I am interested in playing the beta this weekend because i Actually have a totally free weekend with nothing else to do! That doesn't happen a lot...
I haven't been this excited for an upcoming game since EQ2. I really hope this game will bring bac…
Originally posted by Xondar123
A) You seem to be assuming that these betas are for marketing purposes rather than, I dunno, beta testing. You seem to assume they HAVEN'T been working on the new build all along. They just need internal testing on…
Stephen Reid Posted:
"Hello all, There is no Beta Testing Weekend scheduled for this weekend. There may be further Beta Testing Weekends during September, but we're not going to guarantee it. The weekend that just finished was really our first dry…
Originally posted by Kost
Bioware never said that there would be more than one this month, or any month for that matter, just that there would be weekend tests coming up (one of which has already occured).
Yes they did
Whats funny is I have played alot on both hardcore pvp and hardcore pve. The hardcore pvpers actually have a code of honor and respect amongst each other. Unlike the pveers. The pve rivals hate each other like a jihad war. While the pvp rivals are m…
Lemme explain the high end raider's frustration. I am one of this players competeing for worlwide firsts. We are top on our servers but lemme explain what has happened to us since the begining of the expansion.
Expansion comes out. we cant truly g…
EQ2 questing as a mixture of both the mundane quest and the epic storyline quests.
Heritage quests, signature quests, and hallmark quests are very well done. some of the adventure packs have thier own quest line to follow and even some of the zones…
In the original EQ eula it stated something to the fact that the servers only have to be available half the month and that is all they guarantee or something like that. I remember it being 50% though and that they would not issue any refunds whatsoe…
I dont have the free time...
I was going to go and try it out. I had station access back in july maybe thats why. but i dont have any current soe subscriptions..... I logged onto soe and tried and only option i get is to reactivate my subscription.…
Up and going on flamehammer.
For guild information and recruitment questions send tells to
I hate soloing. I refuse to solo and have quit games just because everyone was soloing and i couldnt find a group for days. I am not one of those lfg for an hour and quit people.
I will lfg for hours and hell even days. I cant stand wow because peo…
There has been some confusion. I apologize. To make it clear we are not JUST a beta guild. We are a small beta guild looking for more members come release.
We are at about 18 to 20 memebrs and would like to be around 50. So we have plenty of room …
We are still growing and have quite a few married couples and a few family members playing.
Some of us have moved off the Beta2 server due to its ability to be locked half the time or down BUT, we are still having fun and looking to grow alot more…