Well if good gameplay = running around like your on crack and clicking the mouse button then I must be missing something. I played DDO and you swung with clicking the mouse button and It got pretty boring after awhile not to mention it made my finger tired after a while.They did add on that you could just hold the mouse button in to swing. Id rather just have auto attack and press keys or click on my abilities. I really don't like FPS all that much and if DF has FPS type combat i'll pass on that.
Yeah, see, I don't get this. In most games, you autoattack and then you click on special abilties or spells, while occasionally running around. In DF, you are in complete control of your character, you aim your swings, you aim your spells and then, at the end of that, you ALSO click on your special abilities and spells. DF just seems more exciting to me.
Besides, name a game that lets you climb to the top of ship and then plunge down onto the deck of an enemy ship. I mean, that's just insta-win right there.
But why play a game where you don't get gear thats not cool or is rare? Isn't that what MMORPG's are about, adventuring and getting cool loot?
Please please please tell me this was sarcastic. I have a feeling it wasnt and I now understand why some of these forum conversations are so tough to get decent discussion on.
"The monsters are tough. I was looking for a challenge, but these things are just too damn smart." -DF Beta Tester
"If people were dismissing it, then they wouldn't be talking about it. The well-meaning gamers root for efforts that try to raise the bar. So who's left? It's so easy being a skeptic." -Tasos
I have to laugh at the above responses, they completely prove my point: You have NO evidence of any gameplay besides an animated movie and walls of text. Just because they threw together a 3D animation of some boats and buildings does NOT prove that this game is anything remotely close to what it claims.
Let me give you a lesson: Cinematics =/= Gameplay. Go watch ANY trailor for a game, it is nothing like the real thing. Until we see ACTUAL mechanics, Example: A fraps of someone actually -playing- the game, building a city, etc, this game is still nothing. Don't you guys wonder why all they have released are trailers and nothing real yet?
Maybe I didn't say it loud enough.
- FPS/Twitch based combat
- FFA PvP - PvP anywhere.
- Full loot PvP.
- No classes
Darkfall doesn't have to do much to deliver on those.
What do you want, a detailed video explanation of the exact dynamics of looting a player's corpse?
Oh right, I forgot, that's not what you want.
What you want is to troll the game you hate, and you can't think of anything more original than the old "vaporware" crap.
You should get with the times, most of your kind have moved on to trashing the graphics and community these days.
Once again, you don't get it. NONE of those things were in the video. All the video featured was some guys running around and you think that verifies every massive gameplay feature they claim to have?
I'm not a hater, I'm a die hard UO fan who would love nothing more than what DF says it offers, but the fact remains that they have NOT backed any of it up. And to be honest, this ridiculous amount of fanboyism is hurting DF. From crashing every other game's hype to recreating hundreds of YouTube videos to making new user accounts to spam DF love. Stop acting and telling lies about DF, the crap you're spewing is nothing but lies.
You know what you're really doing? Building negative hype, because once the game DOES release and lacks the huge features it promised (which it will), everyone will be extremely quick to cancel their subs. Don't promise the world, because once you do you lose credibility. Darkfall lost it years ago.
Why do they need to "back any of it up"?
I don't understand why they need to prove the features work months before anyone can even buy it.
They have given a rough description of the features. If you personally don't believe them then that's up to you, most people in the DF forum don't want to hear about it though.
If these features were printed on the box, you bought it and they didn't exist then I could see why you would want to complain, but that is not the case.
What video's they release are entirely up them, if you are interested the game but are worried about missing features then either apply for the beta or read some reviews when it's released.
You seem to be waffling a lot of false conjecture because you like the sound of your own voice.
. FFA PVP doesn't appeal to me in the least no mattter how fantastic the supposed PVE is. I'm not paying a monthly fee to be someone's ganker fodder.
You are aware you can attack back right?
Not much confidence in your skills huh...oh well, those AI raid bosses that let you spam the same key over and over should be perfect for ya.
Not to get to off-topic but whats wrong with people who enjoy PvE? Just because you don't like it doesn't mean it's any better or worse than PvP. Matter fact, your doing the same thing the OP is doing. Both you fools need to open your eyes to both sides of the situation. Neither has a positive or a negative. It's all a matter of preference. Now that I've said that, i still think DF graphics lack alot. You may think im wrong, I couldn't care the least. Gameplay looks just ok. It looks like normal gameplay combat I see in almost any MMO. I find it quite funny though, that all these smaller game companys have come out with complete failures, yet Darkfall has somehow escaped this scenario without people even playing the game. I hope you guys get what you want. But in the end, you probably won't. This is all of course, if DF doesn't learn from the million examples out there. Goodluck DF fans, but don't start barking quite yet. I'd wait till Open Beta or atleast closed beta to see how everything really plays out.
There isn't anything wrong with people who don't like PvP, or that purely like PvE. What's silly is that they come onto the DF forums and express dislike for a game that has a huge focus on PvP. That's like me going to a ferrari convention and saying that I don't like Ferraris because they go fast. No kidding. Really? They'd promptly tell me to gtfo.
So when we've got a bunch of PvErs coming onto the DF forums getting their panties in a bunch because DF has PvP, we have no choice by the flame the living hell out of them. We just have absolutely no, other, choice.
You can just ignore them maybe? I like PvP but not full loot. Cuz if I worked hard to get some awesome weapon or a set of armor and then I get ganked and in a flash its gone that would piss me off so bad.. Yeah I could try and gank them back but thats goign to be hard with out any gear money or weapons.
Unless gear really dosen't matter in this game that would make more sense. But why play a game where you don't get gear thats not cool or is rare? Isn't that what MMORPG's are about, adventuring and getting cool loot?
Are you serious? You don't even know how to acquire gear in DF and you're making arguments about its validity in the MMO market. *Sigh...* Okay, a quick crash course.
Items in DF are MUCH easier to come by than items in, for example, WoW. Almost every item in game (except for uber rare quest items [only few people will have these]) is possible to craft by players themselves. Some possible ways to acquire items would be these:
Kill people for them. You kill one person, you get an entire body of loot that you can stash in your house, bank, or clan vault. That alone should balance out the fact that you may lose your stuff when you occasionally die.
You can gather resources (i.e. herbs, ore, wood, etc...) and then either craft them into something useful yourself, or give to someone who will do the crafting for you.
You can kill monsters for money or items that you can use.
The game has a very UO-esque feel in this respect. You won't see everyone running around with the UBER PURPLE SWORDS OF ASS SLAYING. People are going to be running around in somewhat similar quality gear that can range from crappy (for the newbs) to GM (for established players). So it won't be a big deal if you die and lose your loot. You can just go back to your bank/house/clan vault and re-equip yourself.
If you are unprepaired and you die 10 times in the same day--you'd have to be pretty stupid to get PK'd 10 times in one day if you aren't looking for trouble--then you're going to have to scrape together some crappy gear, get a loner set, or beg a little bit, and start fresh.
