That is funny because I read Tasos' little blog and from what I gathered they catered to the ''veterans'' by holding firm on their stance that there isnt a grind in Darkfall. He said after 2 month's of moderate play you would be at double your beginer stats LOL and triple by 4 to 6 months LOL. I'm calling BS on that. I think they will lose a majority of the new players because of it.
Maybe I'm the one out of touch but from my perspective they are completely out of touch.
A new character's stats will be in the 15-20s at start (with 1 stat being at 25). After 2 months, your stats should be double. As for 4 months later, my stats were around 40-60s so what Tasos said is somewhat accurate.
"We are significantly changing the progression of hitpoints in a diminishing returns fashion. This is done to improve a character’s viability in PvP situations and to make players of all levels more competitive." -Tasos
Once again the hardcore dedicated players get the shaft as their months spent training up their hit points can be made up for in "significantly" reduced time byt he whiners who weren't willing to put forth the effort.
Character progression was part of the compitition in DF and since they just keep making things easier for the whiners, this competitive gamer is going to start looking for another game, one that doesn't cater to whiners who incessently post about how the game needs to be made easier to attract customers.
I don't see anything wrong with this. Nor does it removes progression out of the game. Vitality is a very tough stats to grind unless you mine all day (or AFK swin). That's how most players raised Vitality.
This idea simply allows new players to survive a few extra hits after a while (say 2 months) as right now, new players will die in 3-4 hits. In other words, they may want to use the Cannons on your ship, but 3-4 AoE nukes and they are dead and they couldn't do a thing. This basically mean that instead of dying in 3-4 hits, it might take 5-6 hits to kill them. Which is a reasonable idea. In no way are they increasing stats gain at all or removing progression, you're just being silly.
On a different note, Tasos's post was ridiculous. Especially when he mentionned that in DarkFall, a new players can defeat a Veteran after a few minutes if unchallenged, something that you cannot find in other MMOs. That really made me laugh. Why would a "vet" let himself get killed by a noob, unless AFK is beyond my understanding. And the fact that he even wrote that in his post is just stupid.
I can picture mmoluva right now lying in a pile of stale Cheetos stained purple from Grape pop staring at the ceiling screaming, "why the hell did I get fat for nothing! Nothing!"
I tried to tell him he was wasting valuable time, but no, nobody listens to me
"Mr. Rothstein, your people never will understand... the way it works out here. You're all just our guests. But you act like you're at home. Let me tell you something, partner. You ain't home. But that's where we're gonna send you if it harelips the governor." - Pat Webb
I don't know about you guys, but I love winning in PvP when I do half as much damage to my opponent as he does to me. Yeah, battles are epic when I have 400hp and my enemy has 220hp. It really isn't about my hit points, I'm just awesome.
P.S. I afk swam for countless hours to get 400hp before the swim nerf. See? I'm an awesome PvPer.
It will still take awhile to get there. Quit whining because you don't want to see a whole lot of newcomers. If you can't live with all the competition, don't play. If you can not harness the skills to outdo other newcomers, I wouldn't even consider you "hardcore", so quit complaining.
Okay....the parts I highlighted up there ^^^^......
THAT is part of what is wrong with MMOs these days in my opinion. And believe it or not....I'm actually going to compare what you just said to what the douchebags at Blizzard repeatedly did to WoW and it's original player base. It's why many people slowly began to not give a shit. And they CONTINUE to do similar things, which is also one of the factors of community division in that game.
It goes something like this:
Original game is released.
People that enjoy the game play sub at release and begin progressing through the game.
The "work" (lol...I know, but stay with me here) toward whatever their goals in the game are.....they harvest, craft, sell, and diligently save gold to buy their first mount at level 40, begin working toward PvP titles, gradually get epic piece at a time (since only one piece drops in a dungeon, and you can only get a full set by running many dungeons, won't necessarily win it), etc. etc.
In comes a new group of trial players.
The ones who like the game play sub.
Upon realizing they are now a year behind (or whatever amount behind they are)....they begin to WHINE. Whine, whine, whine. They post on the official forums, and on game forums everywhere...they cry rivers to the devs. They threaten to leave and take their precious sub money with them if they don't see changes. They bring their friends....who whine too.
Developer gives in.
"Veteran" player base gets the shaft. All their effort in game is rendered meaningless. Their titles are stripped away (they did later return them in a handy dandy drop down menu...whoopity doo). The new players will get mounts 20 levels sooner and for 1/20 th of the cost. Last season's epic arena gear will now be up for grabs for anyone with enough honor from BGs (not arena, but BGs) to buy, hence the term "welfare epics" is born.....
