I give Jestor much credit for marching to his own drum, it might be a bit cheesy imo but he is voicing what a lot of veterans feel. Thus here we are at the "Veteran" forum for folks that could give a crap about SOE or Shmeg, enjoying any little tidbit of information that hints at the demise of a disreputable company and you come in here trying to rain on the parade. Now shoo on back to rainbow pony land, it's the forum above this.
I'll post where I want to post, thanks. If I violate the forum rules, please feel free to report me.
If you could "give a crap about SOE," you wouldn't be hanging onto his every word when he throws out YET ANOTHER "SWG's imminent shutdown" carrot for you guys. You know, the ones he's been chucking out there for two years.
If thats what you think, it makes it even funnier
See you in the dream.. The Fires from heaven, now as cold as ice. A rapid ascension tolls a heavy price.
Lol I think it's funny too, you really are getting bent over this. But alas you won't see me in rainbow pony land as that forum is clearly for people to post positive things about the greatest saga ever told where thanks to the kind staff at MMoRPG.com we have been given our own forum to carry on about the good old days.
Lol I think it's funny too, you really are getting bent over this. But alas you won't see me in rainbow pony land as that forum is clearly for people to post positive things about the greatest saga ever told where thanks to the kind staff at MMoRPG.com we have been given our own forum to carry on about the good old days.
"Carry on". Your words, not mine.
EDIT: Who's "bent"? I find it amusing that you look to JestorRodo as your lord and savior.
So I started to walk into the water. I won't lie to you boys...I was terrified. But I pressed on, and as I made my way past the breakers, a strange calm came over me. I don't know if it was divine intervention or the kinship of all living things, but I tell you, Jerry, at that moment ... I was a marine biologist.
OK, you're talking about a guy who got banned from a game for his conduct on that game's forums (and you gotta be pretty bad on the forums to get that), and now dresses up like the Joker, films his rants against said game company, and puts them on the internet.
You want to trust him with your money, go right ahead.
At one time just doing this would get you a ban ( PRE CU FTW )
in the $OE forums
Wouldn't get you banned from the GAME, though. And Jestor's ban came before the CU even happened.
Ok you have me there as i was forum baned from the cu on lol
Lol I think it's funny too, you really are getting bent over this. But alas you won't see me in rainbow pony land as that forum is clearly for people to post positive things about the greatest saga ever told where thanks to the kind staff at MMoRPG.com we have been given our own forum to carry on about the good old days.
"Carry on". Your words, not mine.
EDIT: Who's "bent"? I find it amusing that you look to JestorRodo as your lord and savior.
I think hes a very funny person but people get baned for the strangest things lol
OK, you're talking about a guy who got banned from a game for his conduct on that game's forums (and you gotta be pretty bad on the forums to get that), and now dresses up like the Joker, films his rants against said game company, and puts them on the internet.
You want to trust him with your money, go right ahead.
At one time just doing this would get you a ban ( PRE CU FTW )
in the $OE forums
Wouldn't get you banned from the GAME, though. And Jestor's ban came before the CU even happened.
So if Jestor is such a bad guy, why does SOE lift his ban in 2006 and want him back so bad today?
Perhaps it's because NGE sucks and SOE is dying for people to play that thing?
How the hell do I know why his ban was lifted? Despite what they tell you around here when someone doesn't march in lockstep, I don't work for SOE.
I believe the Jestor will have the last laugh in the end, and you gotta love the people who try VERY hard to discredit him with as much passion as they berate him for having against $OE. So who really has the agenda here, "Those who live in glass houses"........ (you know the rest). LOVE THAT JESTOR!!
Well, as it stands, Jestor and his sycophants having the "last laugh" is inevitable to a degree. Nothing lasts forever, and when SWG eventually does shut down (whether it be next week, next month, next year or next decade, my bets are shortly after KOTOR online comes out of beta), you'll crow that it was all your doing.
So I started to walk into the water. I won't lie to you boys...I was terrified. But I pressed on, and as I made my way past the breakers, a strange calm came over me. I don't know if it was divine intervention or the kinship of all living things, but I tell you, Jerry, at that moment ... I was a marine biologist.
OK, you're talking about a guy who got banned from a game for his conduct on that game's forums (and you gotta be pretty bad on the forums to get that), and now dresses up like the Joker, films his rants against said game company, and puts them on the internet.
You want to trust him with your money, go right ahead.
At one time just doing this would get you a ban ( PRE CU FTW )
in the $OE forums
Wouldn't get you banned from the GAME, though. And Jestor's ban came before the CU even happened.
So if Jestor is such a bad guy, why does SOE lift his ban in 2006 and want him back so bad today?
Perhaps it's because NGE sucks and SOE is dying for people to play that thing?
How the hell do I know why his ban was lifted? Despite what they tell you around here when someone doesn't march in lockstep, I don't work for SOE.
then why the vendeta
It's not a vendetta. But when people take his word as gospel, it has to be taken with a grain of salt, given his history.
