WoW players are below average, and don't belong in other MMORPGs. They belong in easy-mode games where the company literally has to hand them gear for doing ANYTHING because they suck that much.
So show me your Furious Gladiator title and I know you're right.
Truth is ... you never reached anything in WOW PvP status with that ladder system.
How come ? You "sucked" (use your own words) too much ... or perhaps (like always) blame it on the game you didn't go anywhere...
As it happens tonight I just ran into a REAL Furious Gladiator in AB and I was ... unlucky since he had a couple of friends with him on the Horde side, all Gladiators (meaning top 0.5% of the PvP competition).
Had still fun though and I took a few snapshots of the Furious Gladiator.
As you know the Furious Gladiator title is only given to the FIRST of the number one team of each PvP season in EACH Battlegroup (17 servers in this case).
So that guy (druid btw) is best of around 150.000-200.000 (PvP) players (tx to the cross server Battlegroups). In our case the Blackout EU BG.
I guess the question of who "sucks" is quite entertaining isn't it ?:)))) The above poster or the one with the ladder based title....
Dude, you really took a picture of a guy owning you just because he had a title? That just means you lack essential skill. Now let's pretend you played a game with penalties for dying, you would actually get penalized for your poor play and lose levels. You'd have to grind that experience back every time you come up short in battle. That's why players flock to WoW, they want to lose a lot and dont want the consequences of losing. That's why those titles are meaningless because the best of them is still from a lower quality stock of player. He may be the cream of the crop, but the crop is genetically modified and pesticide laden corn in this case. Thanks, but I think I'll take organic corn instead.
Ah, so mindless and simple grinding means a game has more skill? Ah I get it. Tell ya what. Everytime you die in WOW go kill 500 green mobs. Pretend it was EXP loss. A smart player can easily RP it because it would give the death some meaning and force you to play better. There are your consequences. But I just bet you would feel stupid killing a bunch of mobs when you don't have to? Why on earth would anyone mindless go kill 500 mobs just for the hell of it, right? THATs exactly what EXP loss or some pointless time based penalty is. Pointless. If choosing to inflict the penalty on yourself sounds stupid, the game forcing it upon you is JUST AS STUPID. Players flock to WOW because a game forcing you to essentially do something you would never choose to do for fun is STUPID!!! Thats why most people don't play games that kick you in the nuts=) Its STUPID to play a game that wastes your time. By the way, do you enjoy getting kicked in the nuts because playing a game that makes you do something pointless is like choosing to be kicked in the nuts;)
You do know what a ladder is? You don't GRIND the title by killing a bunch of scrubs. You have to beat better and better people to you know, CLIMB the ladder. But I forget, EVERYONE who plays WOW sucks=) You just faceroll the keyboard blindfolded and you win, hehe.
Ya know kid, WoW PvP is the embodiment of mindless and simple grinding. Instead of having real time world PvP where you compete over meaningful gear and raids you basically grind battlegrounds and arena for hand-me-down gladiator gear that is complete crap in PVE. Then ya gotta blow your arena points to stay competitive with the other arena grinders. What did you accomplish at the end of the season? A title and gear that is quickly outdated by the added item levels to next season's batch. It is a formula that is getting old. And yeah, those gladiators would cancel their accounts if they got a taste of the hard core PvP where you gotta get your corpse back against impossible odds and heavy exp losses. That means those gladiators are more like badiators in the real pvp world.
Sure, you were never at the top. You cannot beat them 1 on 1, you cannot form a team with enough coordination to beat them, so you use words to beat them.
We hereby proclaim you perpetual winner in the ladder of assault by words. You win, hands down.
Here is the new lesson to learn: if you cannot do it, talk as if not doing it takes more skill.