Original player base begins to feel a bit sour and resentfull as this cycle is rinsed....and repeated....numerous times.
Eventually original player base doesn't give a rat's fuckin' ass about the game any more because any reason that they STARTED playing now gone...many of their "accomplishments" are not recorded and now have to be repeated to get "achievements" even IF....they had the server first of something...they no longer do, etc.
Game begins bleeding original subs....not all of them, mind you....but some. Some of them take their friends with them when they leave.
Some of the players begin to post ways they feel griefed by the developer on web forums, and begin speaking about game mechanics that destroyed the game they first enjoyed, which has now become a hollow shell to them of what it once was.
Those players get labeled as "haters" and "trolls," for having complaints that, to them, are very genuine.
And this cycle will continue.
Dude...I feel for ya....I really do. If you end up seeing these changes as bad, and see this sort of thing becoming a repeated trend....just walk away and don't look back. There will BE more games, and better matter what game you're playing.
Wonderful post, and it's completely spot on for the most part. However lets look at this from a different persepctive.
First I was a launch day player in SWG and played until the nge, so I do know all to well how these changes can feel completely underhanded.
However it must be said in a game like darkfall, the new player experience now is much harder than it was at launch. At launch and the months following the playerbase was on a much more equal field. Today it's not like that, in a game with very few new players and a top heavy player base (full of gankers). It's much harder to get by and new players are in far more an unequal environment.
How many fully skilled gankers were running around at launch? Now most of those who were new players are reaching fully skilled builds, while current new players are still faced with the same grind which is even harder to complete when you have zero chance in winning a pvp fight, or a more brutal griefing. It makes perfect sense to try and even things up a little for those players, otherwise there's very little chance most will stick around.
For every minute you are angry , you lose 60 seconds of happiness."-Emerson
They apparentyl doing tis for a reason duh, most likely they ar trying to hold on to players and gain more cause most likely they are running into money problems. So it's change wiht the times or die in the mmorpg world these days so deal wiht it or the game ou wasted all the time on might be gone soon.
Sounds good to me. Honestly this games focus should be on PvP, Sieges, politics and world exploration not grinding. If your idea of a hardcore game is being able to sit on your fat @ss for hours on end every day with your cheesy poofs, then I feel for you bro, real real deep in my nether regions and then I get sick.
Being "hardcore" should be about being a bad@ss in pvp, owning land, rocking out sieges and so on....not...going afk to swim into a rock...not....hitting rocks for a month....not...grinding mobs non stop all for stat gains.
This is imo a step in the right direction and if you and others like you are so ignorant to not be able to see the difference between a game being made into WoW and the reality of these changes then you need to rethink gaming and most activities in life.
They apparentyl doing tis for a reason duh, most likely they ar trying to hold on to players and gain more cause most likely they are running into money problems. So it's change wiht the times or die in the mmorpg world these days so deal wiht it or the game ou wasted all the time on might be gone soon.
Did you text that from a late 80's scientific calculator rigged up to the internet?
My god man, get your thoughts and native tongue together before you make a post.
I understand what you were trying to say but really, it wasn't worth the mess.
"Mr. Rothstein, your people never will understand... the way it works out here. You're all just our guests. But you act like you're at home. Let me tell you something, partner. You ain't home. But that's where we're gonna send you if it harelips the governor." - Pat Webb
this competitive gamer is going to start looking for another game, one that doesn't cater to whiners who incessently post about how the game needs to be made easier to attract customers.
Good luck with that one
Vault-Tec analysts have concluded that the odds of worldwide nuclear armaggeddon this decade are 17,143,762... to 1.
I've crusaded on the forums against just making the skill grind easier, but I'm fine with this.
This doesn't really hurt anyone, just helps newer players to not die in 2 hits. It makes PvP more exciting because the gap in character strength is... nto as massive. It's still big, but hit points will be closer.
Wonderful post, and it's completely spot on for the most part. However lets look at this from a different persepctive.
First I was a launch day player in SWG and played until the nge, so I do know all to well how these changes can feel completely underhanded.
However it must be said in a game like darkfall, the new player experience now is much harder than it was at launch. At launch and the months following the playerbase was on a much more equal field. Today it's not like that, in a game with very few new players and a top heavy player base (full of gankers). It's much harder to get by and new players are in far more an unequal environment.