So I started to walk into the water. I won't lie to you boys...I was terrified. But I pressed on, and as I made my way past the breakers, a strange calm came over me. I don't know if it was divine intervention or the kinship of all living things, but I tell you, Jerry, at that moment ... I was a marine biologist.
I believe the Jestor will have the last laugh in the end, and you gotta love the people who try VERY hard to discredit him with as much passion as they berate him for having against $OE. So who really has the agenda here, "Those who live in glass houses"........ (you know the rest). LOVE THAT JESTOR!!
Well, as it stands, Jestor and his sycophants having the "last laugh" is inevitable to a degree. Nothing lasts forever, and when SWG eventually does shut down (whether it be next week, next month, next year or next decade, my bets are shortly after KOTOR online comes out of beta), you'll crow that it was all your doing.
Discover the greatest version of swg history ever..your own. Who cares how people wanna pretend it happened. SOE gets to make up their own too. So will you.
See you in the dream.. The Fires from heaven, now as cold as ice. A rapid ascension tolls a heavy price.
OK, you're talking about a guy who got banned from a game for his conduct on that game's forums (and you gotta be pretty bad on the forums to get that), and now dresses up like the Joker, films his rants against said game company, and puts them on the internet.
You want to trust him with your money, go right ahead.
At one time just doing this would get you a ban ( PRE CU FTW )
in the $OE forums
Wouldn't get you banned from the GAME, though. And Jestor's ban came before the CU even happened.
So if Jestor is such a bad guy, why does SOE lift his ban in 2006 and want him back so bad today?
Perhaps it's because NGE sucks and SOE is dying for people to play that thing?
How the hell do I know why his ban was lifted? Despite what they tell you around here when someone doesn't march in lockstep, I don't work for SOE.
When you say, he must be a bad guy because he got banned, and then you say that getting the ban lifted has no significance, you're really using a double standard it seems.
Also, who ever said Jestor was anyone's lord and saviour? Very theatrical consumer advocate I think is much more accurate.
When boognish says he's the kind of guy that would shoot up EA, and when you say he's made some kind of messianic claim, you guys really hurt your own credibility much more than his in my view.
So basically, what most of you are saying is. If an MMO doesn't attend the E3 show every year, it's on it's death bed? So like, if Age of Conan doesn't make it, that game is dead as well? As many booths as their may be at the E3 show every year, I highly doubt every gaming company has room for every game they have coming out and already available. SWG may be dying, but not being part of the E3 show doesn't mean much. Hell, Planetside, Matrix Online and Pirates of the Burning Sea aren't listed either. So from your perspective on things, all 3 of those games are dead too.
Yeah, all of those games are dead. You seem to be attempting to disagree with the thread by posting a point that agrees with the thread.
Do you even play any of thoes games, or do you get your info about them from the same place most peoeple here get their SWG info.... ex players, who have nothing better to do then make up crap about the games they no longer play?
PotBS is not dying, not by a long shot in fact. Ive played it in beta, and play it now... and there has been a stead increase of players and a fairly solid player base. So its really hard to say its "dying" or "dead". As for Planet Side and The Matrix.... you can say they are dead all you want, but their servers are still up. So obviouslly enough players play to keep them up, thus they are not dead. So what exactlly were you baseing that statement on?
From my perspective Matrix Online, Planetside, Potbs and SWG are the definitions of dying mmo's. I was recently on a matrix trial and its a ghost town. Planetside is merging servers as there just isn't enough population to keep the 3 afloat. Potbs went from crazy number of a servers to a handful and even the diehards were still jumping ship and SWG I'll leave that one alone its dead we all know it just let it go.
OK, you're talking about a guy who got banned from a game for his conduct on that game's forums (and you gotta be pretty bad on the forums to get that), and now dresses up like the Joker, films his rants against said game company, and puts them on the internet.
You want to trust him with your money, go right ahead.
At one time just doing this would get you a ban ( PRE CU FTW )
in the $OE forums
Wouldn't get you banned from the GAME, though. And Jestor's ban came before the CU even happened.
So if Jestor is such a bad guy, why does SOE lift his ban in 2006 and want him back so bad today?
Perhaps it's because NGE sucks and SOE is dying for people to play that thing?
How the hell do I know why his ban was lifted? Despite what they tell you around here when someone doesn't march in lockstep, I don't work for SOE.
When you say, he must be a bad guy because he got banned, and then you say that getting the ban lifted has no significance, you're really using a double standard it seems.
Also, who ever said Jestor was anyone's lord and saviour? Very theatrical consumer advocate I think is much more accurate.
When boognish says he's the kind of guy that would shoot up EA, and when you say he's made some kind of messianic claim, you guys really hurt your own credibility much more than his in my view.
Whoa, back the gravy train up a second, hoss.
