Thank you, I was getting scared there for a second. Well besides that, you're certain Lizardmen would be Order? All I ever read or hear about them is dealing with Brettonian adventurers who stray too close to their temples...
Originally posted by Ithuriel
I still want my Skaven Plague Monk. But alas, guess I need to get over that.
I voted Chaos, and frankly I'm not surprised no one picked Dwarves yet. Aside from Slayers, there were never any Dwarf units I liked in t…
Also, you have to realize that EVERY image we have seen so far is without proper lighting. If you check out this March's Video of the Month, Huh. Whaddaya know. No more cartoons!
Haha, that would be fun.
Personally I want the blessings of Khorne, screw magic and intelligence. I want the Blood God to pour the crimson of his enemies over my head that I might be infused with his power so that I may go forth and slaughter in …
Originally posted by Horusgirl
Originally posted by Kiwok
Originally posted by DuraheLL
Originally posted by xpowderx
and Shadows over Bögenhafen, 1988)
... is that a serious name? Cus it sounds very weird in a swede's ear... Exact…
O.o I thought the whole point and fun factor of playing a game is the experience you have. Lol, the 'fun' part doesn't happen at the end-game, that's just cheating yourself out of the whole experience. If some people are too damn competitive, let th…
I have played Mark of Chaos. That's fun stuff. And dark. They're seriously going for a T? I mean, it'd undoubtedly hurt if they didn't, but still... I guess that explains why they couldn't focus on Khorne. Or Slaneesh. I can picture that now: 'Mommy…
See, I was thinking that. And the Bestiary DOES have Giant Eagles, but only the Wood Elves tame those. The High Elves don't have tame anything.
Ok, I take that back. They do ma,e High Elf Great Eagles so yeah, that'll be the pet class if that's …
First off, Paul Barnett has said over and over that he hates the healer class. Jeff Hickman agrees with him saying they're just no fun to play. (So I stand in the back. And I heal, and I heal. And I heal! rofl)
Now to the topic at hand. No idea y…
Hahaha, can't you just imagine everybody in the raiding party sacking the city then trying to divide up the loot? That'll be Chaos in itself! Hopefully it'll be more than a mad-dash for the Treasury.
ROFL at your quote gast. 'That's why you need, Confuse-A-Cat!' Lol
Paul Barnett is freakin awesome. Crazy, but awesome. Maybe even crazy-awesome. Yeah, maybe...
Originally posted by Thunder_Head
Originally posted by Ikarioz
many ppl said it, so i say it aswell.... there are still a long way before release. aprox 7-9 months
I don't see how how art style can be repaired without completely overhauling it…
I was curious as to how Mythic is choosing their classes, so I hopped on over to GW:
- As far as Empire is concerned, I could only find the Warrior Priest as an actual Warhammer miniature. Now obviously, Witch Hunters come from that universe and …
Touche Darwyn.
I've got mixed feelings about a 40K MMO. First off, whoever has played the actual table-top game can understand this. This is NOT the universe for anything but a FPS. From Space Marines to Tau, and Dark Eldar to Chaos, it's usual…
Originally posted by turnipz
Because no one can relate to riding around in karts or running along a track at break neck speeds, you think mario kart has the potential to be as big as something like normal car racing where there are already a ton o…
Wow, that was absolutely amazing. I couldn't stop smiling all the way through! I've been waiting for this game since hearing the very first rumors and have been keeping track of it on the WAR site. This is THE ONE game I have been waiting anxiously …
Hey everyone, new to the Forums but I'm ready to make a splash in this racing MMOG. I've got like 20 pages of notes, ideas, sketches and more for this project. I play a lot of Korean and Asian games that use the marketable game-play items so I've go…