ShadowNlnja said:
kosaboy said:
i play this game on an iphone dont need the newest anything.
im on a lg aristo and i got nothin on the playstore about it. so idk i think what siphaed was saying is true
It depends what the kids are into. If your kid likes fantasy settings in movies or books then MMOs will work. Most MMORPGs have reading you need to do to understand where to go or what to do. That takes a certain mindset.
lahnmir said:
kosaboy said:
WoW has non instanced play where you can compete or work together....resource nodes, open world pvp, open world named mobs that drop loot.....
He knows, he really does. He is just clowning around but …
MaxBacon said:
Hariken said:
The OP doesn't seem to realize that just about every mmo now has a F2P mode. This is not the fault of the gamer. Its the greed of the game companies wanting more than just coming in.
All MMO means is not a single player game, yes you can play WoW all by yourself and not interact with anyone IF you choose but all those things can be done in a group. The fact the quests refer to people in singular does not change that you can do …
Ungood said:
Speed Runs.
People do Speed Runs, because they have done this content hundreds of times before, and will need to do this content hundreds of times more to get what they want, they are bored sick of this content, but still…
Nostalgia sells for a while but will people stay or will they begin to remember the tediousness of things and bounce to the next new shiny game. Only time will tell.
if you read the original article and the article it links too it only mentions ONE guy who paid 20 dollars an hour...doesn't say how many hours for his son to learn. Seems more like media clickbait .
Its all just talk till they actually start implementing these things. A new game like this having problems right out the gate, not very good foresight by the developers.