1. When did I say he was a bad guy? Hey, him and I might get along famously if we ever met in RL. I'm not the one who said he'd go on a shooting spree.
2. I don't know why he got banned, I don't know why the ban was lifted. Neither is particularly relevant.
3. The only reason I mention the ban is because that's when his crusade against SOE started -- January of 2005. Everything that's come since has been twisted around to fit his initial worldview that SOE sucks because (from his POV) they screwed him over.
He does not rail against the NGE because he lost his professions or what have you. He rails against the NGE (and SWG and SOE in general) because he got banned. Period, end of story.
So I started to walk into the water. I won't lie to you boys...I was terrified. But I pressed on, and as I made my way past the breakers, a strange calm came over me. I don't know if it was divine intervention or the kinship of all living things, but I tell you, Jerry, at that moment ... I was a marine biologist.
Lol I think it's funny too, you really are getting bent over this. But alas you won't see me in rainbow pony land as that forum is clearly for people to post positive things about the greatest saga ever told where thanks to the kind staff at MMoRPG.com we have been given our own forum to carry on about the good old days.
"Carry on". Your words, not mine.
EDIT: Who's "bent"? I find it amusing that you look to JestorRodo as your lord and savior.
I think hes a very funny person but people get baned for the strangest things lol
You didn't have to violate the rules to get banned, that's for certain. From my experience, all you had to do was contradict their current marketting agenda by presenting inconvient information or asking embarassing questions.
Lol I think it's funny too, you really are getting bent over this. But alas you won't see me in rainbow pony land as that forum is clearly for people to post positive things about the greatest saga ever told where thanks to the kind staff at MMoRPG.com we have been given our own forum to carry on about the good old days.
"Carry on". Your words, not mine.
EDIT: Who's "bent"? I find it amusing that you look to JestorRodo as your lord and savior.
I think hes a very funny person but people get baned for the strangest things lol
You didn't have to violate the rules to get banned, that's for certain. From my experience, all you had to do was contradict their current marketting agenda by presenting inconvient information or asking embarassing questions.
In January of 2005? And get game-banned for conduct on the forums?
So I started to walk into the water. I won't lie to you boys...I was terrified. But I pressed on, and as I made my way past the breakers, a strange calm came over me. I don't know if it was divine intervention or the kinship of all living things, but I tell you, Jerry, at that moment ... I was a marine biologist.
Did you even read the article that you cut/copy/pasted? I don't think you did or you have a severe lack of reading comprehension skills. Seriously. Can you really, REALLY, not see what you yourself pasted here? Originally posted by Gutboy
Nice try again, but the TRUTH speaks volumes. http://www.gametap.com/articles/gamenews/lucasarts_leaves_esa-05192008 It was Lucas Arts decision not SOE's. Since LEC controls all aspecs of the game and they will not be there, SWG can't be there. _________________________________________________________________________________
LucasArts Leaves ESA LucasArts, the game division of LucasFilm, the privately held entertainment powerhouse owned by film director and producer George Lucas, confirmed the news last week, with the ESA quickly issuing a statement hoping to neutralize the impact of the company's decision. LucasArts joins soon-to-be-merged publishers Activision and Vivendi in the unexpected move. Those companies announced their decision earlier this month. LucasArts will still participate in the ESA-sponsored E3 Expo trade show, however, slated for later this summer.
Tisk tisk... bringing in facts to a debate... you should know forum trolls are violently allergic to facts by now!
Lol I think it's funny too, you really are getting bent over this. But alas you won't see me in rainbow pony land as that forum is clearly for people to post positive things about the greatest saga ever told where thanks to the kind staff at MMoRPG.com we have been given our own forum to carry on about the good old days.
"Carry on". Your words, not mine.
EDIT: Who's "bent"? I find it amusing that you look to JestorRodo as your lord and savior.
I think hes a very funny person but people get baned for the strangest things lol
You didn't have to violate the rules to get banned, that's for certain. From my experience, all you had to do was contradict their current marketting agenda by presenting inconvient information or asking embarassing questions.
In January of 2005? And get game-banned for conduct on the forums?
My observation was that the application of banning by SOE was in no way an accurate guage of how offensive or inappropriate someone's behaviour was. Their banning seemed to not just enforce rules that were set up for the benefit of customers. They seemed to use that tool in ways that were corporately self-serving.
So, saying that someone was banned, doesn't really tell me anything about that person, unless you also tell me why it happened. There may have been a good reason for it, but in the experience of many, there may not have been a good reason.
Also, if someone did receive a ban for offensive in-game behaviour, does that mean the person has nothing of value to contribute to a discussion about the state of the game? No, I don't think it does.
Btw, I certainly don't think of anyone's opinion as "gospel." I take everyone's opinion as just that: the point of view of one person who has played or is currently playing SWG.
OK, you're talking about a guy who got banned from a game for his conduct on that game's forums (and you gotta be pretty bad on the forums to get that), and now dresses up like the Joker, films his rants against said game company, and puts them on the internet.