The simple fact that you won and you won by playing better than the next guy is all that matters. Its no different from a Superbowl trophy. Next year someone else wins. But that doesn't discount that the Steelers won last year. Does it diminish the win because someone else wins again? Its utter proof they were THE BEST that season just like winning a season in WOW. After I quit, I really didn't care about my meaningless accomplishments anyway, because its a videogame. No one really cares. But its fun when you're doing it. You think taking a keep in DAOC or blowing up a spaceship in Eve has more meaning? Its all just for fun. If you're still reminiscing about your grand accomplishments in DAOC, Eve or EQ years after you've done them...Oh BOY=)
Like it was said above, please don't claim how easy something is if you can't prove you can do it too. Thats the wonder of the WOW armory for example. It shows EVERYONE who's a fraud, hehe. You can't fake being good and nobody really cares if you claim everyone sucks. If you can't prove it, time to zip it=)
WoW armory shows time wasted. That's pretty much it.
Once again, if you do not have it, pretend that it is cooler and wiser being unable to get there. You really look wise.
Some people here really need to get laid. Hey geniuses, what people feel is "the best" is completely subjective and a result of individual experiences and preference.
I agree. My memories of EQ seem to hinge around a bunch of loser nerds in a graphical chatroom waiting around to engage in tedious combat with poorly-designed little monsters. If it wasn't for WoW I'd probably continued to avoid MMOs in general, not because of some perceived difficulty of the games (since by nature no MMO is 'HARD'), but so I wouldn't be forced to associate with people like the douchebags in this thread. Good god, it's like reading post after post made by the Comic Book Guy from the Simpsons.
Well if your analogy is correct,what would you say to the FACT that these loser nerds are the creators of WOW?
I would say you are playing a game designed by a bunch of losers?Is that not EXACTLY what you are saying?I would say you are one of the MANY WOW followers,because you would know that EQ players that STILL play EQ are the guys that made WOW and still play EQ to this day.
I think this further proves the immaturity of MANY of the WOW community.When we say immature community,of course we do not mean everyone,heck i work with a fairly reasonable person who admits to being a WOW fanatic,but the game DOES carry the baggage of being the worst community of any game.
The other bad part about the WOW community,is the FORMER WOW players or the ones that are bored of Wow and choose to game hop ruining other games.There is ONLY one type of person that continually ruins chat in MANY games,and that is former Wow players flaming games that don't do things the way WOW does them.
I would say it is 100/0,every single time some idiot blasts his mouth in chat,he ALWAYS mentions WOW,i have NEVER heard another game even mentioned,so that is quite a large ratio of idiots>>>100/0.If they love WOW so much why do they even bother to join these other games?Why do they bother to spend their whole day flaming chat ,instead of actually playing?
I can answer it because one of those WOW flamers actually gave a reason,when i asked why he wasn't out playing the game or going back to Wow instead of ruining chat>>>>He said ,because I can""I have every right to do whatever i want,it is my account,not yours".Ya no kidding,all it did was confirm the Wow community.
Never forget 3 mile Island and never trust a government official or company spokesman.
Originally posted by JosherSo playing WOW is just wasting time then? Thats OK. Everyone's opinion is different. Now please tell us which MMO is NOT about wasting time, then explain why your time spent playing that MMO is more important or meaningful than someone elses? Then we have have some perspective;)
I didn't mean it in a negative way. I disagree with what you said about how the WoW armory proves or disproves someones skill. I thought spending countless hours grinding away in a game didn't define the difficulty? Apparently that argument is for EQ alone. haha
The difference between WoW and EQ are so simple that I cannot understand how people cannot see it.
In WoW nothing but time and yourself can stop you from advancing forward.
In EQ everything can stop you from advancing including time and yourself.
In WoW you just keep marching forward with nothing in the game able to stop you from progressing, so like a treadmill you just keep going and going.
In EQ, death can slow you down or stop you, zones can slow you down or stop you. The game has in place things to stop players from moving forward unless they are smart enough to over come them.
I have nothing againts WoW. I am back playing it again because my roommate wanted to give EQ1 a break again.
WoW anyone can get max level with max gear with max faction. The only thing that will stop someone is themselfs. Given enough time anyone can max out their character. (this is seen as a major plus for many but not for gamers like myself)
EQ only the strong make it to max level, with max gear and max faction (is that possible?). If you are not smart or not a good problem solver or pissed too many people off or do not know your class inside and out then you will not be able to advance past a certain point in EQ1. It took "skill" to master the gameplay and even then their were events that were hard as hell even for the best of the best.