How many fully skilled gankers were running around at launch? Now most of those who were new players are reaching fully skilled builds, while current new players are still faced with the same grind which is even harder to complete when you have zero chance in winning a pvp fight, or a more brutal griefing. It makes perfect sense to try and even things up a little for those players, otherwise there's very little chance most will stick around.
Agree with girlgeek's points 100%.
I also agree with what mal has said here as well. I don't think it's...I should say I don't fault the developers here as much as I do the current veteran players. A FFA PvP games is a different beast of a game. The fault I do have for the devs is in their short-sightedness in their initial vision of the game not to see that this happening would be inevitable.
Your initial rush of players, as Mal states, you don't have this ganking issue in such severity. Later on in the game, though, after, as was stated above, you have that elder crowd develop. Now, if that elder crowd lays off the new players and lets them develop and get into the elder game, then there's no problem. If, however, that elder crowd acts in such a manner as apparently the current DF elder crowd does such that they are driving new players from the game, well, what do they expect those new players to do.
So, instead they come on forums and call them whiners and other names. Well, here's another scenario. What happens when Adventurine doesn't have enough subscriptions to keep this FFA PvP game going? Then those same elder "gankers" are going to be whining themselves about Adventurine not doing "something" (but they most likely won't know what that something is) to get more players. When in truth the FFA PvP could work well if not for the elder gamers ganking anyone new so much that the new people don't want to play because they don't really have a chance and in turn those new people spread the word that being new in this game isn't fun because you really don't have a chance.
Yes, yes, here comes the "join a clan" replies. Frankly, it isn't that easy for most people. Most people, especially in this day and age, have become very particular about who they game with. Just joining the first clan that spams an invite isn't an option. Neither is it really fun to surf clan websites all day looking for one to only hope they get accepted and that they get along with the people in it (no matter what a website may say about the "ideals" of a clan, personality conflicts can/do occur).
"Many nights, my friend... Many nights I've put a blade to your throat while you were sleeping. Glad I never killed you, Steve. You're alright..."
I dont know why any one who wants a game focused on PvP would be upset about getting more people to kill.
Anyone who cries about faster skill gains obviously isnt playing darkfall for PvP of any kind, because they would welcome faster skill gains if they did.
The only reason you would cry about faster skill gains is if you belong in WoW and care about character progression over PvP.
My Darkfall character was stuck in RED alignment until I killed enough people AFK hitting trees and rocks. Darkfall is hardcore
game going to die now, character progression is subconciously entertaining. Just remember it was you crybabies who wanted this. Remember it was you who killed DF. I'm not going to play a game where they allow the weaklings to compete with the best, that is WoW.
Good job whiney babies, you've succesfully turned DF into easymode, hope you like all the fickle children you will have gained while losing proven long term players.
the whiners wont stop either, they will just move onto the next thing, maybe make enchanting easier or weapon and armor mastery easier untill every thing is dumbed down.
All the morons who think this is a good thing, just take a look at SWG. You aren't smart.
its not going to be fun when 1.5 year old chars get be easily beaten by two 1 month old chars. 2v1 will be even harder than it is now. Numbers already have the advantage since one opponent can block and the other hits you in the back. I guess i'm not really speaking the language of majority but someday when you have a powerful character, you may wish that you could fight more than one opponent at a time and stand a chance.
gamers like me may not be the majority but we are playing Darkfall because it is one of the few games that has long term progression and mechanics where the harder you work, the better your character is. There are plenty of other shooter games where you dont have to do much work to compete against players that have played for years. Its a shame that AV, over time, will piss off their entire customer base, b/c of these groups of vocal whiners who are incessantly trying to turn DF into some other game they liked.
I'm so so sorry for you trashburnin and others like you. You might actually have to better your opponents through your personal skill now rather than rely on your character's extra hitpoints. Heaven forbid you lose to semi-new players when they outnumber you 2 to 1... that would just be unreasonable.
Your whole gaming philosophy makes no sense to me. What is the purpose of playing a PvP game if the PvP is totally imbalanced all the time? You would honestly prefer your enemies stand no chance against you? Where is the honor and thrill of competition in that?
Perhaps I'm missing the point as to why this is a bad thing. The 'hardcore' game for 'hardcore' gamers is seeing some adjustments in terms of viability and competitiveness in PVP. I've always been of the opinion that competitive PVP of any sort should focus mainly on skill and not stats, gear, grinding etc. I realize that the RPG in MMORPG dictates character growth, and to a certain degree that should matter and I believe it still will.