You want to trust him with your money, go right ahead.
At one time just doing this would get you a ban ( PRE CU FTW )
in the $OE forums
Wouldn't get you banned from the GAME, though. And Jestor's ban came before the CU even happened.
So if Jestor is such a bad guy, why does SOE lift his ban in 2006 and want him back so bad today?
Perhaps it's because NGE sucks and SOE is dying for people to play that thing?
How the hell do I know why his ban was lifted? Despite what they tell you around here when someone doesn't march in lockstep, I don't work for SOE.
When you say, he must be a bad guy because he got banned, and then you say that getting the ban lifted has no significance, you're really using a double standard it seems.
Also, who ever said Jestor was anyone's lord and saviour? Very theatrical consumer advocate I think is much more accurate.
When boognish says he's the kind of guy that would shoot up EA, and when you say he's made some kind of messianic claim, you guys really hurt your own credibility much more than his in my view.
Whoa, back the gravy train up a second, hoss.
1. When did I say he was a bad guy? Hey, him and I might get along famously if we ever met in RL. I'm not the one who said he'd go on a shooting spree.
2. I don't know why he got banned, I don't know why the ban was lifted. Neither is particularly relevant.
3. The only reason I mention the ban is because that's when his crusade against SOE started -- January of 2005. Everything that's come since has been twisted around to fit his initial worldview that SOE sucks because (from his POV) they screwed him over.
He does not rail against the NGE because he lost his professions or what have you. He rails against the NGE (and SWG and SOE in general) because he got banned. Period, end of story.
Are you saying your posts don't try to cast him in a negative light? They certainly come across that way.
Are you also saying that the only reason he speaks out about SWG is because he got banned? I wouldn't be surprised if that's one factor that motivates him, but saying this is the only factor would kind of make you a mind reader. I don't think you are.
Also, calling people who enjoy his productions sychophants comes across as insulting, and claming that people worship him seems to be projecting something onto them that I don't think is there. It also comes across as very condescending, fyi.
So basically, what most of you are saying is. If an MMO doesn't attend the E3 show every year, it's on it's death bed? So like, if Age of Conan doesn't make it, that game is dead as well? As many booths as their may be at the E3 show every year, I highly doubt every gaming company has room for every game they have coming out and already available. SWG may be dying, but not being part of the E3 show doesn't mean much. Hell, Planetside, Matrix Online and Pirates of the Burning Sea aren't listed either. So from your perspective on things, all 3 of those games are dead too.
Yeah, all of those games are dead. You seem to be attempting to disagree with the thread by posting a point that agrees with the thread.
Do you even play any of thoes games, or do you get your info about them from the same place most peoeple here get their SWG info.... ex players, who have nothing better to do then make up crap about the games they no longer play?
PotBS is not dying, not by a long shot in fact. Ive played it in beta, and play it now... and there has been a stead increase of players and a fairly solid player base. So its really hard to say its "dying" or "dead". As for Planet Side and The Matrix.... you can say they are dead all you want, but their servers are still up. So obviouslly enough players play to keep them up, thus they are not dead. So what exactlly were you baseing that statement on?
From my perspective Matrix Online, Planetside, Potbs and SWG are the definitions of dying mmo's. I was recently on a matrix trial and its a ghost town. Planetside is merging servers as there just isn't enough population to keep the 3 afloat. Potbs went from crazy number of a servers to a handful and even the diehards were still jumping ship and SWG I'll leave that one alone its dead we all know it just let it go.
MxO is only around because SOE agreed to keep it alive as part of the agreement to get the DC Comics license (A first person action console game, brought to you by Helios and Rogue_5! Let me try to contain my excitement...). Planetside is going down to one server, and SOE is trying to come up with a free to play model for it. PotBS went from eleven servers to four, and for some strange reason there is now a few more people on the remaining servers (I think there needs to be a crack team of investigators to solve that mystery!). SWG is a rotten tomato that has been uprooted and the plant left to wither. Yeah there's still a few flies and maggots feeding on it, but it's dead Jim.
"treysmooth", by "Stakex"'s standards, there has never been an MMO that is dead. I have to confess, I'm at a total loss as to what he would consider a dying game.
From what I "hear" from word of mouth is that the contract is up. Lucas Arts can now pull away from SWG just as much as SOE can.
LEC won't pull the game from SOE because nobody at LEC realizes there is a problem with it. LEC hasn't felt any of the backlash over all the things that went wrong with SWG. SOE won't pull the plug on the game because nobody who works there is smart enough to realize that 90% of the reason people have a bad opinion of the company is due to what has gone on in Austin (not just the screw ups with SWG, the primary source of hostility towards the customers is from the folks in Austin). Yeah, Brenlo is a complete and utter douche bag, one which any professionally run company would have fired long ago (how bad do you have to be at your job of dealing with the customers do you have to be to make Gordon Wrinn seem better at it?), but the EQ2 devs are just starting to come unhinged and become hostile towards the customers, and well, the EQ devs aren't really on anyones radar at this point, so they might be out drinking the blood of their players, but nobody would really notice, nor would they really care.