WoW vs EQ. The winner depends on your personal style of taste. Do you like to earn and work for your rewards or do you feel that putting in enough time should equal rewards. It is that simple. That is the difference between WoW and EQ1. Do you want to earn your rewards (EQ1) or do you want to be given the rewards based on time invested. (WoW)
I have been in EQ1 since launch and experienced the horrors of Oggok in day 1. I have to disagree.
EQ1 is "time consuming". It is not hard. That is my catch.
(1) Having to read your spell book after every pull for 5 minutes to mana back up and repull is not hard. How hard is it to go afk every pull for 5 minutes?
(2) Having to travel the same route for an hour to get to entrance of a dungeon is not hard. After travelling every day, any day, I know by instinct which corner to turn, which mob to dodge. That is not hard. Having to wait for hours organise 40 guys for a raid is hard, you know. Actually it takes longer to wait for the guys to show up than to kill the boss. The game is hard. We pay to train up our patience, we do not pay to play. You skill in patience has increase from 351 to 352.
(3) Having to wait for hours to get into a camp is not hard, how hard is it to shout "camp check" and then wait for an hour or 2? After all we pay to wait in EQ, waiting is our gameplay.
(4) Having to travel to EC tunnels to spam "Selling XYZ for 12000 plats". Just stand there, spam for hours and wait for a tell, than haggle. After all using an automated vendor machine (aka AH) is a shame, it is not hard enough.
(5) Having to lose a level after enough wipes in progression trials is hard. After all, we want to revisit level (max-1) every now and then and retrain our reflex on the same bunch of mobs, for a week, just to refill the max level xp bar. That is hard, you know, I have to kill the lower level mobs to feel hardiness.
(6) Having to share the bosses is hard. You know, we have to go to diplomacy, to word wars in forums, to train each other, in order to get to the boss spawn. After all, there is only one boss per week or every few days for the whole server. That makes it hard. There is no progression b/c the developer does not allow enough opportunities for all paying clients to enjoy the content. That is the kind of hardiness I should enjoy when paying for entertainment. It is like playing tennis. Instead of each group playing its own game, the court owners allows only 1 tennis across all game courts, so the teams have to work out who plays the next 5 minutes. Yet everyone must pay for showing up and waiting for the tennis.
Yeah, EQ must be hard. Oh is it, oh I am so confused. Which part of my body is hardened?
(As an additional point "Waiting 36 hours for a spawn" does not make a quest "harder" than "Go to the alter, click it, then kill the spawn". It just makes it more tedious. And anyone who says that EQs quests were "harder" because of the lack of maps, glowy punctuation marks, etc, I have one word for you: Allakazam.) (Basically, a quest is "hard" for the first person to do it, and then cookbook for everyone after that. And if anyone thinks that tedium==fun, then, let me tell you about how much ore I had to mine in WoW to make it to Armorsmith. Easily as ted... I mean, FUN... as anything in EQ1.)
I never considered EQs spawn timers as a way of judging how 'hard' the content is, but those timers do serve a purpose. If the devs want to control the influx of loot into the game, one of the tools they use to control that flow is the spawn timer. When you do not limit the flow of loot into a game, using WoW as an example, you reduce the value of those items. With the abundance of welfare epics today, the sense of accomplishment you got in the older games is pretty much gone.
Wrong, they are controlling the supply to make it look "worthy". Things appears more valuable if they are in short supply. That is how manufacturers fool customers by making restrictions in supply. Only 1000 cups worldwide, $5million a cup. Is the cup better?
Same for the bosses. We can kill the bosses, SoE do not have the time and money to create additional content. The coding and project developement skills in the 90s are less efficient. We can understand that. So to keep the clients from "finishing" the content, SoE comes up with ration.
It has nothing to do with loot, as loot is relative. In the early WoW days, epic is epic, and a full blue suite is already very impressive. Nowadays, there are many grades of epics, a full suite of welfare epics means just entry gear. One reason why SoE restrict supply of better gear is to ration the boss more. Without enough gear, many simply cannot attempt the bosses being rationed, so the ration is less painful. If every guild in the server is queuing up to kill the world boss, they can only do it once every 3 years.
