If you do sleep for 8 hours a day you will get a 10% rest bonus when you wake up.. So, it's not like the power gamer doesn't necessarily get anything out of the rest system.
8hrs per rest bubble x 30 rest bubbles = 10 days .. So in order for a cas…
I think they will be great. If you have a rare item, you can easily get more money then it's worth by increasing the duration and letting people outbid each other. Even for the not so rare items like common minerals/herbs/skins. If no one is online…
I'll go with Ogrimmar. From the screenshots I"ve seen it looks like a medieval war fortress.. Just beautiful
The only thing wrong with doing nothing is that you never know when you're finished.
I went out and bought CoH about a month ago and I was enticed with the ability to be a super hero. After playing for a good 1 - 1 1/2 weeks I was bored, and this is why --
i- Quests - were all the same: go out and arrest x number of thugs, remove t…
I have to agree with Vakktn. The idea of fighting along side a rare or ferocious pet is something that I'm sure appeals to the majority of future hunter players; Finding a rare beast that does some great dmg output, as well as looking great
What …
Originally posted by LoStCaUz3
Originally posted by Xclipz
I think the monthly fee will scare away the little kids
Mow a lawn and make $10 more and you are covered for two months or more. With a fee as low as $15 there is no reason anyone …
I'll have to say Shaman, because of it's diverse roles - healer, damage dealer, and mini crowd controller .. And because I love the casting classes, Warlock next
The only thing wrong with doing nothing is…
I have a name picked out aswell. It's a name I've used in previous mmorpg's, and it suits my Orc Shaman nicely. It's just a first name as opposed to a first and last name, because my character is a rogue (rp) and thus has no family name
It's also…
Many games do support 56k, but the problem starts to kick in when graphics are too high, or when you run into a group of people, who have different gear on or are different races.. This causes you to dl a lot more information, which lags you. You ca…
I believe Guildwars will attract many young gamers, because there will be no need to pay per month with a major credit card. You buy the game and thats it.. until an expansion is introduced, but otherwise you wouldn't pay a regular monthly fee.
Age gaps separating adults from children when grouping this doesn't seem viable. Most groups in any mmorpg are after xp, better armor/weapons, coin, etc.. True there will be many social groups and they will naturally stick with their own age group's…
Hey Bethal9, I posted this in the other thread, but I'll paste it here :P -
I find in a lot of mmorpgs, books, and movies are mostly featuring elves, humans, and dwarves.. It's looking very bland to me; the same alliances, races etc.. So, I've dec…
I'll have to say Shaman. They have a very diverse set of skills, from offensive ranged attacks to offensive/defensive totems, buffs, not to mention healing capabilities. A very well rounded character indeed, that makes for many possibilities when rp…
ActiveX is a microsoft only based scripting language, and as far as I know only IE (maybe myIE2) is able to read it. Javascript comes with all browsers (IE, Opera, Mozilla/FF, Netscape, etc..) and there are options to disable it, in one of the setup…
Ive been making guild websites for a while now, and for testing purposes I use Opera, Mozilla FF, and IE. For normal sufing I just tend to use Opera. It's mozilla based and loads up pages fairly fast, supposedly faster than Mozilla's Fire Fox, and I…
It will be tough getting in, but I'm hoping I will aswell :P WIth over 500k people registering, and only a few thousand people getitng in, you'll need some pretty powerful luck charms .
Originally posted by Gendark
sorry but I believe that the open beta will be since between November or December ,beacouse they want to take out the game at the end of the 2004 and the beta didn't surely last but of 2-3 weeks
Gendark Knight of darkn…
I find in a lot of mmorpgs, books, and movies are mostly featuring elves, humans, and dwarves.. It's looking very bland to me; the same alliances, races etc.. So, I've decided to join the horde with an Orc character. Seeing through the eye's of a bl…