Intense engaging storyline - what MMORPG really has that? FFXIV's cutscenes are actually a few steps above the competition.
Promise of a more involved social experience - I've actually had a lot of involving social experiences, granted the lack of group dependance has made it less necessary, but I've certainly interacted with a lot of people within the game, trading, liinkshels, ect.
Most quite MMO I've ever played - You know, if you play MMORPGs just for the chat, you might want to just boot up mIRC and ist on a chat room all day.
Gonna skip on the hyperbole and go straight after the bullets as I need to hit the sack soon.
-intense engaging storyline: FFXIV has cutscenes that are nice but seeing the main quest once every five or six days but spending the rest of the time killing monster x, y amount of time is not an intense engaging story, I call it a coffee break from the guildleves. You'll see more story, in a more consistent basis, in pretty much every single non-sandbox mmo on the market, be it WoW, LOTRO, EQ2, GW,FFXI or pretty much anything else. A lot of FFXIV apologists say that you have to read the quest text to really enjoy the game, hate to break it to you but just about every other non-sandbox on the market has a LOT more quest text than FFXIV.
-Gonna condense the last two into one. If I'm paying to play a game with other people, I want to play with other people. Saying that I should boot up IRC so I can be social when the whole idea behind mmorpgs were that you would work with and against other players is silly.
Anyway, you can have the last word if you want it, I'm off to sleep. Night night, was fun.
Don'tcha know, I feel like I've stepped on a kitten everytime someone buys a faulty product and gets stung in the wallet so I'm pretty vocal. Complaining about criticism is just...well complaining.
I'm currently playing FFXIV, feel free to go the the appropriate forum and bash away.
Is that what you think I'm doing - complaining about criticism? Not at all, I'm fine with criticism. I just have to draw the line at exaggeration or blantant lines, and feel it's a good idea to point out misconceptions as I see them. If I were to do any less, could I even be having an honest discussion?
Kinda feel like I'm getting jerked around when you're teling me on one hand the game needs be remade - is worse off than unplayable release-day (week/month/bankrupsty and supported by their government) Anarchy Online was - but on the other hand you're playing and (presumably) enjoying it.
Originally posted by TheEmpyreal
Gonna skip on the hyperbole and go straight after the bullets as I need to hit the sack soon.
-intense engaging storyline: FFXIV has cutscenes that are nice but seeing the main quest once every five or six days but spending the rest of the time killing monster x, y amount of time is not an intense engaging story, I call it a coffee break from the guildleves. You'll see more story, in a more consistent basis, in pretty much every single non-sandbox mmo on the market, be it WoW, LOTRO, EQ2, GW,FFXI or pretty much anything else. A lot of FFXIV apologists say that you have to read the quest text to really enjoy the game, hate to break it to you but just about every other non-sandbox on the market has a LOT more quest text than FFXIV.
-Gonna condense the last two into one. If I'm paying to play a game with other people, I want to play with other people. Saying that I should boot up IRC so I can be social when the whole idea behind mmorpgs were that you would work with and against other players is silly.
Anyway, you can have the last word if you want it, I'm off to sleep. Night night, was fun.
Meh. You know, even though I figure most MMORPGs dragging you around by the nose doing quests, where at the end of the quest nothing changes because the mob just respawns anyway, is a pretty poor excuse for a storyline to the point where I don't really play MMORPGs caring much about the story...
...I'm not going to bother defending FFXIV's story versus the likes of other MMORPGs. Partly because, technically, they haven't added a lot of them yet. We're about to be hit with a bunch of class quests which I'm told will have cutscenes like the main story quests. That's probably going to fill a considerable bulk of the dearth we're seeing. It's also sort of interesting you mention FFXI there because I betcha it was roughly equally lacking in story on release, they've added it over time.
As for the socialization, personally, I think FFXIV is plenty social. If the only thing we're really lacking is zone chat and a larger/more responsive chat prompt, I don't think we're really missing much. Join a linkshell if you want to see more chat... I'm in two, and they just won't shut up! You could say that there's less grouping incentive, but judging by some interviews I've read they're still tweaking the balance there, that could change very soon. So in the end, I haev to say that this is just a very subjective way of looking at the social scene in FFXIV.