I find it deliciously ironic that some of you think this is a carebear move when it's you whining about the possibility of losing in PVP because the odds are being slightly evened.
its not going to be fun when 1.5 year old chars get be easily beaten by two 1 month old chars. 2v1 will be even harder than it is now.
Uhhhh Why not? I thought you were a hardcore PVP gamer?
I'm not trolling but you just have to imagine how funny it is for an EVE vet to read this. You have a choice, you can watch the game go under or you let the dev's make the changes they need too. If you really care about the game you will be constructive and try to be as involved in the process as possible.
I don't have noobs to kill........right that's going to keep Darkfall afloat.
Once again the hardcore dedicated players get the shaft as their months spent training up their hit points can be made up for in "significantly" reduced time byt he whiners who weren't willing to put forth the effort.
I'm finally getting near HP cap after over a year of play and now AV is allowing everyone to get there in a significantly reduced amount of time.
These 2 points prove your an idiot.
1. Your not a hardcore player for grinding, and if you truly are hardcore than u would want competition.
2. The time will be the EXACT same as before for max hp, however you will now get more health/stat when you have lower in that stat. (Eg. you have 20 vitality, u gain a point and u gain lets say 4 or 5 health. later in life you have 75 vitality, however this time when u go up to 76 you might only gain one health.) In the end it takes the same time but your health with shoot up to a reasonable level much quicker.
And to conclude, this game is meant to be about skill, and im glad that they made it easier to become competetive in pvp because unlike you im not in anyway afraid of a fight.
I shouldve quit Dakrfall after the first month instead of waiting until the third month. There is no catching up whatsoever in this game. It is pathetic. Don't take my word for it, give it try and tell us how much fun it is getting ran over by vet's 105% of the time you see a red.
Perhaps I'm missing the point as to why this is a bad thing. The 'hardcore' game for 'hardcore' gamers is seeing some adjustments in terms of viability and competitiveness in PVP. I've always been of the opinion that competitive PVP of any sort should focus mainly on skill and not stats, gear, grinding etc. I realize that the RPG in MMORPG dictates character growth, and to a certain degree that should matter and I believe it still will.
I find it deliciously ironic that some of you think this is a carebear move when it's you whining about the possibility of losing in PVP because the odds are being slightly evened.
Pretty much spot on. And based on what was said on ForumFall, seems like the idea has been well-received even by "old vets".
The last sentence pretty much sums up the reason of Trashburnin's post
[Mod Edit] The only thing changing is the retarded gap between 1year characters and 2month old character that is caused only by HP. Nothing else in the game is being changed, and this is the one change, other than allowing AFK macroing or buffs (its not needed, it just doesn't have any down sides) that will be a boon to the game.
A new character's stats will be in the 15-20s at start (with 1 stat being at 25). After 2 months, your stats should be double. As for 4 months later, my stats were around 40-60s so what Tasos said is somewhat accurate.
I don't see anything wrong with this. Nor does it removes progression out of the game. Vitality is a very tough stats to grind unless you mine all day (or AFK swin). That's how most players raised Vitality.
This idea simply allows new players to survive a few extra hits after a while (say 2 months) as right now, new players will die in 3-4 hits. In other words, they may want to use the Cannons on your ship, but 3-4 AoE nukes and they are dead and they couldn't do a thing. This basically mean that instead of dying in 3-4 hits, it might take 5-6 hits to kill them. Which is a reasonable idea. In no way are they increasing stats gain at all or removing progression, you're just being silly.
On a different note, Tasos's post was ridiculous. Especially when he mentionned that in DarkFall, a new players can defeat a Veteran after a few minutes if unchallenged, something that you cannot find in other MMOs. That really made me laugh. Why would a "vet" let himself get killed by a noob, unless AFK is beyond my understanding. And the fact that he even wrote that in his post is just stupid.
I can picture mmoluva right now lying in a pile of stale Cheetos stained purple from Grape pop staring at the ceiling screaming, "why the hell did I get fat for nothing! Nothing!"
I tried to tell him he was wasting valuable time, but no, nobody listens to me
"Mr. Rothstein, your people never will understand... the way it works out here. You're all just our guests. But you act like you're at home. Let me tell you something, partner. You ain't home. But that's where we're gonna send you if it harelips the governor." - Pat Webb
I don't know about you guys, but I love winning in PvP when I do half as much damage to my opponent as he does to me. Yeah, battles are epic when I have 400hp and my enemy has 220hp. It really isn't about my hit points, I'm just awesome.