No, SoE restricted the world bosses simply b/c they want to ration their limited content. Sense of accomplishment is all the same. When epics are hard, getting a blue is bliss. When epics are abundant, getting a good epic is bliss. You are not that stupid to be fooled by the color of the descriptive text, are you?
WoW keeps churning out new content, every 2-4 months. They allow people to smoothly finish the content within the period because they are confident they have new toys in the pipeline. There is no need to ration boss, to restrict supply. Let all paying customers try it out. New toys are already in the patch way before the clients are fully done with the old toys.
EQ give few new contents, they ration it. WoW pumps out new content, so everyone can play and enjoy. You might not like WoW's content, that is your opinion, we need not agree with each other onthat. But pretending that restricting content and rationing it artificially is better service to paying customers, is simply sad logic.
WoW is the best MMOG out there. Stop being so butt hurt.
Your right WoW is the best MMOG but not the best MMORPG, because now its basically just a lobby game like Diablo was.
WoW is a game we play, some of us play. Using different words to describe the game does not change gameplay. If I like the game, you can call it cow shit and I still enjoy it. Does not make me look stupid, does not make you any more intelligent.
Some people here really need to get laid. Hey geniuses, what people feel is "the best" is completely subjective and a result of individual experiences and preference.
I agree. My memories of EQ seem to hinge around a bunch of loser nerds in a graphical chatroom waiting around to engage in tedious combat with poorly-designed little monsters. If it wasn't for WoW I'd probably continued to avoid MMOs in general, not because of some perceived difficulty of the games (since by nature no MMO is 'HARD'), but so I wouldn't be forced to associate with people like the douchebags in this thread. Good god, it's like reading post after post made by the Comic Book Guy from the Simpsons.
Well if your analogy is correct,what would you say to the FACT that these loser nerds are the creators of WOW? It is a fact that they are hired to make a successful product and you are here butt hurt and throwing out words like nerds as your only source of compensation. Did Blizzard fire you and hire them?
I would say you are playing a game designed by a bunch of losers?Is that not EXACTLY what you are saying?I would say you are one of the MANY WOW followers,because you would know that EQ players that STILL play EQ are the guys that made WOW and still play EQ to this day. Oh we enjoy the game they make you cannot, you failed, calling them loser still cannot hide the FACT that you cannot enjoy the game. Oh you have proves that they still play EQ and enjoy it?
I think this further proves the immaturity of MANY of the WOW community.When we say immature community,of course we do not mean everyone,heck i work with a fairly reasonable person who admits to being a WOW fanatic,but the game DOES carry the baggage of being the worst community of any game. Well at least our community has one less obnoxious member, you. That about makes us at least the second worst, as whatever game community with you as member must be the worst. See my logic? Just as illogical as baseless as you.
The other bad part about the WOW community,is the FORMER WOW players or the ones that are bored of Wow and choose to game hop ruining other games.There is ONLY one type of person that continually ruins chat in MANY games,and that is former Wow players flaming games that don't do things the way WOW does them. Oh some former members quit, many returns, even more new members keep joining. Is that a natural part of the community. I know people moving from US and settling down in Africa, in the North Pole. US must be a horrible place to live. Is that your logic?
I would say it is 100/0,every single time some idiot blasts his mouth in chat,he ALWAYS mentions WOW,i have NEVER heard another game even mentioned,so that is quite a large ratio of idiots>>>100/0.If they love WOW so much why do they even bother to join these other games?Why do they bother to spend their whole day flaming chat ,instead of actually playing? I would say the same for you. Every thing you blast is EQ.
I can answer it because one of those WOW flamers actually gave a reason,when i asked why he wasn't out playing the game or going back to Wow instead of ruining chat>>>>He said ,because I can""I have every right to do whatever i want,it is my account,not yours".Ya no kidding,all it did was confirm the Wow community. Which is exactly the meaning of personal freedom. I do what I want, you are just plain stupid trying to make me look stupid. Why do I need to follow your ideas? Especially when I see the totally folly in your vain arguments?
