personnally cant wait to upgrade to a 7800 myself my radeon 9550 256 ram is K…
  • yea the world is very bland..
  • Originally posted by Korusus Granted, it's been a few months since I played VG and it was in beta then, but it's not just the lack of "critters". There's something sterile about the game world, as beautiful as it is.  There's a lack of ambience i…
  • if this game would of given out freetrials to let every one try before buy, this game would be almost as barren as dark and light.
  • i have yet to see a critter walking around the wilds of vanguard besides the stationary ones at some of the noob and racial towns like with rindol fields.
  • i did but all i still see are woods, streets, land and no lfie.