Go to www.ati.com and click shop then compare, it will allow you select the cards u want to compare (up to 3) and then give u the specs side by side
anythin for a beta key... ANYTHING!!!
Hey, congatulations, and btw the Do not disclose agreement was lifted a few weeks ago.
Anyway enjoy the game and ill still be here brooding in darkness
anythin for a beta key... ANYTHING!!!
Hmm i donno, something about the eq style kinda reminds me of a game called mist, also it does not suit the genre, i prefer the WoW style
anythin for a beta key... ANYTHING!!!
Well juniorx has cought on and done a vid of a dwarven pally, heh
Personally i wanted to see a warlock in action.
anythin for a beta key... ANYTHING!!!
Another Wonderful piece of info,
I was reading a beta jurnal and the writer pointed out that if u run around with a pet and let the mobs attack the pet it will say things like " Hey are you going to help me or what?"
anythin for a beta key... ANYT…
Well guns do kinda seem out of place in the world of warcraft, however they would be my favourite weapon in the hands of a dwarf, dwarfs carring nething else seem kinda wierd
anythin for a beta key... ANYTHING!!!
Print screen button takes shots of the screen and puts it in the clip board ( same as cut/copy) In a blizzard game however it usually puts a screen-shot in the folder that the game is located in.
To capture the screen in AVI format get Camstudio, i…
I should think that the number of servers will refect the number of players, as more people play the game the number of servers should go up, otherwise we will end up with overcrowded servers which, those of u who played in the lineage 2 open beta k…
the law firm that i work in requires me to do obsean amonts of peon work...
i often pull all nighter and finish at around 5:00 am, sooo seeing as im pumped up with coffee
i usually go on the computer for a few hours while the stupid lazy ass lawyers…