I have brains, I know what I want. I do not need you to agree with me. Fact is, you being so obnoxious, I am grateful you are not in my game.
Your right WoW is the best MMOG but not the best MMORPG, because now its basically just a lobby game like Diablo was.
You fail on so many levels.
1 - Wow is instanced, but made in a way the game still feels and looks massive.
2 - who are you to judge what a real mmo is ??
With your logic, only movies made in 1930's are realm movies, and all the new ones are just movs.
So show me your Furious Gladiator title and I know you're right.
Truth is ... you never reached anything in WOW PvP status with that ladder system.
How come ? You "sucked" (use your own words) too much ... or perhaps (like always) blame it on the game you didn't go anywhere...
As it happens tonight I just ran into a REAL Furious Gladiator in AB and I was ... unlucky since he had a couple of friends with him on the Horde side, all Gladiators (meaning top 0.5% of the PvP competition).
Had still fun though and I took a few snapshots of the Furious Gladiator.
As you know the Furious Gladiator title is only given to the FIRST of the number one team of each PvP season in EACH Battlegroup (17 servers in this case).
So that guy (druid btw) is best of around 150.000-200.000 (PvP) players (tx to the cross server Battlegroups). In our case the Blackout EU BG.
I guess the question of who "sucks" is quite entertaining isn't it ?:)))) The above poster or the one with the ladder based title....
Dude, you really took a picture of a guy owning you just because he had a title? That just means you lack essential skill. Now let's pretend you played a game with penalties for dying, you would actually get penalized for your poor play and lose levels. You'd have to grind that experience back every time you come up short in battle. That's why players flock to WoW, they want to lose a lot and dont want the consequences of losing. That's why those titles are meaningless because the best of them is still from a lower quality stock of player. He may be the cream of the crop, but the crop is genetically modified and pesticide laden corn in this case. Thanks, but I think I'll take organic corn instead.
Ah, so mindless and simple grinding means a game has more skill? Ah I get it. Tell ya what. Everytime you die in WOW go kill 500 green mobs. Pretend it was EXP loss. A smart player can easily RP it because it would give the death some meaning and force you to play better. There are your consequences. But I just bet you would feel stupid killing a bunch of mobs when you don't have to? Why on earth would anyone mindless go kill 500 mobs just for the hell of it, right? THATs exactly what EXP loss or some pointless time based penalty is. Pointless. If choosing to inflict the penalty on yourself sounds stupid, the game forcing it upon you is JUST AS STUPID. Players flock to WOW because a game forcing you to essentially do something you would never choose to do for fun is STUPID!!! Thats why most people don't play games that kick you in the nuts=) Its STUPID to play a game that wastes your time. By the way, do you enjoy getting kicked in the nuts because playing a game that makes you do something pointless is like choosing to be kicked in the nuts;)
You do know what a ladder is? You don't GRIND the title by killing a bunch of scrubs. You have to beat better and better people to you know, CLIMB the ladder. But I forget, EVERYONE who plays WOW sucks=) You just faceroll the keyboard blindfolded and you win, hehe.
Ya know kid, WoW PvP is the embodiment of mindless and simple grinding. Instead of having real time world PvP where you compete over meaningful gear and raids you basically grind battlegrounds and arena for hand-me-down gladiator gear that is complete crap in PVE. Then ya gotta blow your arena points to stay competitive with the other arena grinders. What did you accomplish at the end of the season? A title and gear that is quickly outdated by the added item levels to next season's batch. It is a formula that is getting old. And yeah, those gladiators would cancel their accounts if they got a taste of the hard core PvP where you gotta get your corpse back against impossible odds and heavy exp losses. That means those gladiators are more like badiators in the real pvp world.
Sure, you were never at the top. You cannot beat them 1 on 1, you cannot form a team with enough coordination to beat them, so you use words to beat them.
We hereby proclaim you perpetual winner in the ladder of assault by words. You win, hands down.