What non-UO'rs don't get is that it doesn't take much time to get up and running again. In WoW, if you were to lose ALL of your gear, it would take a billion hours of dungeon raiding to get it all back. In DF, losing ALL of your gear, means simply asking someone for a spare set that you can use until you make a little cash again.
Realistically, you'll never be that poor. Only newbies will. After a few months of playing, every single characterin game should have enough cash to steadily re-supply themselves with armor, weapons, spell reagents, etc for days and days without a second of resource gathering.
So, whats your excuse for the constant trolling here on the DF boards?
This guy is 100% troll, take a look at his post history and you'll see he does nothing but jump from board to board trashing every game that isn't Warhammer.
Why don't all of you bickering in this thread just wait until Beta and try it for yourselves? Either the gameplay is there or it isn't but all of this pointless banter is an exersize in futility. The graphics are more than passable and the game does *look* fun but the only way any of you are going to know for sure is to actually play it.
One more point I must add though. There was no crafting in the video. That dwarf at the anvil is just an armor merchant and the interaction with him is someone buying a Chain Helm for 200gp. Pause the video and it becomes quite clear. We won't see any crafting until the game launches(or Beta) as Tasos has stated he won't show the crafting system until players experience it first hand. I only thought I would clear this up as a lot of people in this thread and in other threads have been saying there is crafting in the video when there is not.
But why play a game where you don't get gear thats not cool or is rare? Isn't that what MMORPG's are about, adventuring and getting cool loot?
Please please please tell me this was sarcastic. I have a feeling it wasnt and I now understand why some of these forum conversations are so tough to get decent discussion on.
No I wasn't sarcastic, what are MMORPG's about to you? My point of view is coming from a DnD player. I like going out and finding rare items and getting the best gear I can get. I like PvP as well but I don't like having the chance of losing stuff I worked hard to get. Yes full loot is more realistic but you know this is a game and games are supposed to be fun and that dosen't sound like to much fun to me. But if it sounds fun to you more power to ya.
To the OP: "So, you name yourself something you hate in order to go post about the game you hate. I love forum trolls. Dont you guys have better things to do then rip on a game you don't even like?" www.mmorpg.com/discussion2.cfm/post/2242910#2242910
So, whats your excuse for the constant trolling here on the DF boards? This guy is 100% troll, take a look at his post history and you'll see he does nothing but jump from board to board trashing every game that isn't Warhammer.
Gret Job Rebn77!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You just pwn'ed the OP, and showed us all his true colors. Rebn77 you shall be known as "Sir Rebn77 The Troll Slayer". Well one troll we will never see here, so many more to go.
Waiting for:EQ-Next, ArcheAge (not so much anymore) Now Playing: N/A Worst MMO: FFXIV Favorite MMO: FFXI
Why don't all of you bickering in this thread just wait until Beta and try it for yourselves? Either the gameplay is there or it isn't but all of this pointless banter is an exersize in futility. The graphics are more than passable and the game does *look* fun but the only way any of you are going to know for sure is to actually play it.
One more point I must add though. There was no crafting in the video. That dwarf at the anvil is just an armor merchant and the interaction with him is someone buying a Chain Helm for 200gp. Pause the video and it becomes quite clear. We won't see any crafting until the game launches(or Beta) as Tasos has stated he won't show the crafting system until players experience it first hand. I only thought I would clear this up as a lot of people in this thread and in other threads have been saying there is crafting in the video when there is not.
hmm for some reason, and i could be wrong, i remembe a recent statement saying that it was a player crafter shown. you definitely make a good point, ill go see if i can find the quote if it exists.
But why play a game where you don't get gear thats not cool or is rare? Isn't that what MMORPG's are about, adventuring and getting cool loot?
Please please please tell me this was sarcastic. I have a feeling it wasnt and I now understand why some of these forum conversations are so tough to get decent discussion on.
No I wasn't sarcastic, what are MMORPG's about to you? My point of view is coming from a DnD player. I like going out and finding rare items and getting the best gear I can get. I like PvP as well but I don't like having the chance of losing stuff I worked hard to get. Yes full loot is more realistic but you know this is a game and games are supposed to be fun and that dosen't sound like to much fun to me. But if it sounds fun to you more power to ya.
I can see the appeal to DnD, and I've always wanted to try it. However, its biggest appeal was the threat of permadeath at the hand other players. I love that risk.
However, I like DF because it's a game that isn't crafted for individual players. You can't be a hero for 15 bucks a month. And why would you want to be? If everyone is a hero, heroes become trite. The game isn't as magical anymore at that point. DF is different in that the world breaths and growns because of players, but completely independant of individual players. It's not a theme park, it's a sand box. It's different because of the risk. It's different because of the versatility of any given character--there are a thousand ways to approach any situation, rather than a) auto attack, b) wait. These are just a few of the reason that I like DF; there are many more.
But why play a game where you don't get gear thats not cool or is rare? Isn't that what MMORPG's are about, adventuring and getting cool loot?
Please please please tell me this was sarcastic. I have a feeling it wasnt and I now understand why some of these forum conversations are so tough to get decent discussion on.
No I wasn't sarcastic, what are MMORPG's about to you? My point of view is coming from a DnD player. I like going out and finding rare items and getting the best gear I can get. I like PvP as well but I don't like having the chance of losing stuff I worked hard to get. Yes full loot is more realistic but you know this is a game and games are supposed to be fun and that dosen't sound like to much fun to me. But if it sounds fun to you more power to ya.
I've played D&D for many, many years, and in that time I've not once played it for the loot or the levels. In fact some of my favorite sessions cost my character every piece of gear he had and didn't earn me a single experience point. For me the game has always been about the story, the characters, the exploration and discovery, and the chance to out-think my opponents.
I'll admit that Blizzard did a great job providing a world to explore and discover, and they had an interesting story, but eventually I saw it all and did it all. All my questing changed nothing. The lands I explored at level one hadn't changed at all in the months and months it took me to reach level 60.
There was nothing new anywhere because nothing ever really progressed... it just reset for the next hero, who then got to play through my story... not that my story was anything more than a re-telling of the story of all who went before me.
Here now we see the brilliance of the Sandbox PvP game. The players control the cities, they control the mines and the forges, they control the shops, they control the guards and the farmers, and they control the armies that wage war across the land. The world is always in flux. The city you visited a month ago isn't the same when you visit it tomorrow. It may have grown, or it may have fallen. It may be under siege or it may be amassing an army the likes of which the world has never seen. Perhaps its leadership has changed, perhaps its laws... Whatever the case, it, like everything else in the world, is different and ready to be explored again.
This is the beauty of DF's promise. An ever changing world with an ever evolving story. A world built, destroyed, and then rebuilt by those who play in it.
