yea it will as long as the devs keep there promises the time they have taken into dev should mean something liek actulyl having the features in for beta
dude i was just saying i didnt really mean it
but its the same thing as sayign they havent shown us everything so its a joke WTF thats bullcrap
maybe there just a bit mroe secretive about there stuff what game has shown ton of stuff before beta …
WoW and you ignored the other reasons
dark and light would been fine if it wasnt a scammer company and they actully did what they promised plus it was click and watch combat crap
how about we just get along and make a friendly bet if there isnt beta by jan 2008
i will admit i was wrong but unless the devs are lieing its not later than jan
and see you dont understand how publishers think they coulda been the ones to reje…
na beta is this year the current version was going throw some stuff and was down atm
but they had a demo build ready so theyf ired it up which it was a online version and its was based on pvp parts some thing probly have changed for the better be…
i think they went with self publishing but dont quote me on it
cause they do have a beta date know that they will annunce as the official WHen,is whats on everyone minds
if you watch some vids theres a small clip of the test XD
its here if you watch it its past half way it shows the huge test