I believe the Jestor will have the last laugh in the end, and you gotta love the people who try VERY hard to discredit him with as much passion as they berate him for having against $OE. So who really has the agenda here, "Those who live in glass houses"........ (you know the rest). LOVE THAT JESTOR!!
Well, as it stands, Jestor and his sycophants having the "last laugh" is inevitable to a degree. Nothing lasts forever, and when SWG eventually does shut down (whether it be next week, next month, next year or next decade, my bets are shortly after KOTOR online comes out of beta), you'll crow that it was all your doing.
Of course it will be our doing. We vets have made sure that SOE didn't just get away with screwing over their entire SWG playerbase and we've turned them into an example that other companies have learned from. I doubt you'll ever see another developer make fundamental changes to a live game again.
Now your blind loyalty to SOE probably won't let you see things this way but it is the truth.
I believe the Jestor will have the last laugh in the end, and you gotta love the people who try VERY hard to discredit him with as much passion as they berate him for having against $OE. So who really has the agenda here, "Those who live in glass houses"........ (you know the rest). LOVE THAT JESTOR!!
Well, as it stands, Jestor and his sycophants having the "last laugh" is inevitable to a degree. Nothing lasts forever, and when SWG eventually does shut down (whether it be next week, next month, next year or next decade, my bets are shortly after KOTOR online comes out of beta), you'll crow that it was all your doing.
Of course it will be our doing. We vets have made sure that SOE didn't just get away with screwing over their entire SWG playerbase and we've turned them into an example that other companies have learned from. I doubt you'll ever see another developer make fundamental changes to a live game again.
Now your blind loyalty to SOE probably won't let you see things this way but it is the truth.
not only that but we vets have also shown that the only good game is a pre-cu sandbox game. not this level stuff that everyone pushes out and claims is fun.
kotor online will be a pre-cu game.
and those at $OE will have to look for new work i'd try taco bell if i was them.
I'll post where I want to post, thanks. If I violate the forum rules, please feel free to report me.
If you could "give a crap about SOE," you wouldn't be hanging onto his every word when he throws out YET ANOTHER "SWG's imminent shutdown" carrot for you guys. You know, the ones he's been chucking out there for two years.
If thats what you think, it makes it even funnier
See you in the dream..
The Fires from heaven, now as cold as ice. A rapid ascension tolls a heavy price.
Lol I think it's funny too, you really are getting bent over this. But alas you won't see me in rainbow pony land as that forum is clearly for people to post positive things about the greatest saga ever told where thanks to the kind staff at MMoRPG.com we have been given our own forum to carry on about the good old days.
"Carry on". Your words, not mine.
EDIT: Who's "bent"? I find it amusing that you look to JestorRodo as your lord and savior.
So I started to walk into the water. I won't lie to you boys...I was terrified. But I pressed on, and as I made my way past the breakers, a strange calm came over me. I don't know if it was divine intervention or the kinship of all living things, but I tell you, Jerry, at that moment ... I was a marine biologist.
OK, you're talking about a guy who got banned from a game for his conduct on that game's forums (and you gotta be pretty bad on the forums to get that), and now dresses up like the Joker, films his rants against said game company, and puts them on the internet.
You want to trust him with your money, go right ahead.
At one time just doing this would get you a ban ( PRE CU FTW )
in the $OE forums
Wouldn't get you banned from the GAME, though. And Jestor's ban came before the CU even happened.
Ok you have me there as i was forum baned from the cu on lol
"Carry on". Your words, not mine.
EDIT: Who's "bent"? I find it amusing that you look to JestorRodo as your lord and savior.
I think hes a very funny person but people get baned for the strangest things lol
OK, you're talking about a guy who got banned from a game for his conduct on that game's forums (and you gotta be pretty bad on the forums to get that), and now dresses up like the Joker, films his rants against said game company, and puts them on the internet.
You want to trust him with your money, go right ahead.
At one time just doing this would get you a ban ( PRE CU FTW )
in the $OE forums
Wouldn't get you banned from the GAME, though. And Jestor's ban came before the CU even happened.
So if Jestor is such a bad guy, why does SOE lift his ban in 2006 and want him back so bad today?
Perhaps it's because NGE sucks and SOE is dying for people to play that thing?
How the hell do I know why his ban was lifted? Despite what they tell you around here when someone doesn't march in lockstep, I don't work for SOE.
then why the vendeta
Well, as it stands, Jestor and his sycophants having the "last laugh" is inevitable to a degree. Nothing lasts forever, and when SWG eventually does shut down (whether it be next week, next month, next year or next decade, my bets are shortly after KOTOR online comes out of beta), you'll crow that it was all your doing.
