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  • So your opinion is "Do whatever you want to the game before release, as long as you tell us in advance it is ok?". Sorry - but that is pretty dumb. They should tell us everything - they want us to hand over cash. Just because other companies fail …
  • I'm sorry but I cannot go on with this stupidity, however I hope you've managed to get the oh not-so-subtle-point I tried to make. I happen to think that one of the very very rare things WoW managed to do really well and which is probably THE major …
  • WAR is like WoW2 - i know loads of people argue that it isn't, but those people clearly haven't played it. I don't mean it to be an insult - it is the reality... I played WoW and i will be playing WAR. It looks like wow, it feels like wow... then …
  • Where does it tell me how many people that is based upon? Percentages are only as accurate as the number of people contribution to them.
  • ...autoface? All a caster would have to do is hold down right click and keep you in sight and they would always be facing you. It isn't hard even when its manual to rotate on the spot. If you can get behind someone who is doing it manually, yo…
  • "..please no flaming for those people who do rp" ----- > "RP is for nerds and sissies" Sorry - i didn't have much choice in the matter :P I don't rp just because i suck at it... and in a mmo environment it isn't always appropriate in any situ…
  • I think i got that magazine too - had to read over it a couple of times to get my head around the fact there will be two mmo's with pve and pvp content both with Warhammer in the title released within around 9 months of each other. Apparently the …
  • Thanks for the link! Although, i could have answered those questions myself - i bet anyone could have answered them correctly! Waste of time imo. Everyone knows how betas work by now, if you get in you'll know about it and there is nothing you…
  • Ok so you "don't care" what people think and then you apologise in advance for your grammar... So in fact what you mean is that you do care, just a little too much but you don't want anyone else to know about it so act like a prick instead. Well d…
  • Actually - i bet that the beta codes are not allowed to be sold on. Things like that always remain the property of the company, they are simply giving people who purchase a preorder access to it. I'm sure you could report it if you wanted... wha…
  • Truth be told - beta players know very little about the game that the general public don't know. They've been pretty smart about how they are running it - its not a case of starting at level 1 and playing the game while reporting bugs. All the e…
  • I can understand people wanting to try out the differents careers... but to me - everyone has a play style that they enjoy and each career revolves around a different play style. So i go find a character that works with my choice of playstyle for …
  • I'm sure i read somewhere that it won't be a case of collecting your corpse... So i guess you just respawn back in town or at a grave point or something.
    in DEATH Comment by LouiseK April 2008
  • Originally posted by WHCWrenn "Don't give up, we're going to be letting in more people soon. Need to get past the RvR stages and then we'll be letting more in." What he means by that is probably about another 500 people tops... no where near the…
  • It all makes it sound to me like by RvR they actually meant PvE but the mobs are from the other faction instead of randomly generated bad guys.
  • Interesting! I should have known most on this site were evil
  • I've just been playing some fps' - TF2 etc and ssome point and click adventures! That said... i'm tempted to get a WoW trial, i stoped playing WoW on TBC release so never tried the new races.
  • There must be a story somewhere about someone getting the last word and thus provoking responses that they were protesting about in the first place... I'll make one up! Little....Duck became mad about all the little chickens clucking. Little d…
  • Thanks for the post - i love little snippet of info coming to me instead of me looking for it Again, people lacking the ability to see past the end of their noses provoking comments from the devs - leave them alone so they can finish the damn gam…
  • Thanks for the post I appreciate them coming forward to discuss the topic to eliminate the speculation - but i am still irritated by people not being able to accept the fact that they know nothing before working themselves up resulting in devs ha…