Im currently subscribed to TSW. But you people should really stop criticize SWTOR, both games have the same strenghs and weakness and attract mainly the same kind of players. Still, since tsw need to multiply its numbers by 4 to get Swtor current su…
I want story (good story) in my games so I bought TSW an keep a subscription. Im also doing the same with SWTOR.
Sadly, it is not what mmo players want.
Im lost... There are people here saying that if Gw2 sell as many copies as tortanic is a succes?
Im calling it, 12 million copies in six months or is a failure like Swtor, terra, tsw, and all other mmo since wow.
I only see a lot of if, maybe, possibly based on a rumor.
But someone is right; we don't know anything about prices yet. We can think that based on previous experiences it will be expensive/cheap.
My experience says the conversion will be 1 carter c…
In other words EA lost a lot more of 36 millions in market value because the failure of Swtor to get Wow numbers. F2p is them trying to get millions of users doesn't matter the real cost.
Modern markets doesn't care for reality is all about percepti…
[quote]Thus, needless to say, I'm of the opposite opinion. I think they cracked under "MMO expectation" pressure and hastily and clumsily added "standard MMO features" when they should have stuck to their guns of story + voice + cinematics.
I think …
SWTOR story wins for me just for one reason.. the silent main character.
BioWare games spoil me in that sense but play a character that can't speak nor even try its to much for me.
The should at least give us some useless options like they did in C…
This is another proof of Abet geniality. The don't need to launch the game the can keep selling the game and selling gems without need to worry about launch. They can keep the game in beta during months or years and sell the game at the same time.
I was playing BioWare games in 2001-2002. Back them a big success was 500k copies and 1 mill was huge. KoToR got a 7.5 review in gamespot.
BioWare games are niche. Most players don't like story heavy games. Its been a decade since KoToR and most g…
Sheep is the word some people use to tell you that you are following a game just riding the hype. That you prepurchased a game without trying it. That you are just following the other 1000 post explaining you that the game cure cancer.
Maybe in Dec…
Although I think you are right. I still hope you are wrong.
As a niche gamer, I know I don't like the same thing that most players. If only the stronger MMO survive I will run out of gaming options really fast.
In my case this crashes are happening because I'm forcing AA in my video card and high resolution textures. I did solved that problem just using the game normal settings.
At the end I came back to my previous configuration, I prefer to crash to des…
YouTube ser thats true, according to the wise interwebz EA is worst company than tobacco companies and weapons manufacturing companies.
Nothing kill as much people as a bad game.
If its in the interwebz must be true. Right?
@Bunks: I'm having fun with the game there are no necessity that you feel sorry for me thank you for the tough.
I feel sorry for must be hard for an adult have an inflated sense of self-importance.