P.S. I afk swam for countless hours to get 400hp before the swim nerf. See? I'm an awesome PvPer.
I though DF was meant to be leveless... This appears to be a step closer to this so called levelessness.
Make it so...
It will still take awhile to get there. Quit whining because you don't want to see a whole lot of newcomers. If you can't live with all the competition, don't play. If you can not harness the skills to outdo other newcomers, I wouldn't even consider you "hardcore", so quit complaining.
Get out of your box already...
Wonderful post, and it's completely spot on for the most part. However lets look at this from a different persepctive.
First I was a launch day player in SWG and played until the nge, so I do know all to well how these changes can feel completely underhanded.
However it must be said in a game like darkfall, the new player experience now is much harder than it was at launch. At launch and the months following the playerbase was on a much more equal field. Today it's not like that, in a game with very few new players and a top heavy player base (full of gankers). It's much harder to get by and new players are in far more an unequal environment.
How many fully skilled gankers were running around at launch? Now most of those who were new players are reaching fully skilled builds, while current new players are still faced with the same grind which is even harder to complete when you have zero chance in winning a pvp fight, or a more brutal griefing. It makes perfect sense to try and even things up a little for those players, otherwise there's very little chance most will stick around.
For every minute you are angry , you lose 60 seconds of happiness."-Emerson
They apparentyl doing tis for a reason duh, most likely they ar trying to hold on to players and gain more cause most likely they are running into money problems. So it's change wiht the times or die in the mmorpg world these days so deal wiht it or the game ou wasted all the time on might be gone soon.
Sounds good to me. Honestly this games focus should be on PvP, Sieges, politics and world exploration not grinding. If your idea of a hardcore game is being able to sit on your fat @ss for hours on end every day with your cheesy poofs, then I feel for you bro, real real deep in my nether regions and then I get sick.
Being "hardcore" should be about being a bad@ss in pvp, owning land, rocking out sieges and so on....not...going afk to swim into a rock...not....hitting rocks for a month....not...grinding mobs non stop all for stat gains.
This is imo a step in the right direction and if you and others like you are so ignorant to not be able to see the difference between a game being made into WoW and the reality of these changes then you need to rethink gaming and most activities in life.
Did you text that from a late 80's scientific calculator rigged up to the internet?
My god man, get your thoughts and native tongue together before you make a post.
I understand what you were trying to say but really, it wasn't worth the mess.
"Mr. Rothstein, your people never will understand... the way it works out here. You're all just our guests. But you act like you're at home. Let me tell you something, partner. You ain't home. But that's where we're gonna send you if it harelips the governor." - Pat Webb
Good luck with that one
Vault-Tec analysts have concluded that the odds of worldwide nuclear armaggeddon this decade are 17,143,762... to 1.
I've crusaded on the forums against just making the skill grind easier, but I'm fine with this.
This doesn't really hurt anyone, just helps newer players to not die in 2 hits. It makes PvP more exciting because the gap in character strength is... nto as massive. It's still big, but hit points will be closer.
Agree with girlgeek's points 100%.
I also agree with what mal has said here as well. I don't think it's...I should say I don't fault the developers here as much as I do the current veteran players. A FFA PvP games is a different beast of a game. The fault I do have for the devs is in their short-sightedness in their initial vision of the game not to see that this happening would be inevitable.
Your initial rush of players, as Mal states, you don't have this ganking issue in such severity. Later on in the game, though, after, as was stated above, you have that elder crowd develop. Now, if that elder crowd lays off the new players and lets them develop and get into the elder game, then there's no problem. If, however, that elder crowd acts in such a manner as apparently the current DF elder crowd does such that they are driving new players from the game, well, what do they expect those new players to do.
So, instead they come on forums and call them whiners and other names. Well, here's another scenario. What happens when Adventurine doesn't have enough subscriptions to keep this FFA PvP game going? Then those same elder "gankers" are going to be whining themselves about Adventurine not doing "something" (but they most likely won't know what that something is) to get more players. When in truth the FFA PvP could work well if not for the elder gamers ganking anyone new so much that the new people don't want to play because they don't really have a chance and in turn those new people spread the word that being new in this game isn't fun because you really don't have a chance.
Yes, yes, here comes the "join a clan" replies. Frankly, it isn't that easy for most people. Most people, especially in this day and age, have become very particular about who they game with. Just joining the first clan that spams an invite isn't an option. Neither is it really fun to surf clan websites all day looking for one to only hope they get accepted and that they get along with the people in it (no matter what a website may say about the "ideals" of a clan, personality conflicts can/do occur).