Video dude, watch it. That's proof enough that it's better than any other MMO on the market. Not that this would be hard to accomplish. You basically need to NOT have autoattack you and pretty much win the PvP award. DF not only does that, but it gives us some pretty awesome JKII-esque magic attacks and naval combat. Basically, with what we've seen in the videos alone, we can see that gameplay will be better in DF than it is in all other MMOs. If the devs come through with the rest of their promises--and they are doing good so far--then we'll see an overall product that is better in rearly every regard (except graphics of course!). Any other concerns?
How do you think PvP is going to work out. We know several things for a fact:
You manually mouse aim all of your arrows, bolts, and spells.
You manually mouse aim your melee attacks.
You can attack other ships on the water.
Maybe this isn't enough to sell you, but this already sets DF pretty high on my list of MMOs because of just these facts alone. Let alone everything else that it is offering.
Well said mate... these 3 sweeties is what DF seems it will provide compared to automated/crippled gameplay combat systems that existing mmo's offer so far which some youngsters consider them quite playble. Go play severance blade of darkness or oblivion guys to see what a real combat simulation ofc fight looks like.. Lets hope greek+norwegian alliance of aventurine wont fail us ;S
So we get another PvE experts opinion about a PvP MMO, he/she didnt seemed to understand anything about. Its if i would watch a PvE video of example WAR, and complaining that it dpesnt look anything like the cinematic trailer! Or watching a combat video and saying the crosshair is missing, or they have forgot to remove the weird thig under the character (target circle). If i dont understand more, maybe i should read up some first.....otherwise i would look as a total idiote on the example WAR forum!
Actually the OP made a very good point that all the DF Supporters keep over looking. DF even now continues to brag about the sheer amount of features it will have at release. AI, Crafting, City Building, Instanced but Open Dungeons, etc etc.
The complaint he is trying to make has nothing to do with graphics. His complaint is where is the gameplay. Yes Darkfall is a PvP game, but it also has made comments stating it's more then that. Pretty much claiming it will have parts to please the Crafters, PvP's, and PvE's. Yet the video released was pretty much 99.999% Combat and nothing else.
Combat is not entirely what makes up Darkfalls gameplay unless they suddenly started removing features. Which to my knowledge they haven't. The movie could have just as easily been 10 mins of combat. This includes the naval, city, mount, and foot combat. The rest of the video should have been showing off the other GAMEPLAY features, that they themselves claim are part of the current game.
Just about anyone here knew what to expect from Darkfalls combat. The video just reinforced it. What wasn't shown though is the other stuff.
How does harvesting resources work? Is it like UO or EQ2/WOW/Horizons with nodes that are used.
How does crafting actually work? Is there a recipe book? What does it look like? Where and what do you need for crafting? Is it like EQ2 where you have to be by certain benches? Will guild halls be able to have them in their cities?
How does skill progress worked? Is it like UO? Do they decline over time? Is there a limit to how many a single character can max out? or even raise?
How does raising a city work? Is it like Shadowbane where you don't have much control over the lay out of walls? How much space are you allowed to use? Does it use some sort of terrain overlay?
Hell there is plenty of other stuff on my mind and the minds of others. The video didn't answer much of anything as far as I'm concerned. If Darkfall was simply tagged as a Combat PvP Sandbox MMORPG. That would have been the best video ever to represent it. However Darkfall supposedly is not like that, it has a laundry list of stuff. Yet not single bit of useful video footage really exist for any of those other features. Just a "comprehensive" video that is almost 20 mins of nothing but combat. Graphics, Animations aside. They have nothing to do with why I was unimpressed with the video. The fact that the video was nothing but scene after scene of combat (staged at that). Is what made it unimpressive.
In War - Victory. In Peace - Vigilance. In Death - Sacrifice.
Well if good gameplay = running around like your on crack and clicking the mouse button then I must be missing something. I played DDO and you swung with clicking the mouse button and It got pretty boring after awhile not to mention it made my finger tired after a while.They did add on that you could just hold the mouse button in to swing. Id rather just have auto attack and press keys or click on my abilities. I really don't like FPS all that much and if DF has FPS type combat i'll pass on that.
Kukimunga from what u say i must take it you are either complete noob or uhm brainless.
DDO has roll system for every mouse spaming u do it either surpasses the pponents armour class or not.
Yes i found it thought also quite boring and mindless, they should make the attacks occur much slower to add intense and agony for every attack/roll u perform.
In a combat system though like DF uses = complete manual where u have not only to use your left mouse button but to aim well also u cant just spam attacks!!!!!!!!!! understood? cappice? comprente?
if your mouse pointer aims few inches out of your oppontns frame you wont hit the target like it happens in DOO and false-manual combat system of aoc.. you ll see your sword going str8 to the ground...
Just to point out something about the UI people keep asking about...
Dont expect it to be something that takes up a large % of your screen. It has been stated that they want to minimize the UI to increase immersion (an amazing idea) and not have a zillion buttons and hot bars on your screen.
Here is a screenshot that shows the UI...notice the health bar, the targeting crosshair, and what appears to be some skills....pretty much all you need. use keys to pull up menus when you need em.
But of course, this screenshot is obviously faked and photoshoped some health bars onto a screenshot created with an image progam....sigh
Dont expect it to be something that takes up a large % of your screen. It has been stated that they want to minimize the UI to increase immersion (an amazing idea) and not have a zillion buttons and hot bars on your screen.
I guess some people have been conditioned to accept UIs that look like this:
So we get another PvE experts opinion about a PvP MMO, he/she didnt seemed to understand anything about. Its if i would watch a PvE video of example WAR, and complaining that it dpesnt look anything like the cinematic trailer! Or watching a combat video and saying the crosshair is missing, or they have forgot to remove the weird thig under the character (target circle). If i dont understand more, maybe i should read up some first.....otherwise i would look as a total idiote on the example WAR forum!
Actually the OP made a very good point that all the DF Supporters keep over looking. DF even now continues to brag about the sheer amount of features it will have at release. AI, Crafting, City Building, Instanced but Open Dungeons, etc etc.
The complaint he is trying to make has nothing to do with graphics. His complaint is where is the gameplay. Yes Darkfall is a PvP game, but it also has made comments stating it's more then that. Pretty much claiming it will have parts to please the Crafters, PvP's, and PvE's. Yet the video released was pretty much 99.999% Combat and nothing else.
Combat is not entirely what makes up Darkfalls gameplay unless they suddenly started removing features. Which to my knowledge they haven't. The movie could have just as easily been 10 mins of combat. This includes the naval, city, mount, and foot combat. The rest of the video should have been showing off the other GAMEPLAY features, that they themselves claim are part of the current game.
Just about anyone here knew what to expect from Darkfalls combat. The video just reinforced it. What wasn't shown though is the other stuff.
How does harvesting resources work? Is it like UO or EQ2/WOW/Horizons with nodes that are used.
How does crafting actually work? Is there a recipe book? What does it look like? Where and what do you need for crafting? Is it like EQ2 where you have to be by certain benches? Will guild halls be able to have them in their cities?
How does skill progress worked? Is it like UO? Do they decline over time? Is there a limit to how many a single character can max out? or even raise?