So I started to walk into the water. I won't lie to you boys...I was terrified. But I pressed on, and as I made my way past the breakers, a strange calm came over me. I don't know if it was divine intervention or the kinship of all living things, but I tell you, Jerry, at that moment ... I was a marine biologist.
OK, you're talking about a guy who got banned from a game for his conduct on that game's forums (and you gotta be pretty bad on the forums to get that), and now dresses up like the Joker, films his rants against said game company, and puts them on the internet.
You want to trust him with your money, go right ahead.
At one time just doing this would get you a ban ( PRE CU FTW )
in the $OE forums
Wouldn't get you banned from the GAME, though. And Jestor's ban came before the CU even happened.
So if Jestor is such a bad guy, why does SOE lift his ban in 2006 and want him back so bad today?
Perhaps it's because NGE sucks and SOE is dying for people to play that thing?
How the hell do I know why his ban was lifted? Despite what they tell you around here when someone doesn't march in lockstep, I don't work for SOE.
then why the vendeta
It's not a vendetta. But when people take his word as gospel, it has to be taken with a grain of salt, given his history.
So I started to walk into the water. I won't lie to you boys...I was terrified. But I pressed on, and as I made my way past the breakers, a strange calm came over me. I don't know if it was divine intervention or the kinship of all living things, but I tell you, Jerry, at that moment ... I was a marine biologist.
Well, as it stands, Jestor and his sycophants having the "last laugh" is inevitable to a degree. Nothing lasts forever, and when SWG eventually does shut down (whether it be next week, next month, next year or next decade, my bets are shortly after KOTOR online comes out of beta), you'll crow that it was all your doing.
Discover the greatest version of swg history ever..your own. Who cares how people wanna pretend it happened. SOE gets to make up their own too. So will you.
See you in the dream..
The Fires from heaven, now as cold as ice. A rapid ascension tolls a heavy price.
OK, you're talking about a guy who got banned from a game for his conduct on that game's forums (and you gotta be pretty bad on the forums to get that), and now dresses up like the Joker, films his rants against said game company, and puts them on the internet.
You want to trust him with your money, go right ahead.
At one time just doing this would get you a ban ( PRE CU FTW )
in the $OE forums
Wouldn't get you banned from the GAME, though. And Jestor's ban came before the CU even happened.
So if Jestor is such a bad guy, why does SOE lift his ban in 2006 and want him back so bad today?
Perhaps it's because NGE sucks and SOE is dying for people to play that thing?
How the hell do I know why his ban was lifted? Despite what they tell you around here when someone doesn't march in lockstep, I don't work for SOE.
When you say, he must be a bad guy because he got banned, and then you say that getting the ban lifted has no significance, you're really using a double standard it seems.
Also, who ever said Jestor was anyone's lord and saviour? Very theatrical consumer advocate I think is much more accurate.
When boognish says he's the kind of guy that would shoot up EA, and when you say he's made some kind of messianic claim, you guys really hurt your own credibility much more than his in my view.
Yeah, all of those games are dead. You seem to be attempting to disagree with the thread by posting a point that agrees with the thread.
Do you even play any of thoes games, or do you get your info about them from the same place most peoeple here get their SWG info.... ex players, who have nothing better to do then make up crap about the games they no longer play?
PotBS is not dying, not by a long shot in fact. Ive played it in beta, and play it now... and there has been a stead increase of players and a fairly solid player base. So its really hard to say its "dying" or "dead". As for Planet Side and The Matrix.... you can say they are dead all you want, but their servers are still up. So obviouslly enough players play to keep them up, thus they are not dead. So what exactlly were you baseing that statement on?
From my perspective Matrix Online, Planetside, Potbs and SWG are the definitions of dying mmo's. I was recently on a matrix trial and its a ghost town. Planetside is merging servers as there just isn't enough population to keep the 3 afloat. Potbs went from crazy number of a servers to a handful and even the diehards were still jumping ship and SWG I'll leave that one alone its dead we all know it just let it go.
OK, you're talking about a guy who got banned from a game for his conduct on that game's forums (and you gotta be pretty bad on the forums to get that), and now dresses up like the Joker, films his rants against said game company, and puts them on the internet.
You want to trust him with your money, go right ahead.
At one time just doing this would get you a ban ( PRE CU FTW )
in the $OE forums
Wouldn't get you banned from the GAME, though. And Jestor's ban came before the CU even happened.
So if Jestor is such a bad guy, why does SOE lift his ban in 2006 and want him back so bad today?
Perhaps it's because NGE sucks and SOE is dying for people to play that thing?
How the hell do I know why his ban was lifted? Despite what they tell you around here when someone doesn't march in lockstep, I don't work for SOE.
When you say, he must be a bad guy because he got banned, and then you say that getting the ban lifted has no significance, you're really using a double standard it seems.