Here is the new lesson to learn: if you cannot do it, talk as if not doing it takes more skill.
The simple fact that you won and you won by playing better than the next guy is all that matters. Its no different from a Superbowl trophy. Next year someone else wins. But that doesn't discount that the Steelers won last year. Does it diminish the win because someone else wins again? Its utter proof they were THE BEST that season just like winning a season in WOW. After I quit, I really didn't care about my meaningless accomplishments anyway, because its a videogame. No one really cares. But its fun when you're doing it. You think taking a keep in DAOC or blowing up a spaceship in Eve has more meaning? Its all just for fun. If you're still reminiscing about your grand accomplishments in DAOC, Eve or EQ years after you've done them...Oh BOY=)
Like it was said above, please don't claim how easy something is if you can't prove you can do it too. Thats the wonder of the WOW armory for example. It shows EVERYONE who's a fraud, hehe. You can't fake being good and nobody really cares if you claim everyone sucks. If you can't prove it, time to zip it=)
WoW armory shows time wasted. That's pretty much it.
Once again, if you do not have it, pretend that it is cooler and wiser being unable to get there. You really look wise.
I agree. My memories of EQ seem to hinge around a bunch of loser nerds in a graphical chatroom waiting around to engage in tedious combat with poorly-designed little monsters. If it wasn't for WoW I'd probably continued to avoid MMOs in general, not because of some perceived difficulty of the games (since by nature no MMO is 'HARD'), but so I wouldn't be forced to associate with people like the douchebags in this thread. Good god, it's like reading post after post made by the Comic Book Guy from the Simpsons.
Well if your analogy is correct,what would you say to the FACT that these loser nerds are the creators of WOW?
I would say you are playing a game designed by a bunch of losers?Is that not EXACTLY what you are saying?I would say you are one of the MANY WOW followers,because you would know that EQ players that STILL play EQ are the guys that made WOW and still play EQ to this day.
I think this further proves the immaturity of MANY of the WOW community.When we say immature community,of course we do not mean everyone,heck i work with a fairly reasonable person who admits to being a WOW fanatic,but the game DOES carry the baggage of being the worst community of any game.
The other bad part about the WOW community,is the FORMER WOW players or the ones that are bored of Wow and choose to game hop ruining other games.There is ONLY one type of person that continually ruins chat in MANY games,and that is former Wow players flaming games that don't do things the way WOW does them.
I would say it is 100/0,every single time some idiot blasts his mouth in chat,he ALWAYS mentions WOW,i have NEVER heard another game even mentioned,so that is quite a large ratio of idiots>>>100/0.If they love WOW so much why do they even bother to join these other games?Why do they bother to spend their whole day flaming chat ,instead of actually playing?
I can answer it because one of those WOW flamers actually gave a reason,when i asked why he wasn't out playing the game or going back to Wow instead of ruining chat>>>>He said ,because I can""I have every right to do whatever i want,it is my account,not yours".Ya no kidding,all it did was confirm the Wow community.
Never forget 3 mile Island and never trust a government official or company spokesman.
I didn't mean it in a negative way. I disagree with what you said about how the WoW armory proves or disproves someones skill. I thought spending countless hours grinding away in a game didn't define the difficulty? Apparently that argument is for EQ alone. haha
The difference between WoW and EQ are so simple that I cannot understand how people cannot see it.
In WoW nothing but time and yourself can stop you from advancing forward.
In EQ everything can stop you from advancing including time and yourself.
In WoW you just keep marching forward with nothing in the game able to stop you from progressing, so like a treadmill you just keep going and going.
In EQ, death can slow you down or stop you, zones can slow you down or stop you. The game has in place things to stop players from moving forward unless they are smart enough to over come them.
I have nothing againts WoW. I am back playing it again because my roommate wanted to give EQ1 a break again.
WoW anyone can get max level with max gear with max faction. The only thing that will stop someone is themselfs. Given enough time anyone can max out their character. (this is seen as a major plus for many but not for gamers like myself)
EQ only the strong make it to max level, with max gear and max faction (is that possible?). If you are not smart or not a good problem solver or pissed too many people off or do not know your class inside and out then you will not be able to advance past a certain point in EQ1. It took "skill" to master the gameplay and even then their were events that were hard as hell even for the best of the best.