Wait, did I just read him say FFXIV is unsociable and he needs a zone wide chat to talk to people, like mIRC??
Holy hell what game is he playing?? FFXIV is like king of social networking MMORPGs so far. Join a couple linkshells, seriously. I'm in 4 now and have to shut one off every now and then and toss them on vent just to see the other 3 through the chatter. I can't wait to see having 10, all with 20-50 people on at once.
Unsociable game?? Hardly.
(DISCLAIMER - The use of the word YOU in the above post is not directed at any one person in particular, but towards those who fall into the category itself - there is no personal attack here, neither intentional nor implied.)
What Final Fantasy XIV was released with was a foundation. It's a pretty sound foundation, albeit not flawless, but the cracks are but hairlines compared to other examples of release-day MMORPGs (which have survived) I've seen.
Now, they're doing as any well-informed MMORPG developer would do, and building atop it.
1. I agree with the first part, yet this is precisely where I see trouble.
Simply put, when I buy a house, I expect more than foundations. At least one completed room I can live in, plus various "services" (toilets, kitchen, shower...) Now I'm supposed to live in the FF XIV house while all those things are not there yet (companies, ward improvements and so on). This is not a "v1.0" in my perception.
However, that the existing foundations are not flawless, I guess it's only natural--no MMORPG ever comes out "perfect", or die in that state for that matter. Patches and improvements will hopefully fix all the cracks.
2. I have to disagree strongly with your last sentence. SE isn't at all "well informed".
For starters, japanese people don't play much MMO, so you can bet the devs themselves aren't, in majority, avid MMO players. More like RPG console players. Big (huge?) difference, and frankly it shows in the final product (for the best or the worst, that's not for me to decide). Or maybe some do play jap MMOs, such as PSO, stuff like that. The language barrier (most japanese people are totally unable to understand foreign languages well enough to play a RPG in english, let alone a social game as a MMORPG) is also a very big limitation for them, and I'm sure they struggle to "understand", literally, what westerners or even chinese think about MMORP gaming.
Next, Tanaka himself stated that he doesn't play other MMORPGs besides FF XI. What a good example for the team. I guess this, too, shows in the conceptual design of FF XIV. Well, in my book, if you're going to make a product, you must know what's been made, how, why it succeeded/failed, and so on. It's the bread and butter of being "well informed" on the product market you're aiming for. I would call lazy or arrogant someone who doesn't take that time for research.
So, by all globalized business standards, SE (and their teams) is far from being "well informed". Japan really is this island, their insularity is more than just a cliche. The only thing they really know is FF XI, and I imagine WoW. A possible "proof" of that is that all issues related to this game are somehow placed on a theoretical line between FF XI and WoW, PR and Design-wise, as if the MMO market was a two-sided coin. It's a common mistake in MMO making ("my game vs wow"), but clearly one that SE can't avoid by knowing so little about the current MMORPG offer. Which is why, I think, they seem so "disconnected", out of touch with the reality of both PC gaming and MMO gaming, as perceived by so many players (again, that this is a good or a bad thing is another topic, highly subjective indeed).
Wait, did I just read him say FFXIV is unsociable and he needs a zone wide chat to talk to people, like mIRC??
Holy hell what game is he playing?? FFXIV is like king of social networking MMORPGs so far. Join a couple linkshells, seriously. I'm in 4 now and have to shut one off every now and then and toss them on vent just to see the other 3 through the chatter. I can't wait to see having 10, all with 20-50 people on at once.
Unsociable game?? Hardly.
Nope, you didn't read me saying that.
Me: The game feels like it's not built around group or social dynamics, I'd prefer that, the game being an mmo, would have the mm part of that acronym down(massively multiplayer).
Geldon: If you want to chat with people, get on IRC. Obviously implying that the game isn't for people who want to socialize with other people.
In short, you were apparently too busy to read the conversation correctly but not too busy to type up an ill informed response.