How does raising a city work? Is it like Shadowbane where you don't have much control over the lay out of walls? How much space are you allowed to use? Does it use some sort of terrain overlay?
Hell there is plenty of other stuff on my mind and the minds of others. The video didn't answer much of anything as far as I'm concerned. If Darkfall was simply tagged as a Combat PvP Sandbox MMORPG. That would have been the best video ever to represent it. However Darkfall supposedly is not like that, it has a laundry list of stuff. Yet not single bit of useful video footage really exist for any of those other features. Just a "comprehensive" video that is almost 20 mins of nothing but combat. Graphics, Animations aside. They have nothing to do with why I was unimpressed with the video. The fact that the video was nothing but scene after scene of combat (staged at that). Is what made it unimpressive.
This poster understands where I'm coming from. I'm not a troll, I don't hate DF. If you would actually consider the points I make instead of the knee-jerk fanboy flame reaction you would see it.
The video failed to show any features besides simple combat, and you recently joined 10-post forum users are so blind you don't even realize it. I read the DF forums because I'm interested in the game, but the utter falsified hype and immaturity behind this community is sickening. There's a mob of desperate fanboys who are bombing the hype of every game to boost DF to the top. It ruins the reputation, and when you interpret a simple combat video as OMG IT HAS EVERYTHING, people turn away from the game.
You're one-sided fanboy zeal is hurting DF more than helping it.
Look, if you people don't want to play the game, referring to the OP, then don't. Being doubtful and not wanting to play; there's a difference. The graphics are fine, the gameplay has been shown, we have seen plenty of screenshots of the UI. If you coutn an overal 15 seconds of UI "plenty" then sure. We will all know soon enough if the game is real, what it offers, and if it is worth playing. It isn't any more difficult than that. Proof is always nice. Quit trying to get attention. Some of us are capable of making you look silly in any debate you offer. Personal attack.
__________________________________________________ In memory of Laura "Taera" Genender. Passed away on Aug/13/08 - Rest In Peace; you will not be forgotten
Look, if you people don't want to play the game, referring to the OP, then don't. Being doubtful and not wanting to play; there's a difference. The graphics are fine, the gameplay has been shown, we have seen plenty of screenshots of the UI. If you coutn an overal 15 seconds of UI "plenty" then sure. We will all know soon enough if the game is real, what it offers, and if it is worth playing. It isn't any more difficult than that. Proof is always nice. Quit trying to get attention. Some of us are capable of making you look silly in any debate you offer. Personal attack.
Screenshots....he wasnt refering to the video. Funny how some people seem to already have what they want to say in response to someone before they even read what they wrote. That or they just have a list of comments that no one will convince them may be wrong.
To be clear...he said SCREENSHOTS of the UI....and not refering to the 15 seconds of the video you mentio. I should quit my job, there is a small fortune to be made in the Tinfoil Hat industry it seems.
Also Bren made some good points mike that you may want to read.
So we get another PvE experts opinion about a PvP MMO, he/she didnt seemed to understand anything about. Its if i would watch a PvE video of example WAR, and complaining that it dpesnt look anything like the cinematic trailer! Or watching a combat video and saying the crosshair is missing, or they have forgot to remove the weird thig under the character (target circle). If i dont understand more, maybe i should read up some first.....otherwise i would look as a total idiote on the example WAR forum!
Actually the OP made a very good point that all the DF Supporters keep over looking. DF even now continues to brag about the sheer amount of features it will have at release. AI, Crafting, City Building, Instanced but Open Dungeons, etc etc.
The complaint he is trying to make has nothing to do with graphics. His complaint is where is the gameplay. Yes Darkfall is a PvP game, but it also has made comments stating it's more then that. Pretty much claiming it will have parts to please the Crafters, PvP's, and PvE's. Yet the video released was pretty much 99.999% Combat and nothing else.
Combat is not entirely what makes up Darkfalls gameplay unless they suddenly started removing features. Which to my knowledge they haven't. The movie could have just as easily been 10 mins of combat. This includes the naval, city, mount, and foot combat. The rest of the video should have been showing off the other GAMEPLAY features, that they themselves claim are part of the current game.
Just about anyone here knew what to expect from Darkfalls combat. The video just reinforced it. What wasn't shown though is the other stuff.
How does harvesting resources work? Is it like UO or EQ2/WOW/Horizons with nodes that are used.
How does crafting actually work? Is there a recipe book? What does it look like? Where and what do you need for crafting? Is it like EQ2 where you have to be by certain benches? Will guild halls be able to have them in their cities?
How does skill progress worked? Is it like UO? Do they decline over time? Is there a limit to how many a single character can max out? or even raise?
How does raising a city work? Is it like Shadowbane where you don't have much control over the lay out of walls? How much space are you allowed to use? Does it use some sort of terrain overlay?
Hell there is plenty of other stuff on my mind and the minds of others. The video didn't answer much of anything as far as I'm concerned. If Darkfall was simply tagged as a Combat PvP Sandbox MMORPG. That would have been the best video ever to represent it. However Darkfall supposedly is not like that, it has a laundry list of stuff. Yet not single bit of useful video footage really exist for any of those other features. Just a "comprehensive" video that is almost 20 mins of nothing but combat. Graphics, Animations aside. They have nothing to do with why I was unimpressed with the video. The fact that the video was nothing but scene after scene of combat (staged at that). Is what made it unimpressive.
You, sir, are 100% correct. Thank you for bringing some logic and reason into these forums; we honestly need it.
I'm not talking about rabid fanboys. The trolls have been lacking logic too, so it goes both ways !
This an example of a game from a very small studio which in a way has redifined the genre and has had big success. I don't know why the nay-sayers find it so hard to give Aventurine the benefit of the doubt until release.
Look, if you people don't want to play the game, referring to the OP, then don't. Being doubtful and not wanting to play; there's a difference. The graphics are fine, the gameplay has been shown, we have seen plenty of screenshots of the UI. If you coutn an overal 15 seconds of UI "plenty" then sure. We will all know soon enough if the game is real, what it offers, and if it is worth playing. It isn't any more difficult than that. Proof is always nice. Quit trying to get attention. Some of us are capable of making you look silly in any debate you offer. Personal attack.
Screenshots....he wasnt refering to the video. Funny how some people seem to already have what they want to say in response to someone before they even read what they wrote. That or they just have a list of comments that no one will convince them may be wrong.
To be clear...he said SCREENSHOTS of the UI....and not refering to the 15 seconds of the video you mentio. I should quit my job, there is a small fortune to be made in the Tinfoil Hat industry it seems.
Also Bren made some good points mike that you may want to read.
I suppose I misread; although it's nice to know misreading something can quickly turn into personal attacks. It seems like I've made enemies....it's going to be an interesting couple of months.
But still, there isn't enough of the UI for me. I don't want screenshots, I want to see it in action. UI screens don't really show the gameplay.
