not a fan of the zones at all, especially the first 10 levels - the quests have you running around the city and each of the starting areas and all them are separate zones. its a little confusing on the first few characters and the map doesn't help …
01) xp loss on death
02) average 12 months to reach max level
03) no mini-map
04) no map period
05) advancement only via group reliance
06) spawn camping for rarest items
07) no quest markers or quest log
08) 40+ person raids
09) open world …
Originally posted by donpopuki
I just hope they start with multiple starting areas.
i haven't heard them mention simultaneous rally calls in the game world, if that turns out to be the case, it sounds like a single starting area. i agree with you…
Originally posted by Sovrath Originally posted by Crazy_Stick
After watching the combat gameplay trailer for BLESS found HERE you are going to have a hard time convincing me that any current or near future upcoming MMORPG developed in the wester…
ya, i'm just daydreaming and wishing for a massive open world with character models more like NW than EQN (at least what's been revealed thus far). I mean, if you haven't seen a NW dungeon then you are missing out on what a classic dungeon should …
i'm imagining the inventory nightmare this might possibly cause. so now not only do i need to keep one of every kind of weapon possible, but many different "sets" of armor, AND all of my individual items - rings, necklaces, trinkets, etc. because …
i'm not a huge fan of "over instancing" either, but i'm also not looking forward to returning to the days of "Camp Check!". Maybe with enough open dungeons and ones that are epic in size it won't be as much of a problem.
Yes, I'm growing a little tired of the mob zerg mentality also. No real strat, just swing at anything and aoe everything. Especially in these new "action" mogs - this so called active combat that has me circle strafing and dodge rolling adnauseum,…
it looked like the control wizard was moving while casting, i wonder if that change has been made (they used to be rooted while casting). i'll have to check it out tonight.
Thats a great point. However I believe ESO will have an extensive replayability of dungeons because as they mentioned (i believe they did) dungeons wont be static. If dungeons wont be static I believe the gear grind would be more fun and engaging es…
Originally posted by bambocheur As far as communication, it should only come from other players or be very zone specific, like within 200m diameter.
You know, that would be very interesting. I wonder what the play would be like if they limited a…
Originally posted by coretex666 You may think it is obvious as the game is heavy PvP oriented, but it does not ultimately mean that the longevity cannot be based in something else, such as gear progression, level progression, skill progression, poli…
Originally posted by Aerowyn Originally posted by Rorrin i'm a little concerned about the replayability. I've leveled a cleric to 30 and the experience was pretty much on rails. Not sure how many times I would want to go through that with multip…
Originally posted by ltank Originally posted by Rorrin i'm a little concerned about the replayability. I've leveled a cleric to 30 and the experience was pretty much on rails. Not sure how many times I would want to go through that with multiple…