Not a terrible idea... if it is players being actual questgivers for crafting, objectives based on dynamic gameplay and not needing to actually be online. Logging off put placing a request for materials where you automativcally reward someone for g…
It's a little strange and ironic that you can allow the specific adblock element if you looks via trial and error, but still keep all other ads disabled. I meant, on most sites I like, I allows ads, but because they're the simple images that are sta…
if I can make a few statements of my own opinion, please indulge in reading.
I have played many games. Ultima Online pre trammel when I was a teen. Everquest, City of heroes, World of Warcraft, and EVE online. Each and every game I appreciated and …
You know, strangely I don't think its an issue of SWTOR being too bad as in this is an issue every game faces and is an inescapable trend even if it was the second coming of a bug free Star Wars Galaxies. The salient point may be that the market is …
I feel as if everyone missed the point I was trying to make initially. I don't mind trash talking or minor insults in game. It is when we get to a certain level of vitrolic verbal abuse and actions that go beyond that, where it becomes a problem. On…
I actually have no problem with people trash talking for the most part. a big problem comes with this - People view homophobic, racist, misgynistic verbal abuse as one in the same with this, and the way people pursue it further.
I think saying "…
One, wrong forum. There's an EVE online subforum designed for this.
Two, as a former member of goonswarm, I'm a little confused. We've been no worse than pretty much every other alliance out there, we just don't care about anything in the name of a…
I feel the only way perma death could ever work in a game is if the sum of meaningful stat increasure, and skill progression not tied to the player solely from beginning to perfect could be mastered in about a week's time of gameplay (about 20-28 h…
I've tried it. Honestly, the only three big things I see that are turnoffs, although these can be big ones are -
1. World spawn/respawn item generation is a little too random for its own good, and this can be remedied.
2. the whole "realism" con…
Honestly, i don't think Pathfinder is a good game, mind you I don't think its even remotely a bad game. Anyone that was brave enough to take 3.5 D&D and try and improve it let alone do something that was considered suicide by grognards for their…
To be honest, as a former EVE online player, (not enough time anymore) the sole reason I cannot envision this being a success is mostly because the World of Darkness has almost slipped into a coma at this point like every other Non-D&D related r…
I think both stealth and invisiblity have their place in games, but I'll be firm on this about invisibility - it needs to end or give a big tell when someone's taking an offensive action. Even having one attack completely concealed can put a battle …
I really don't get all the negative sentiment over editions after all this time. Tabletop RPGs will never be like video games, computer games, card games. Normal campaigns last for YEARS in it, and often a gamer is only in maybe one or two different…
One, this belongs in the other games section. Two - I really wish people would stop saying that pathfinder has a market share they think they do - 4th edition is still about 5 times the size, and the online subscription tool makes Wizards of the coa…
Generally speaking, no, we've been down this road in tabletop gamesbefore funny enough. Mechanics themselves have been found to not be copyrightable. Specific instances, such as a sanity meter were able to be patented but I feel that's more of one …
Originally posted by Clerigo
Originally posted by CalmOceansI assume you don't care because you are actually able to raid with random people, that didn't used to be the case. In "the old days" before WoW, you were either part of a guild or had a …
Are you all freaking serious? I couldn't care if any particular person is the most thickheaded elitist vulgar rude baby whiner on the planet if he's actually competent to get through the raid or dungeon in question. All the better reason i find him …
Cuathon, you seem to have a great lack of understanding between the concept of "Freedom of choice" and lack of freedom. I'll agree that most Themepark MMORPGs don't offer enough things to do, but do you know what? There's no choice in having a norm…
I can agree with that. The very issue at hand is that many games have changed from a game good for the very few to something that seems to burn its old community for new. Honestly I wish EQ had stayed the same, that when I left it for World of Warcr…
All older raids proved were who had absolutely nothing more important in their life than to waste away in a race to the bottom in a game with ridiculous time constraints. I put in my time in Classic 40 naxxramas, and you know what? never again. The…