^ agreed with AstralGeth .
Personally I stopped using WoW forums a few months after release, and WHA forums is deja-vu already. I'm using our server's IRC channel, and Vent for guild chat.
What Xtort said:
PvE death results in a 10 minutes debuff which is has your Wounds (hp) lowered. It stacks if you die again in that interval of 10 mins. Also you are released to the closest camp/warcamp. You have to run back to your quest.
PvP d…
Found this link on Warhammer Alliance forums: your war-europe.com profile page should have this option (as Murais explained above me) at the Downloads tab.
So EU site doesn't have a beta app status page. I wonder if there's a closed beta forum for…
Well, I got that from reading different forums long ago
For example, I know I will get an e-mail letting me know I'm invited to closed beta (which didn't happen yet).
What I was asking (what OP also asked), is where I can check a status of my b…
Originally posted by Templair
Hint: "Community" tab on the left ...
Nope, nothing there
I was thinking more like a beta center link of some sort, similar to the NA site.
Originally posted by jaycee2006
Originally posted by Sober_Sean
Just go to their website and check your beta status there it will tell you when you applied and what your current status is.
How do you check your beta status on EU site?
How about each player had a Felix around to carry the big Tome of Knowledge, and unlocked stuff for you.
You step into the next zone, and Felix says: "Wait a minute, i have to write down something". 10 minutes later he says: "Ok, we can go now".
Wuz betta den one choppa? Two choppas! Two
choppas is one more...is one times da...is lotz
more fun, an' weze gonna run right at 'em cause
dey wont be spectin' it!
I play a Conqueror (level 13). I played paladin in WoW up to level 52 (i couldn't do more, very boring class for me at the time). All i can say at this level, except buffs, there's nothing like a WoW's pally, except the group buffs and maybe some bu…
Originally posted by heerobya
Sure.. Mr. first post registered today..
I believe you...
Usually I count to ten when pointing fingers and making afirmations, and that's when I speak, not counting when I type some of my thoughts. For the…
Best Warhammer videos I've seen on that filefront user page. Frapsed, way better than youtube's over-the-shoulder clips.
Thanks for sharing, Ravkeen.
(Thanks for the thread with the pics too).
like in WoW? now almost every class has a pet in some form: mages got the water elemental, priests got the shadowfiend, shamans have the elementals, and who knows what will be next?
no thanks, i prefer a wider variety of elements for all the classes