I just love how players just look at the DF video and see the best gameplay ever...I suppose I just don't realy see great gameplay in the video (not saying DF doesn't have great gameplay, I just didn't get that vibe forkm the video).
Then again, I'm sure someone will still end up attacking me.
__________________________________________________ In memory of Laura "Taera" Genender. Passed away on Aug/13/08 - Rest In Peace; you will not be forgotten
I was just reading this www.gamesindustry.biz/articles/sins-of-a-solar-empire-hits-500k-units-sold This an example of a game from a very small studio which in a way has redifined the genre and has had big success. I don't know why the nay-sayers find it so hard to give Aventurine the benefit of the doubt until release.
Because they somehow feel "wronged" by Aventurine.
So we get another PvE experts opinion about a PvP MMO, he/she didnt seemed to understand anything about. Its if i would watch a PvE video of example WAR, and complaining that it dpesnt look anything like the cinematic trailer! Or watching a combat video and saying the crosshair is missing, or they have forgot to remove the weird thig under the character (target circle). If i dont understand more, maybe i should read up some first.....otherwise i would look as a total idiote on the example WAR forum!
Actually the OP made a very good point that all the DF Supporters keep over looking. DF even now continues to brag about the sheer amount of features it will have at release. AI, Crafting, City Building, Instanced but Open Dungeons, etc etc.
The complaint he is trying to make has nothing to do with graphics. His complaint is where is the gameplay. Yes Darkfall is a PvP game, but it also has made comments stating it's more then that. Pretty much claiming it will have parts to please the Crafters, PvP's, and PvE's. Yet the video released was pretty much 99.999% Combat and nothing else.
Combat is not entirely what makes up Darkfalls gameplay unless they suddenly started removing features. Which to my knowledge they haven't. The movie could have just as easily been 10 mins of combat. This includes the naval, city, mount, and foot combat. The rest of the video should have been showing off the other GAMEPLAY features, that they themselves claim are part of the current game.
Just about anyone here knew what to expect from Darkfalls combat. The video just reinforced it. What wasn't shown though is the other stuff.
How does harvesting resources work? Is it like UO or EQ2/WOW/Horizons with nodes that are used.
How does crafting actually work? Is there a recipe book? What does it look like? Where and what do you need for crafting? Is it like EQ2 where you have to be by certain benches? Will guild halls be able to have them in their cities?
How does skill progress worked? Is it like UO? Do they decline over time? Is there a limit to how many a single character can max out? or even raise?
How does raising a city work? Is it like Shadowbane where you don't have much control over the lay out of walls? How much space are you allowed to use? Does it use some sort of terrain overlay?
Hell there is plenty of other stuff on my mind and the minds of others. The video didn't answer much of anything as far as I'm concerned. If Darkfall was simply tagged as a Combat PvP Sandbox MMORPG. That would have been the best video ever to represent it. However Darkfall supposedly is not like that, it has a laundry list of stuff. Yet not single bit of useful video footage really exist for any of those other features. Just a "comprehensive" video that is almost 20 mins of nothing but combat. Graphics, Animations aside. They have nothing to do with why I was unimpressed with the video. The fact that the video was nothing but scene after scene of combat (staged at that). Is what made it unimpressive.
__________________________________________________ In memory of Laura "Taera" Genender. Passed away on Aug/13/08 - Rest In Peace; you will not be forgotten
Yeah, see, I don't get this. In most games, you autoattack and then you click on special abilties or spells, while occasionally running around. In DF, you are in complete control of your character, you aim your swings, you aim your spells and then, at the end of that, you ALSO click on your special abilities and spells. DF just seems more exciting to me.
Besides, name a game that lets you climb to the top of ship and then plunge down onto the deck of an enemy ship. I mean, that's just insta-win right there.
Please please please tell me this was sarcastic. I have a feeling it wasnt and I now understand why some of these forum conversations are so tough to get decent discussion on.
Darkfall Releases on: February 25th, 2009
Darkfall Recap of everything that has happened the last 3 months: http://www.mmorpg.com/discussion2.cfm/thread/213296
"The monsters are tough. I was looking for a challenge, but these things are just too damn smart." -DF Beta Tester
"If people were dismissing it, then they wouldn't be talking about it. The well-meaning gamers root for efforts that try to raise the bar. So who's left? It's so easy being a skeptic." -Tasos
Maybe I didn't say it loud enough.
- FPS/Twitch based combat
- FFA PvP - PvP anywhere.
- Full loot PvP.
- No classes
Darkfall doesn't have to do much to deliver on those.
What do you want, a detailed video explanation of the exact dynamics of looting a player's corpse?
Oh right, I forgot, that's not what you want.
What you want is to troll the game you hate, and you can't think of anything more original than the old "vaporware" crap.
You should get with the times, most of your kind have moved on to trashing the graphics and community these days.
Once again, you don't get it. NONE of those things were in the video. All the video featured was some guys running around and you think that verifies every massive gameplay feature they claim to have?
I'm not a hater, I'm a die hard UO fan who would love nothing more than what DF says it offers, but the fact remains that they have NOT backed any of it up. And to be honest, this ridiculous amount of fanboyism is hurting DF. From crashing every other game's hype to recreating hundreds of YouTube videos to making new user accounts to spam DF love. Stop acting and telling lies about DF, the crap you're spewing is nothing but lies.
You know what you're really doing? Building negative hype, because once the game DOES release and lacks the huge features it promised (which it will), everyone will be extremely quick to cancel their subs. Don't promise the world, because once you do you lose credibility. Darkfall lost it years ago.
Why do they need to "back any of it up"?
I don't understand why they need to prove the features work months before anyone can even buy it.
They have given a rough description of the features. If you personally don't believe them then that's up to you, most people in the DF forum don't want to hear about it though.
If these features were printed on the box, you bought it and they didn't exist then I could see why you would want to complain, but that is not the case.
What video's they release are entirely up them, if you are interested the game but are worried about missing features then either apply for the beta or read some reviews when it's released.
You seem to be waffling a lot of false conjecture because you like the sound of your own voice.
You are aware you can attack back right?
Not much confidence in your skills huh...oh well, those AI raid bosses that let you spam the same key over and over should be perfect for ya.
Not to get to off-topic but whats wrong with people who enjoy PvE? Just because you don't like it doesn't mean it's any better or worse than PvP. Matter fact, your doing the same thing the OP is doing. Both you fools need to open your eyes to both sides of the situation. Neither has a positive or a negative. It's all a matter of preference. Now that I've said that, i still think DF graphics lack alot. You may think im wrong, I couldn't care the least. Gameplay looks just ok. It looks like normal gameplay combat I see in almost any MMO. I find it quite funny though, that all these smaller game companys have come out with complete failures, yet Darkfall has somehow escaped this scenario without people even playing the game. I hope you guys get what you want. But in the end, you probably won't. This is all of course, if DF doesn't learn from the million examples out there. Goodluck DF fans, but don't start barking quite yet. I'd wait till Open Beta or atleast closed beta to see how everything really plays out.