WoW vs EQ. The winner depends on your personal style of taste. Do you like to earn and work for your rewards or do you feel that putting in enough time should equal rewards. It is that simple. That is the difference between WoW and EQ1. Do you want to earn your rewards (EQ1) or do you want to be given the rewards based on time invested. (WoW)
I have been in EQ1 since launch and experienced the horrors of Oggok in day 1. I have to disagree.
EQ1 is "time consuming". It is not hard. That is my catch.
(1) Having to read your spell book after every pull for 5 minutes to mana back up and repull is not hard. How hard is it to go afk every pull for 5 minutes?
(2) Having to travel the same route for an hour to get to entrance of a dungeon is not hard. After travelling every day, any day, I know by instinct which corner to turn, which mob to dodge. That is not hard. Having to wait for hours organise 40 guys for a raid is hard, you know. Actually it takes longer to wait for the guys to show up than to kill the boss. The game is hard. We pay to train up our patience, we do not pay to play. You skill in patience has increase from 351 to 352.
(3) Having to wait for hours to get into a camp is not hard, how hard is it to shout "camp check" and then wait for an hour or 2? After all we pay to wait in EQ, waiting is our gameplay.
(4) Having to travel to EC tunnels to spam "Selling XYZ for 12000 plats". Just stand there, spam for hours and wait for a tell, than haggle. After all using an automated vendor machine (aka AH) is a shame, it is not hard enough.
(5) Having to lose a level after enough wipes in progression trials is hard. After all, we want to revisit level (max-1) every now and then and retrain our reflex on the same bunch of mobs, for a week, just to refill the max level xp bar. That is hard, you know, I have to kill the lower level mobs to feel hardiness.
(6) Having to share the bosses is hard. You know, we have to go to diplomacy, to word wars in forums, to train each other, in order to get to the boss spawn. After all, there is only one boss per week or every few days for the whole server. That makes it hard. There is no progression b/c the developer does not allow enough opportunities for all paying clients to enjoy the content. That is the kind of hardiness I should enjoy when paying for entertainment. It is like playing tennis. Instead of each group playing its own game, the court owners allows only 1 tennis across all game courts, so the teams have to work out who plays the next 5 minutes. Yet everyone must pay for showing up and waiting for the tennis.
Yeah, EQ must be hard. Oh is it, oh I am so confused. Which part of my body is hardened?
Your right WoW is the best MMOG but not the best MMORPG, because now its basically just a lobby game like Diablo was.
You fail on so many levels.
1 - Wow is instanced, but made in a way the game still feels and looks massive.
2 - who are you to judge what a real mmo is ??
With your logic, only movies made in 1930's are realm movies, and all the new ones are just movs.
Your last line is brilliant and totally spot on.
I never considered EQs spawn timers as a way of judging how 'hard' the content is, but those timers do serve a purpose. If the devs want to control the influx of loot into the game, one of the tools they use to control that flow is the spawn timer. When you do not limit the flow of loot into a game, using WoW as an example, you reduce the value of those items. With the abundance of welfare epics today, the sense of accomplishment you got in the older games is pretty much gone.
Wrong, they are controlling the supply to make it look "worthy". Things appears more valuable if they are in short supply. That is how manufacturers fool customers by making restrictions in supply. Only 1000 cups worldwide, $5million a cup. Is the cup better?
Same for the bosses. We can kill the bosses, SoE do not have the time and money to create additional content. The coding and project developement skills in the 90s are less efficient. We can understand that. So to keep the clients from "finishing" the content, SoE comes up with ration.
It has nothing to do with loot, as loot is relative. In the early WoW days, epic is epic, and a full blue suite is already very impressive. Nowadays, there are many grades of epics, a full suite of welfare epics means just entry gear. One reason why SoE restrict supply of better gear is to ration the boss more. Without enough gear, many simply cannot attempt the bosses being rationed, so the ration is less painful. If every guild in the server is queuing up to kill the world boss, they can only do it once every 3 years.
