I don't think it works that way. NCSoft is a publisher, not a developer. They didn't take GW2 money to make Wildstar. Carbine makes Wildstar and Arenanet makes GW2.
Originally posted by Arcticnoon
I'm with you OP. I dont play mmo's to explore or build stuff and i sure dont play them for action combat. If I want action i will play an online fps or rts game like LoL. Exploring is for games like skyrim or drake …
I can't believe this game is going to exist- it's almost too good to be true. If you were to go down my checklist for the perfect MMO, Wildstar would check off all the points.
Thanks again. I'm downloading the trial and will give it a try. I'm either going to play this or Black Prophecy- whichever I enjoy most will get my time and money.
Originally posted by neonwire
Hilarious! This was a really funny read. Its an article basicly telling people how to pretend that they are playing a totally different game to the one they actually purchased. This article could be applied to ANY ga…
This game isn't real. It's some crazy social experiment to see how long people will wait for a game. Either that, or it is some elaborate prank by Andy Kaufman.
Originally posted by metalhead980
But when does it end? First its social clothing and mounts, then XP potions ( that mess up balance to begin with).
Then its old school armor and weapons, then instant level cap characters with high level armor.
Originally posted by Deathpooper
in the retail box on a small piece of paper
No, it's not. There are slips to write the key down and hand out, but you have to go to the registration site to actually get them.
Originally posted by HashBrick
Guys don't give him/her a hard time cause he/she is Christian, I personally don't believe or fall under any religion but it is his/her right as a customer to turn off offensive material.
I have no problem with th…
Is this about Jesus? Your signature leads me to believe it does.
I'm not really sure this game is for the hardcore Christian types. I mean, didn't Jesus teach non-violence (except for when moneylenders are in the temple :P )?
I'm trying t…