There isn't anything wrong with people who don't like PvP, or that purely like PvE. What's silly is that they come onto the DF forums and express dislike for a game that has a huge focus on PvP. That's like me going to a ferrari convention and saying that I don't like Ferraris because they go fast. No kidding. Really? They'd promptly tell me to gtfo.
So when we've got a bunch of PvErs coming onto the DF forums getting their panties in a bunch because DF has PvP, we have no choice by the flame the living hell out of them. We just have absolutely no, other, choice.
You can just ignore them maybe? I like PvP but not full loot. Cuz if I worked hard to get some awesome weapon or a set of armor and then I get ganked and in a flash its gone that would piss me off so bad.. Yeah I could try and gank them back but thats goign to be hard with out any gear money or weapons.
Unless gear really dosen't matter in this game that would make more sense. But why play a game where you don't get gear thats not cool or is rare? Isn't that what MMORPG's are about, adventuring and getting cool loot?
Are you serious? You don't even know how to acquire gear in DF and you're making arguments about its validity in the MMO market. *Sigh...* Okay, a quick crash course.
Items in DF are MUCH easier to come by than items in, for example, WoW. Almost every item in game (except for uber rare quest items [only few people will have these]) is possible to craft by players themselves. Some possible ways to acquire items would be these:
The game has a very UO-esque feel in this respect. You won't see everyone running around with the UBER PURPLE SWORDS OF ASS SLAYING. People are going to be running around in somewhat similar quality gear that can range from crappy (for the newbs) to GM (for established players). So it won't be a big deal if you die and lose your loot. You can just go back to your bank/house/clan vault and re-equip yourself.
If you are unprepaired and you die 10 times in the same day--you'd have to be pretty stupid to get PK'd 10 times in one day if you aren't looking for trouble--then you're going to have to scrape together some crappy gear, get a loner set, or beg a little bit, and start fresh.
What non-UO'rs don't get is that it doesn't take much time to get up and running again. In WoW, if you were to lose ALL of your gear, it would take a billion hours of dungeon raiding to get it all back. In DF, losing ALL of your gear, means simply asking someone for a spare set that you can use until you make a little cash again.
Realistically, you'll never be that poor. Only newbies will. After a few months of playing, every single characterin game should have enough cash to steadily re-supply themselves with armor, weapons, spell reagents, etc for days and days without a second of resource gathering.
To the OP:
"So, you name yourself something you hate in order to go post about the game you hate.
I love forum trolls. Dont you guys have better things to do then rip on a game you don't even like?"
So, whats your excuse for the constant trolling here on the DF boards?
This guy is 100% troll, take a look at his post history and you'll see he does nothing but jump from board to board trashing every game that isn't Warhammer.
Why don't all of you bickering in this thread just wait until Beta and try it for yourselves? Either the gameplay is there or it isn't but all of this pointless banter is an exersize in futility. The graphics are more than passable and the game does *look* fun but the only way any of you are going to know for sure is to actually play it.
One more point I must add though. There was no crafting in the video. That dwarf at the anvil is just an armor merchant and the interaction with him is someone buying a Chain Helm for 200gp. Pause the video and it becomes quite clear. We won't see any crafting until the game launches(or Beta) as Tasos has stated he won't show the crafting system until players experience it first hand. I only thought I would clear this up as a lot of people in this thread and in other threads have been saying there is crafting in the video when there is not.
Please please please tell me this was sarcastic. I have a feeling it wasnt and I now understand why some of these forum conversations are so tough to get decent discussion on.
No I wasn't sarcastic, what are MMORPG's about to you? My point of view is coming from a DnD player. I like going out and finding rare items and getting the best gear I can get. I like PvP as well but I don't like having the chance of losing stuff I worked hard to get. Yes full loot is more realistic but you know this is a game and games are supposed to be fun and that dosen't sound like to much fun to me. But if it sounds fun to you more power to ya.
Gret Job Rebn77!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You just pwn'ed the OP, and showed us all his true colors. Rebn77 you shall be known as "Sir Rebn77 The Troll Slayer". Well one troll we will never see here, so many more to go.
Waiting for:EQ-Next, ArcheAge (not so much anymore)
Now Playing: N/A
Favorite MMO: FFXI
hmm for some reason, and i could be wrong, i remembe a recent statement saying that it was a player crafter shown. you definitely make a good point, ill go see if i can find the quote if it exists.
Click this for lulz: http://www.mmorpg.com/discussion2.cfm/thread/173737/page/6
Please please please tell me this was sarcastic. I have a feeling it wasnt and I now understand why some of these forum conversations are so tough to get decent discussion on.
No I wasn't sarcastic, what are MMORPG's about to you? My point of view is coming from a DnD player. I like going out and finding rare items and getting the best gear I can get. I like PvP as well but I don't like having the chance of losing stuff I worked hard to get. Yes full loot is more realistic but you know this is a game and games are supposed to be fun and that dosen't sound like to much fun to me. But if it sounds fun to you more power to ya.
I can see the appeal to DnD, and I've always wanted to try it. However, its biggest appeal was the threat of permadeath at the hand other players. I love that risk.
However, I like DF because it's a game that isn't crafted for individual players. You can't be a hero for 15 bucks a month. And why would you want to be? If everyone is a hero, heroes become trite. The game isn't as magical anymore at that point. DF is different in that the world breaths and growns because of players, but completely independant of individual players. It's not a theme park, it's a sand box. It's different because of the risk. It's different because of the versatility of any given character--there are a thousand ways to approach any situation, rather than a) auto attack, b) wait. These are just a few of the reason that I like DF; there are many more.
Please please please tell me this was sarcastic. I have a feeling it wasnt and I now understand why some of these forum conversations are so tough to get decent discussion on.
No I wasn't sarcastic, what are MMORPG's about to you? My point of view is coming from a DnD player. I like going out and finding rare items and getting the best gear I can get. I like PvP as well but I don't like having the chance of losing stuff I worked hard to get. Yes full loot is more realistic but you know this is a game and games are supposed to be fun and that dosen't sound like to much fun to me. But if it sounds fun to you more power to ya.
I've played D&D for many, many years, and in that time I've not once played it for the loot or the levels. In fact some of my favorite sessions cost my character every piece of gear he had and didn't earn me a single experience point. For me the game has always been about the story, the characters, the exploration and discovery, and the chance to out-think my opponents.
I'll admit that Blizzard did a great job providing a world to explore and discover, and they had an interesting story, but eventually I saw it all and did it all. All my questing changed nothing. The lands I explored at level one hadn't changed at all in the months and months it took me to reach level 60.
There was nothing new anywhere because nothing ever really progressed... it just reset for the next hero, who then got to play through my story... not that my story was anything more than a re-telling of the story of all who went before me.