No, SoE restricted the world bosses simply b/c they want to ration their limited content. Sense of accomplishment is all the same. When epics are hard, getting a blue is bliss. When epics are abundant, getting a good epic is bliss. You are not that stupid to be fooled by the color of the descriptive text, are you?
WoW keeps churning out new content, every 2-4 months. They allow people to smoothly finish the content within the period because they are confident they have new toys in the pipeline. There is no need to ration boss, to restrict supply. Let all paying customers try it out. New toys are already in the patch way before the clients are fully done with the old toys.
EQ give few new contents, they ration it. WoW pumps out new content, so everyone can play and enjoy. You might not like WoW's content, that is your opinion, we need not agree with each other onthat. But pretending that restricting content and rationing it artificially is better service to paying customers, is simply sad logic.
Your right WoW is the best MMOG but not the best MMORPG, because now its basically just a lobby game like Diablo was.
WoW is a game we play, some of us play. Using different words to describe the game does not change gameplay. If I like the game, you can call it cow shit and I still enjoy it. Does not make me look stupid, does not make you any more intelligent.
I agree. My memories of EQ seem to hinge around a bunch of loser nerds in a graphical chatroom waiting around to engage in tedious combat with poorly-designed little monsters. If it wasn't for WoW I'd probably continued to avoid MMOs in general, not because of some perceived difficulty of the games (since by nature no MMO is 'HARD'), but so I wouldn't be forced to associate with people like the douchebags in this thread. Good god, it's like reading post after post made by the Comic Book Guy from the Simpsons.
Well if your analogy is correct,what would you say to the FACT that these loser nerds are the creators of WOW? It is a fact that they are hired to make a successful product and you are here butt hurt and throwing out words like nerds as your only source of compensation. Did Blizzard fire you and hire them?
I would say you are playing a game designed by a bunch of losers?Is that not EXACTLY what you are saying?I would say you are one of the MANY WOW followers,because you would know that EQ players that STILL play EQ are the guys that made WOW and still play EQ to this day. Oh we enjoy the game they make you cannot, you failed, calling them loser still cannot hide the FACT that you cannot enjoy the game. Oh you have proves that they still play EQ and enjoy it?
I think this further proves the immaturity of MANY of the WOW community.When we say immature community,of course we do not mean everyone,heck i work with a fairly reasonable person who admits to being a WOW fanatic,but the game DOES carry the baggage of being the worst community of any game. Well at least our community has one less obnoxious member, you. That about makes us at least the second worst, as whatever game community with you as member must be the worst. See my logic? Just as illogical as baseless as you.
The other bad part about the WOW community,is the FORMER WOW players or the ones that are bored of Wow and choose to game hop ruining other games.There is ONLY one type of person that continually ruins chat in MANY games,and that is former Wow players flaming games that don't do things the way WOW does them. Oh some former members quit, many returns, even more new members keep joining. Is that a natural part of the community. I know people moving from US and settling down in Africa, in the North Pole. US must be a horrible place to live. Is that your logic?
I would say it is 100/0,every single time some idiot blasts his mouth in chat,he ALWAYS mentions WOW,i have NEVER heard another game even mentioned,so that is quite a large ratio of idiots>>>100/0.If they love WOW so much why do they even bother to join these other games?Why do they bother to spend their whole day flaming chat ,instead of actually playing? I would say the same for you. Every thing you blast is EQ.
I can answer it because one of those WOW flamers actually gave a reason,when i asked why he wasn't out playing the game or going back to Wow instead of ruining chat>>>>He said ,because I can""I have every right to do whatever i want,it is my account,not yours".Ya no kidding,all it did was confirm the Wow community. Which is exactly the meaning of personal freedom. I do what I want, you are just plain stupid trying to make me look stupid. Why do I need to follow your ideas? Especially when I see the totally folly in your vain arguments?
I have brains, I know what I want. I do not need you to agree with me. Fact is, you being so obnoxious, I am grateful you are not in my game.
This thread has de-railed considerably.