Also, who ever said Jestor was anyone's lord and saviour? Very theatrical consumer advocate I think is much more accurate.
When boognish says he's the kind of guy that would shoot up EA, and when you say he's made some kind of messianic claim, you guys really hurt your own credibility much more than his in my view.
Whoa, back the gravy train up a second, hoss.
1. When did I say he was a bad guy? Hey, him and I might get along famously if we ever met in RL. I'm not the one who said he'd go on a shooting spree.
2. I don't know why he got banned, I don't know why the ban was lifted. Neither is particularly relevant.
3. The only reason I mention the ban is because that's when his crusade against SOE started -- January of 2005. Everything that's come since has been twisted around to fit his initial worldview that SOE sucks because (from his POV) they screwed him over.
He does not rail against the NGE because he lost his professions or what have you. He rails against the NGE (and SWG and SOE in general) because he got banned. Period, end of story.
So I started to walk into the water. I won't lie to you boys...I was terrified. But I pressed on, and as I made my way past the breakers, a strange calm came over me. I don't know if it was divine intervention or the kinship of all living things, but I tell you, Jerry, at that moment ... I was a marine biologist.
"Carry on". Your words, not mine.
EDIT: Who's "bent"? I find it amusing that you look to JestorRodo as your lord and savior.
I think hes a very funny person but people get baned for the strangest things lol
You didn't have to violate the rules to get banned, that's for certain. From my experience, all you had to do was contradict their current marketting agenda by presenting inconvient information or asking embarassing questions.
"Carry on". Your words, not mine.
EDIT: Who's "bent"? I find it amusing that you look to JestorRodo as your lord and savior.
I think hes a very funny person but people get baned for the strangest things lol
You didn't have to violate the rules to get banned, that's for certain. From my experience, all you had to do was contradict their current marketting agenda by presenting inconvient information or asking embarassing questions.
In January of 2005? And get game-banned for conduct on the forums?
So I started to walk into the water. I won't lie to you boys...I was terrified. But I pressed on, and as I made my way past the breakers, a strange calm came over me. I don't know if it was divine intervention or the kinship of all living things, but I tell you, Jerry, at that moment ... I was a marine biologist.
Tisk tisk... bringing in facts to a debate... you should know forum trolls are violently allergic to facts by now!
"Carry on". Your words, not mine.
EDIT: Who's "bent"? I find it amusing that you look to JestorRodo as your lord and savior.
I think hes a very funny person but people get baned for the strangest things lol
You didn't have to violate the rules to get banned, that's for certain. From my experience, all you had to do was contradict their current marketting agenda by presenting inconvient information or asking embarassing questions.
In January of 2005? And get game-banned for conduct on the forums?
My observation was that the application of banning by SOE was in no way an accurate guage of how offensive or inappropriate someone's behaviour was. Their banning seemed to not just enforce rules that were set up for the benefit of customers. They seemed to use that tool in ways that were corporately self-serving.
So, saying that someone was banned, doesn't really tell me anything about that person, unless you also tell me why it happened. There may have been a good reason for it, but in the experience of many, there may not have been a good reason.
Also, if someone did receive a ban for offensive in-game behaviour, does that mean the person has nothing of value to contribute to a discussion about the state of the game? No, I don't think it does.
Btw, I certainly don't think of anyone's opinion as "gospel." I take everyone's opinion as just that: the point of view of one person who has played or is currently playing SWG.
swg is not being shown by soe or la? Is that right or not?
And people will believe that to mean whatever they want.
See you in the dream..
The Fires from heaven, now as cold as ice. A rapid ascension tolls a heavy price.
OK, you're talking about a guy who got banned from a game for his conduct on that game's forums (and you gotta be pretty bad on the forums to get that), and now dresses up like the Joker, films his rants against said game company, and puts them on the internet.
You want to trust him with your money, go right ahead.
At one time just doing this would get you a ban ( PRE CU FTW )
in the $OE forums
Wouldn't get you banned from the GAME, though. And Jestor's ban came before the CU even happened.
So if Jestor is such a bad guy, why does SOE lift his ban in 2006 and want him back so bad today?
Perhaps it's because NGE sucks and SOE is dying for people to play that thing?
How the hell do I know why his ban was lifted? Despite what they tell you around here when someone doesn't march in lockstep, I don't work for SOE.
When you say, he must be a bad guy because he got banned, and then you say that getting the ban lifted has no significance, you're really using a double standard it seems.
Also, who ever said Jestor was anyone's lord and saviour? Very theatrical consumer advocate I think is much more accurate.
When boognish says he's the kind of guy that would shoot up EA, and when you say he's made some kind of messianic claim, you guys really hurt your own credibility much more than his in my view.
Whoa, back the gravy train up a second, hoss.
1. When did I say he was a bad guy? Hey, him and I might get along famously if we ever met in RL. I'm not the one who said he'd go on a shooting spree.