"Many nights, my friend... Many nights I've put a blade to your throat while you were sleeping. Glad I never killed you, Steve. You're alright..."
Chavez y Chavez
Anyone who cries about faster skill gains obviously isnt playing darkfall for PvP of any kind, because they would welcome faster skill gains if they did.
The only reason you would cry about faster skill gains is if you belong in WoW and care about character progression over PvP.
My Darkfall character was stuck in RED alignment until I killed enough people AFK hitting trees and rocks. Darkfall is hardcore
Dev make change.
Game Die now.
Baby cry hard.
I cry too.
its not going to be fun when 1.5 year old chars get be easily beaten by two 1 month old chars. 2v1 will be even harder than it is now. Numbers already have the advantage since one opponent can block and the other hits you in the back. I guess i'm not really speaking the language of majority but someday when you have a powerful character, you may wish that you could fight more than one opponent at a time and stand a chance.
gamers like me may not be the majority but we are playing Darkfall because it is one of the few games that has long term progression and mechanics where the harder you work, the better your character is. There are plenty of other shooter games where you dont have to do much work to compete against players that have played for years. Its a shame that AV, over time, will piss off their entire customer base, b/c of these groups of vocal whiners who are incessantly trying to turn DF into some other game they liked.
I'm so so sorry for you trashburnin and others like you. You might actually have to better your opponents through your personal skill now rather than rely on your character's extra hitpoints. Heaven forbid you lose to semi-new players when they outnumber you 2 to 1... that would just be unreasonable.
Your whole gaming philosophy makes no sense to me. What is the purpose of playing a PvP game if the PvP is totally imbalanced all the time? You would honestly prefer your enemies stand no chance against you? Where is the honor and thrill of competition in that?
Perhaps I'm missing the point as to why this is a bad thing. The 'hardcore' game for 'hardcore' gamers is seeing some adjustments in terms of viability and competitiveness in PVP. I've always been of the opinion that competitive PVP of any sort should focus mainly on skill and not stats, gear, grinding etc. I realize that the RPG in MMORPG dictates character growth, and to a certain degree that should matter and I believe it still will.
I find it deliciously ironic that some of you think this is a carebear move when it's you whining about the possibility of losing in PVP because the odds are being slightly evened.
Uhhhh Why not? I thought you were a hardcore PVP gamer?
I'm not trolling but you just have to imagine how funny it is for an EVE vet to read this. You have a choice, you can watch the game go under or you let the dev's make the changes they need too. If you really care about the game you will be constructive and try to be as involved in the process as possible.
I don't have noobs to kill........right that's going to keep Darkfall afloat.
These 2 points prove your an idiot.
1. Your not a hardcore player for grinding, and if you truly are hardcore than u would want competition.
2. The time will be the EXACT same as before for max hp, however you will now get more health/stat when you have lower in that stat. (Eg. you have 20 vitality, u gain a point and u gain lets say 4 or 5 health. later in life you have 75 vitality, however this time when u go up to 76 you might only gain one health.) In the end it takes the same time but your health with shoot up to a reasonable level much quicker.
And to conclude, this game is meant to be about skill, and im glad that they made it easier to become competetive in pvp because unlike you im not in anyway afraid of a fight.
I shouldve quit Dakrfall after the first month instead of waiting until the third month. There is no catching up whatsoever in this game. It is pathetic. Don't take my word for it, give it try and tell us how much fun it is getting ran over by vet's 105% of the time you see a red.
Pretty much spot on. And based on what was said on ForumFall, seems like the idea has been well-received even by "old vets".
The last sentence pretty much sums up the reason of Trashburnin's post
In another year's time, I'm thinking we won't recognise this game.
For better or for worse.
[Mod Edit] The only thing changing is the retarded gap between 1year characters and 2month old character that is caused only by HP. Nothing else in the game is being changed, and this is the one change, other than allowing AFK macroing or buffs (its not needed, it just doesn't have any down sides) that will be a boon to the game.
Currently playing:Nothing
Will play: Darkfall: Unholy Wars
Past games:
Guild Wars 2 - Xpiher Duminous
Xpiher's GW2
GW 1 - Xpiher Duminous
Darkfall - Xpiher Duminous (NA) retired
AoC - Xpiher (Tyranny) retired
Warhammer - Xpiher
Lmao at the "time invested" should trump "player skill" posts
The following statement is false
The previous statement is true