I don't believe that War will be another WoW. It has some similar graphics, but i think it will be a whole different game. Mythic just follow the War original designs. I'm not a big Wow fan and i still would put more faith in War then that.
Ha ha i plan on trying both to tell u the truth, Which ever one seems better to me. I will stick with.... but if i had to choose I'm leaning more toward War right now. I'm big pvp fan, so that might be a big decision factor.
Hey either way, this is gonna be a game of a need breed. Sounds really different from the way most MMO's have been made. In my book that at least deserves a test run. Once ya try it then u can base your own opinion on it. It looks and sounds lik…
Runscape is a good game for some one new to the MMOrpg world. I can draw better then the graphics, which is a huggge turn off, to ne gamer. The community is filled with a ton of lil kids. I wouldn't feel comfortable paying for a game, that looks …
Both games seem good in there own ways.. I think both Aoc and War are at least worthy of giving it a shot. Even nicer is that Aoc comes out before War so it give us sometime to play it. Once War comes out i will try that as well, and one of the 2 …
Originally posted by valdex
Originally posted by Spankaroo
only an idiot would go to world of warcraft 2 presented by Mythic. Mythic has a far greater ability to screw up games than blizzard could ever hope to have.
Wait, Doesnt DAOC have …
Alright, i been reading a lot about this game. I am looking for a good mmorpg, to keep me busy till either AOC comes out or War comes out. I tried Lotro..... i could not stay with it. This game looks good, seems like fun, but I 'm so baffled by …
Wow for the most part is a PVE game, Some real PvP would of made it a nice game. But its like playing games with your friends. Mythic has a strong grasp on how to make good PvP games. Daoc was and example of that, and if WAR is similar to tha…