Also, having to trade linkshells is just a retarded way of creating a chat channel that most other mmo's easily let you do and usually they aren't softcapped.
old school fools see the crap that is this game as a complex challenge, they are enjoying themselves but deep down know the game they're playing will be less popular than AoC/WAR. they want their game to succeed, and feel like if they can conclude a logical proof that they are right, the game will be a smashing success and IGN, Gamespot, etc will read this and go omg they are right, this game is actually great. they'll be quoted and rememberd forever as the heroes of the best game ever made
Huge MMORPG fan here. I had a 75BLM in FFXI, 6 maximum level characters in WoW, purchased Warhammer Online when it came out, and even played EVE Online (LOVED this game). Final Fantasy XIV is incredibly disappointing. I purchased the CE after playing beta and I regret it. I knew the game had serious flaws, but I wanted a modern online FF so bad I bit the bullet. The game feels incredibly archaic and I've played many free MMORPGs that have higher quality design. The thing is, the game is inconvenient and just not fun. I am incredibly disappointed right now and hope SE turns this around, because I already cancelled.
I'm a level 11 Marauder, 11 Lancer, 9 Armorer, 9 Miner, and 8 Goldsmith btw.
To summarize what's going on with ff14 with all these threads
So you're at a restaurant and you buy that meal most people warned you not to get but you get it anyways. It tastes like crap but what do you say? You save face and pretend it's not "so bad"
To summarize what's going on with ff14 with all these threads
So you're at a restaurant and you buy that meal most people warned you not to get but you get it anyways. It tastes like crap but what do you say? You save face and pretend it's not "so bad"
No, whats actually going on is....
You walk into a restaurant, and having been warned by others that the meal would be bad, you get it anyway. It actually turns out to taste really good, but what can you say? You play it off as a terrible meal so you dont look like an outsider or have to explain why you spent the last 6 months agreeing with everyone else without ever actually eating the meal first.
Well thats almost whats actually going on here, because 90% of these people on here still saying its 'so bad' STILL haven't even bothered to go try the freakin meal to know for themselves either way.
(DISCLAIMER - The use of the word YOU in the above post is not directed at any one person in particular, but towards those who fall into the category itself - there is no personal attack here, neither intentional nor implied.)
To summarize what's going on with ff14 with all these threads
So you're at a restaurant and you buy that meal most people warned you not to get but you get it anyways. It tastes like crap but what do you say? You save face and pretend it's not "so bad"
No, whats actually going on is....
You walk into a restaurant, and having been warned by others that the meal would be bad, you get it anyway. It actually turns out to taste really good, but what can you say? You play it off as a terrible meal so you dont look like an outsider or have to explain why you spent the last 6 months agreeing with everyone else without ever actually eating the meal first.
Well thats almost whats actually going on here, because 90% of these people on here still saying its 'so bad' STILL haven't even bothered to go try the freakin meal to know for themselves either way.
Naaaa, it’s more like ordering a hamburger and fries. When it arrives at the table it looks really good. The meat looks nicely cooked, the bun is soft and fresh the tomato and onions are nicely sliced and then you bite into it and the meat is raw. So then you take a bite of your French fries, looks nicely colored and is hot like it just was finished cooking and when you bite into it the middle is frozen.
So then you think "hey I know this restaurant, I have eaten here before, So it’s ok because hey, I know what the cook was going for.” Thats more in reason with the fan base so far.
To summarize what's going on with ff14 with all these threads
So you're at a restaurant and you buy that meal most people warned you not to get but you get it anyways. It tastes like crap but what do you say? You save face and pretend it's not "so bad"
No, whats actually going on is....
You walk into a restaurant, and having been warned by others that the meal would be bad, you get it anyway. It actually turns out to taste really good, but what can you say? You play it off as a terrible meal so you dont look like an outsider or have to explain why you spent the last 6 months agreeing with everyone else without ever actually eating the meal first.
Well thats almost whats actually going on here, because 90% of these people on here still saying its 'so bad' STILL haven't even bothered to go try the freakin meal to know for themselves either way.
I thing I forgot to add, after playing it off taht it 's nowhere near as bad as it actually is, you deflect attention and start making fun of the haircut of some guy at the next table or poke fun at the really overweight guy stuffing his face full of junk.
So after skimming the first page(since i know all these threads get so far off topic its stupid) I've come to the conclusion that the OP compiled a bunch of user reviews. Theres nothing wrong with that but let me ask you guys a question. When you go to purchase say a console game which review is it that you're looking at. On IGNs page are you looking at the countless user reviews that i hate to say usually are full of complete bias and lacking tons and tons of information? Or do you guys rate your halo and other games with the number score given by ign? User reviews are nice but lets stop deluding ourselves when we know that they are NOT what we use to make game purchases. So lets all please stop being morons and arguing over the same freakin things every single thread. What i would do to finally see some useful information on this wretched site about any game...
