Tabula Rasa had a great system for giving out xp (not sure if they changed it in release). Basically you got bonuses depending on how many mobs you killed in a row. It also seemed to stack on top of people who were killing in your area. I think you …
Did Teppy? ever improve the UI? I played the first telling and a bit of the second, but the interface was aging so poorly that I had a hard time returning. I tried it about a year or so ago and it was just so bad that I didn't last long. I went to t…
To the OP, did you scan your computer for trojans? The big thing these days is for a hacker to add an authenticator to an account to buy them a little more time to do what they want to it.
I remapped my keys so that it works like moving a regular character now. However, if you're going fast, the ship doesn't turn very fast. And the direction you're pointing is rather important. The up/down took a moment to get used to, but overall not…
You'll die. On the plus side, you'll move on. When you buy the highest level of insurance, it will typically cover the cost of the ship (the newb ships anyway), so don't worry about that. You will lose the modules and any implants you have, though. …
I did sign back up for AC a while ago, but I couldn't get past the interface. Without a mouse look, I have no interest at all. I am curious if my characters are still around somewhere. Been about a decade since I played them.
As much as I'd like single-player instances (or even instances for just two people), they need to fix their instance infrastructure first. I really enjoy WoW, but the "too many instances" bug has gone from annoying to making the game unplayable for …
Thanks for the info. One thing I've been unable to find, what about old players? I have characters, but haven't revisited DDO for a year or more. I'm hopeful that my account just rolls in to the free acount so I still have my chars. Any idea? I can'…
Originally posted by Sineath
Like, the NPC not being there. You see the glowing question mark on the map and mini map but when you get there, you find out the NPC is, well, on vacation, I guess.
I had the same problem. The NPCs were und…
AC1 was my first MMO as well. One thing that I think really distinguishes it from other MMOs is that there were no transportation methods aside from the portals, and those were limited in how they were used. Exploring really felt like exploring due …
I say let players have ownership of their characters. When they quit, give them a digital download of a binary file that's useless to all but the curious, with no way of uploading it back in. There, they own it, do what they want with that file.
I have a friend who's met him, and she thought he was pretty cool/nice. I agree with Badger.. it's all about marketing and was most likely the publisher's idea.
Ah, just read this:
"The first ten (10) Guests who are invited to participate in this Referral Program by a Customer who has special Founder pricing terms may take advantage of the Founder pricing terms also. Please visit f…
I just registered a bit ago and it had the lifetime subscription available for $300. I _was_ a founder originally, but I let my account lapse. The original founder price was $200, so I _think_ they just raised it to $300 for non-founders (which I'm …
I have to chime in and add my support for AC, even though I quit it several years ago. I still talk about how great the gameplay was to my friends who are just entering the MMO world. I dumped many, many points in to jump and run so I could jump on …
I stop and start my EVE subscription all the time, so something like a lifetime would tempt me. Mainly it'd be nice to let my skills just advance even when I'm not interested in playing. I ran one of the skill programs last week to see how long it w…
Originally posted by Taram
1) Only way to get a lifetime sub in LOTRO is if you were a FOUNDER (Pre-Order). You can't get one anymore the pre-order program is over.
Actually, you can. It's $300 now instead of the $200 for founders. I jus…