Here now we see the brilliance of the Sandbox PvP game. The players control the cities, they control the mines and the forges, they control the shops, they control the guards and the farmers, and they control the armies that wage war across the land. The world is always in flux. The city you visited a month ago isn't the same when you visit it tomorrow. It may have grown, or it may have fallen. It may be under siege or it may be amassing an army the likes of which the world has never seen. Perhaps its leadership has changed, perhaps its laws... Whatever the case, it, like everything else in the world, is different and ready to be explored again.
This is the beauty of DF's promise. An ever changing world with an ever evolving story. A world built, destroyed, and then rebuilt by those who play in it.
How do you think PvP is going to work out. We know several things for a fact:
Maybe this isn't enough to sell you, but this already sets DF pretty high on my list of MMOs because of just these facts alone. Let alone everything else that it is offering.
Well said mate... these 3 sweeties is what DF seems it will provide compared to automated/crippled gameplay combat systems that existing mmo's offer so far which some youngsters consider them quite playble. Go play severance blade of darkness or oblivion guys to see what a real combat simulation ofc fight looks like.. Lets hope greek+norwegian alliance of aventurine wont fail us ;S
Actually the OP made a very good point that all the DF Supporters keep over looking. DF even now continues to brag about the sheer amount of features it will have at release. AI, Crafting, City Building, Instanced but Open Dungeons, etc etc.
The complaint he is trying to make has nothing to do with graphics. His complaint is where is the gameplay. Yes Darkfall is a PvP game, but it also has made comments stating it's more then that. Pretty much claiming it will have parts to please the Crafters, PvP's, and PvE's. Yet the video released was pretty much 99.999% Combat and nothing else.
Combat is not entirely what makes up Darkfalls gameplay unless they suddenly started removing features. Which to my knowledge they haven't. The movie could have just as easily been 10 mins of combat. This includes the naval, city, mount, and foot combat. The rest of the video should have been showing off the other GAMEPLAY features, that they themselves claim are part of the current game.
Just about anyone here knew what to expect from Darkfalls combat. The video just reinforced it. What wasn't shown though is the other stuff.
How does harvesting resources work? Is it like UO or EQ2/WOW/Horizons with nodes that are used.
How does crafting actually work? Is there a recipe book? What does it look like? Where and what do you need for crafting? Is it like EQ2 where you have to be by certain benches? Will guild halls be able to have them in their cities?
How does skill progress worked? Is it like UO? Do they decline over time? Is there a limit to how many a single character can max out? or even raise?
How does raising a city work? Is it like Shadowbane where you don't have much control over the lay out of walls? How much space are you allowed to use? Does it use some sort of terrain overlay?
Hell there is plenty of other stuff on my mind and the minds of others. The video didn't answer much of anything as far as I'm concerned. If Darkfall was simply tagged as a Combat PvP Sandbox MMORPG. That would have been the best video ever to represent it. However Darkfall supposedly is not like that, it has a laundry list of stuff. Yet not single bit of useful video footage really exist for any of those other features. Just a "comprehensive" video that is almost 20 mins of nothing but combat. Graphics, Animations aside. They have nothing to do with why I was unimpressed with the video. The fact that the video was nothing but scene after scene of combat (staged at that). Is what made it unimpressive.
In War - Victory.
In Peace - Vigilance.
In Death - Sacrifice.
Kukimunga from what u say i must take it you are either complete noob or uhm brainless.
DDO has roll system for every mouse spaming u do it either surpasses the pponents armour class or not.
Yes i found it thought also quite boring and mindless, they should make the attacks occur much slower to add intense and agony for every attack/roll u perform.
In a combat system though like DF uses = complete manual where u have not only to use your left mouse button but to aim well also u cant just spam attacks!!!!!!!!!! understood? cappice? comprente?
if your mouse pointer aims few inches out of your oppontns frame you wont hit the target like it happens in DOO and false-manual combat system of aoc.. you ll see your sword going str8 to the ground...
i hope i enlighted u any =]
Just to point out something about the UI people keep asking about...
Dont expect it to be something that takes up a large % of your screen. It has been stated that they want to minimize the UI to increase immersion (an amazing idea) and not have a zillion buttons and hot bars on your screen.
Here is a screenshot that shows the UI...notice the health bar, the targeting crosshair, and what appears to be some skills....pretty much all you need. use keys to pull up menus when you need em.
But of course, this screenshot is obviously faked and photoshoped some health bars onto a screenshot created with an image progam....sigh
Click this for lulz: http://www.mmorpg.com/discussion2.cfm/thread/173737/page/6
I guess some people have been conditioned to accept UIs that look like this:
good lord ^^
gives me chills because i remember actually looking at my screen and seeing something similar that at one point. use to be a raid leader.....
Click this for lulz: http://www.mmorpg.com/discussion2.cfm/thread/173737/page/6
Actually the OP made a very good point that all the DF Supporters keep over looking. DF even now continues to brag about the sheer amount of features it will have at release. AI, Crafting, City Building, Instanced but Open Dungeons, etc etc.
The complaint he is trying to make has nothing to do with graphics. His complaint is where is the gameplay. Yes Darkfall is a PvP game, but it also has made comments stating it's more then that. Pretty much claiming it will have parts to please the Crafters, PvP's, and PvE's. Yet the video released was pretty much 99.999% Combat and nothing else.
Combat is not entirely what makes up Darkfalls gameplay unless they suddenly started removing features. Which to my knowledge they haven't. The movie could have just as easily been 10 mins of combat. This includes the naval, city, mount, and foot combat. The rest of the video should have been showing off the other GAMEPLAY features, that they themselves claim are part of the current game.
Just about anyone here knew what to expect from Darkfalls combat. The video just reinforced it. What wasn't shown though is the other stuff.
How does harvesting resources work? Is it like UO or EQ2/WOW/Horizons with nodes that are used.
How does crafting actually work? Is there a recipe book? What does it look like? Where and what do you need for crafting? Is it like EQ2 where you have to be by certain benches? Will guild halls be able to have them in their cities?
How does skill progress worked? Is it like UO? Do they decline over time? Is there a limit to how many a single character can max out? or even raise?
How does raising a city work? Is it like Shadowbane where you don't have much control over the lay out of walls? How much space are you allowed to use? Does it use some sort of terrain overlay?
Hell there is plenty of other stuff on my mind and the minds of others. The video didn't answer much of anything as far as I'm concerned. If Darkfall was simply tagged as a Combat PvP Sandbox MMORPG. That would have been the best video ever to represent it. However Darkfall supposedly is not like that, it has a laundry list of stuff. Yet not single bit of useful video footage really exist for any of those other features. Just a "comprehensive" video that is almost 20 mins of nothing but combat. Graphics, Animations aside. They have nothing to do with why I was unimpressed with the video. The fact that the video was nothing but scene after scene of combat (staged at that). Is what made it unimpressive.
This poster understands where I'm coming from. I'm not a troll, I don't hate DF. If you would actually consider the points I make instead of the knee-jerk fanboy flame reaction you would see it.