2. I don't know why he got banned, I don't know why the ban was lifted. Neither is particularly relevant.
3. The only reason I mention the ban is because that's when his crusade against SOE started -- January of 2005. Everything that's come since has been twisted around to fit his initial worldview that SOE sucks because (from his POV) they screwed him over.
He does not rail against the NGE because he lost his professions or what have you. He rails against the NGE (and SWG and SOE in general) because he got banned. Period, end of story.
Are you saying your posts don't try to cast him in a negative light? They certainly come across that way.
Are you also saying that the only reason he speaks out about SWG is because he got banned? I wouldn't be surprised if that's one factor that motivates him, but saying this is the only factor would kind of make you a mind reader. I don't think you are.
Also, calling people who enjoy his productions sychophants comes across as insulting, and claming that people worship him seems to be projecting something onto them that I don't think is there. It also comes across as very condescending, fyi.
An excellent summary sir
Yeah, all of those games are dead. You seem to be attempting to disagree with the thread by posting a point that agrees with the thread.
Do you even play any of thoes games, or do you get your info about them from the same place most peoeple here get their SWG info.... ex players, who have nothing better to do then make up crap about the games they no longer play?
PotBS is not dying, not by a long shot in fact. Ive played it in beta, and play it now... and there has been a stead increase of players and a fairly solid player base. So its really hard to say its "dying" or "dead". As for Planet Side and The Matrix.... you can say they are dead all you want, but their servers are still up. So obviouslly enough players play to keep them up, thus they are not dead. So what exactlly were you baseing that statement on?
From my perspective Matrix Online, Planetside, Potbs and SWG are the definitions of dying mmo's. I was recently on a matrix trial and its a ghost town. Planetside is merging servers as there just isn't enough population to keep the 3 afloat. Potbs went from crazy number of a servers to a handful and even the diehards were still jumping ship and SWG I'll leave that one alone its dead we all know it just let it go.
MxO is only around because SOE agreed to keep it alive as part of the agreement to get the DC Comics license (A first person action console game, brought to you by Helios and Rogue_5! Let me try to contain my excitement...). Planetside is going down to one server, and SOE is trying to come up with a free to play model for it. PotBS went from eleven servers to four, and for some strange reason there is now a few more people on the remaining servers (I think there needs to be a crack team of investigators to solve that mystery!). SWG is a rotten tomato that has been uprooted and the plant left to wither. Yeah there's still a few flies and maggots feeding on it, but it's dead Jim.
"treysmooth", by "Stakex"'s standards, there has never been an MMO that is dead. I have to confess, I'm at a total loss as to what he would consider a dying game.
From what I "hear" from word of mouth is that the contract is up. Lucas Arts can now pull away from SWG just as much as SOE can.
LEC won't pull the game from SOE because nobody at LEC realizes there is a problem with it. LEC hasn't felt any of the backlash over all the things that went wrong with SWG. SOE won't pull the plug on the game because nobody who works there is smart enough to realize that 90% of the reason people have a bad opinion of the company is due to what has gone on in Austin (not just the screw ups with SWG, the primary source of hostility towards the customers is from the folks in Austin). Yeah, Brenlo is a complete and utter douche bag, one which any professionally run company would have fired long ago (how bad do you have to be at your job of dealing with the customers do you have to be to make Gordon Wrinn seem better at it?), but the EQ2 devs are just starting to come unhinged and become hostile towards the customers, and well, the EQ devs aren't really on anyones radar at this point, so they might be out drinking the blood of their players, but nobody would really notice, nor would they really care.
Well, as it stands, Jestor and his sycophants having the "last laugh" is inevitable to a degree. Nothing lasts forever, and when SWG eventually does shut down (whether it be next week, next month, next year or next decade, my bets are shortly after KOTOR online comes out of beta), you'll crow that it was all your doing.
Of course it will be our doing. We vets have made sure that SOE didn't just get away with screwing over their entire SWG playerbase and we've turned them into an example that other companies have learned from. I doubt you'll ever see another developer make fundamental changes to a live game again.
Now your blind loyalty to SOE probably won't let you see things this way but it is the truth.
Well, as it stands, Jestor and his sycophants having the "last laugh" is inevitable to a degree. Nothing lasts forever, and when SWG eventually does shut down (whether it be next week, next month, next year or next decade, my bets are shortly after KOTOR online comes out of beta), you'll crow that it was all your doing.
Of course it will be our doing. We vets have made sure that SOE didn't just get away with screwing over their entire SWG playerbase and we've turned them into an example that other companies have learned from. I doubt you'll ever see another developer make fundamental changes to a live game again.
Now your blind loyalty to SOE probably won't let you see things this way but it is the truth.
not only that but we vets have also shown that the only good game is a pre-cu sandbox game. not this level stuff that everyone pushes out and claims is fun.
kotor online will be a pre-cu game.
and those at $OE will have to look for new work i'd try taco bell if i was them.