Thre launcher is stupidly slow, never finds any remote connections, and onyl gets 6 local connections at most, with a speed of 2kb/s I'll be done by the time the retail version roles out. . .
Any torrent that works faster than this bs?
Since its gona be easy to lv now...ill make both an abbyss walker and EE......Get both to lv 40 then deside which one to use ...but im making AW first.....and if i have trouble with groups and stuff....ill make elder.
wow...........wekk before school starts....i can lv 40 before school starts
Now only problem.......neeed to resubscribe........*looks under couch for 15$ *
Originally posted by Aldogo
lvl 20 took around 1 hour for me. Level 40 about 2-3 days and i only played 2-3 hours a day so yea its a difference. I did alot of raiding tho, but still its such a big difference
That made my day....
Im goi…
LOL @ people who dont do research and then come here 2 flame...little nooblets ^_^ anyways im happy u wont play aion....i dont want to heal douch bags .........LIKE ICEAGE SAID.....Plz exit
well i might be 13 but i say i do enjoy playing with more mature people....well i tryed both trials and Main diference is ...EQ2= more mature helpfull comunity, WoW = .........idk i guess its b etter graphics and more mpas......but idk i still can…
i like both the same ( but wow u need to pay for expansion ) while in eq i buy the latest expension and get all the rest...but idk i might lean more to wow