The video failed to show any features besides simple combat, and you recently joined 10-post forum users are so blind you don't even realize it. I read the DF forums because I'm interested in the game, but the utter falsified hype and immaturity behind this community is sickening. There's a mob of desperate fanboys who are bombing the hype of every game to boost DF to the top. It ruins the reputation, and when you interpret a simple combat video as OMG IT HAS EVERYTHING, people turn away from the game.
You're one-sided fanboy zeal is hurting DF more than helping it.
In memory of Laura "Taera" Genender. Passed away on Aug/13/08 - Rest In Peace; you will not be forgotten
Screenshots....he wasnt refering to the video. Funny how some people seem to already have what they want to say in response to someone before they even read what they wrote. That or they just have a list of comments that no one will convince them may be wrong.
To be clear...he said SCREENSHOTS of the UI....and not refering to the 15 seconds of the video you mentio. I should quit my job, there is a small fortune to be made in the Tinfoil Hat industry it seems.
Also Bren made some good points mike that you may want to read.
Click this for lulz: http://www.mmorpg.com/discussion2.cfm/thread/173737/page/6
Actually the OP made a very good point that all the DF Supporters keep over looking. DF even now continues to brag about the sheer amount of features it will have at release. AI, Crafting, City Building, Instanced but Open Dungeons, etc etc.
The complaint he is trying to make has nothing to do with graphics. His complaint is where is the gameplay. Yes Darkfall is a PvP game, but it also has made comments stating it's more then that. Pretty much claiming it will have parts to please the Crafters, PvP's, and PvE's. Yet the video released was pretty much 99.999% Combat and nothing else.
Combat is not entirely what makes up Darkfalls gameplay unless they suddenly started removing features. Which to my knowledge they haven't. The movie could have just as easily been 10 mins of combat. This includes the naval, city, mount, and foot combat. The rest of the video should have been showing off the other GAMEPLAY features, that they themselves claim are part of the current game.
Just about anyone here knew what to expect from Darkfalls combat. The video just reinforced it. What wasn't shown though is the other stuff.
How does harvesting resources work? Is it like UO or EQ2/WOW/Horizons with nodes that are used.
How does crafting actually work? Is there a recipe book? What does it look like? Where and what do you need for crafting? Is it like EQ2 where you have to be by certain benches? Will guild halls be able to have them in their cities?
How does skill progress worked? Is it like UO? Do they decline over time? Is there a limit to how many a single character can max out? or even raise?
How does raising a city work? Is it like Shadowbane where you don't have much control over the lay out of walls? How much space are you allowed to use? Does it use some sort of terrain overlay?
Hell there is plenty of other stuff on my mind and the minds of others. The video didn't answer much of anything as far as I'm concerned. If Darkfall was simply tagged as a Combat PvP Sandbox MMORPG. That would have been the best video ever to represent it. However Darkfall supposedly is not like that, it has a laundry list of stuff. Yet not single bit of useful video footage really exist for any of those other features. Just a "comprehensive" video that is almost 20 mins of nothing but combat. Graphics, Animations aside. They have nothing to do with why I was unimpressed with the video. The fact that the video was nothing but scene after scene of combat (staged at that). Is what made it unimpressive.
You, sir, are 100% correct. Thank you for bringing some logic and reason into these forums; we honestly need it.
I'm not talking about rabid fanboys. The trolls have been lacking logic too, so it goes both ways !
I was just reading this www.gamesindustry.biz/articles/sins-of-a-solar-empire-hits-500k-units-sold
This an example of a game from a very small studio which in a way has redifined the genre and has had big success. I don't know why the nay-sayers find it so hard to give Aventurine the benefit of the doubt until release.
Screenshots....he wasnt refering to the video. Funny how some people seem to already have what they want to say in response to someone before they even read what they wrote. That or they just have a list of comments that no one will convince them may be wrong.
To be clear...he said SCREENSHOTS of the UI....and not refering to the 15 seconds of the video you mentio. I should quit my job, there is a small fortune to be made in the Tinfoil Hat industry it seems.
Also Bren made some good points mike that you may want to read.
I suppose I misread; although it's nice to know misreading something can quickly turn into personal attacks. It seems like I've made enemies....it's going to be an interesting couple of months.
But still, there isn't enough of the UI for me. I don't want screenshots, I want to see it in action. UI screens don't really show the gameplay.
I just love how players just look at the DF video and see the best gameplay ever...I suppose I just don't realy see great gameplay in the video (not saying DF doesn't have great gameplay, I just didn't get that vibe forkm the video).
Then again, I'm sure someone will still end up attacking me.
In memory of Laura "Taera" Genender. Passed away on Aug/13/08 - Rest In Peace; you will not be forgotten
Because they somehow feel "wronged" by Aventurine.
Click this for lulz: http://www.mmorpg.com/discussion2.cfm/thread/173737/page/6
Actually the OP made a very good point that all the DF Supporters keep over looking. DF even now continues to brag about the sheer amount of features it will have at release. AI, Crafting, City Building, Instanced but Open Dungeons, etc etc.
The complaint he is trying to make has nothing to do with graphics. His complaint is where is the gameplay. Yes Darkfall is a PvP game, but it also has made comments stating it's more then that. Pretty much claiming it will have parts to please the Crafters, PvP's, and PvE's. Yet the video released was pretty much 99.999% Combat and nothing else.
Combat is not entirely what makes up Darkfalls gameplay unless they suddenly started removing features. Which to my knowledge they haven't. The movie could have just as easily been 10 mins of combat. This includes the naval, city, mount, and foot combat. The rest of the video should have been showing off the other GAMEPLAY features, that they themselves claim are part of the current game.
Just about anyone here knew what to expect from Darkfalls combat. The video just reinforced it. What wasn't shown though is the other stuff.
How does harvesting resources work? Is it like UO or EQ2/WOW/Horizons with nodes that are used.
How does crafting actually work? Is there a recipe book? What does it look like? Where and what do you need for crafting? Is it like EQ2 where you have to be by certain benches? Will guild halls be able to have them in their cities?
How does skill progress worked? Is it like UO? Do they decline over time? Is there a limit to how many a single character can max out? or even raise?
How does raising a city work? Is it like Shadowbane where you don't have much control over the lay out of walls? How much space are you allowed to use? Does it use some sort of terrain overlay?
Hell there is plenty of other stuff on my mind and the minds of others. The video didn't answer much of anything as far as I'm concerned. If Darkfall was simply tagged as a Combat PvP Sandbox MMORPG. That would have been the best video ever to represent it. However Darkfall supposedly is not like that, it has a laundry list of stuff. Yet not single bit of useful video footage really exist for any of those other features. Just a "comprehensive" video that is almost 20 mins of nothing but combat. Graphics, Animations aside. They have nothing to do with why I was unimpressed with the video. The fact that the video was nothing but scene after scene of combat (staged at that). Is what made it unimpressive.
In memory of Laura "Taera" Genender. Passed away on Aug/13/08 - Rest In Peace; you will not be forgotten