What Final Fantasy XIV was released with was a foundation. It's a pretty sound foundation, albeit not flawless, but the cracks are but hairlines compared to other examples of release-day MMORPGs (which have survived) I've seen.
Now, they're doing as any well-informed MMORPG developer would do, and building atop it.
So basically it took them 4 years to release a "foundation" albeit not a flawless one? And you paid full price for it, and, you're now living at a construction site feeling happy about yourself. Good for you.
We will do what most sane people do, you know, wait till the work is done and the place is actually ready, and then decide if we want to buy it. Trailblazers, i salute you!
"It is my opinion, that my opinions are always right"
Yea. I am amazed that the game was even rated this high. I am interested to see the reception of the September 30th release of this game. I bought the CE edition & a few days ago I finally rage quit. It came down to the fact I realized I wasn't having any fun, and then I thought too myself. "what is the purpose of why I play games." So I finally decided to log off even though I was still reeling from wanting to get my money's worth. I really really like Japanese stuff, and its a surprise to see even Japanese dislike their own product. There are usually bad reviews for Japanese games like "Nier" which I loved, but I think that this game will generally be well hated across all boards. Just because, please people its 2010. This game might have worked years and years back, but not now, when there are so many other games that have more to offer. even the F2P games coming out of asia are much stronger than this and have far more too do.
I don't need a review to tell me that this game is bad, there's so many design flaws, most of the game is flawed.
I currently "play" it, just making the most of my free month and hoping at some point I discover this ellusive fun that a few people claim to be having. If not i'm done when the free month is up.
I don't need a review to tell me that this game is bad, there's so many design flaws, most of the game is flawed.
I currently "play" it, just making the most of my free month and hoping at some point I discover this ellusive fun that a few people claim to be having. If not i'm done when the free month is up.
You need to be a full blown masochist to enjoy this game.
Huge MMORPG fan here. I had a 75BLM in FFXI, 6 maximum level characters in WoW, purchased Warhammer Online when it came out, and even played EVE Online (LOVED this game). Final Fantasy XIV is incredibly disappointing. I purchased the CE after playing beta and I regret it. I knew the game had serious flaws, but I wanted a modern online FF so bad I bit the bullet. The game feels incredibly archaic and I've played many free MMORPGs that have higher quality design. The thing is, the game is inconvenient and just not fun. I am incredibly disappointed right now and hope SE turns this around, because I already cancelled.
I'm a level 11 Marauder, 11 Lancer, 9 Armorer, 9 Miner, and 8 Goldsmith btw.
This is coming from a guy who used to write "controls are clunky" for XI, in the old forums. I guess desperation got the best of you, and you lost $80.
You should have listened to your own post you made years ago brah.
If doing guild leves which consist of killing x mob y times everyday is a "deep and emersive storyline", someone needs to tell NCSoft that they wrote the greatest story ever told when they made AION. Just sayin.....
I guess the part I love about this post the most is where it's obvious that even the Japanese players think it's a bad game, but the fans of this game still defend it's faults. They can't even use their "It wasn't made for the Western world" defense anymore. Apparently, it's not for the Japanese either. Face it. The game has faults. It's not as great as you all seem to think it is. Please stop getting people to waste their hard earned money on crap like this. If you enjoy it, great. Go play it and stop talking about how great it is. If you don't, by all means, post your UNBIASED opinions here and let people know why you didn't like it. Let people make their own decisions about it. It speaks VOLUMES about the fan base of this game that they spend so much time here defending it. That's time you guys could be in game actually playing the game you tout to be so great.
I guess the part I love about this post the most is where it's obvious that even the Japanese players think it's a bad game, but the fans of this game still defend it's faults. They can't even use their "It wasn't made for the Western world" defense anymore. Apparently, it's not for the Japanese either. Face it. The game has faults. It's not as great as you all seem to think it is. Please stop getting people to waste their hard earned money on crap like this. If you enjoy it, great. Go play it and stop talking about how great it is. If you don't, by all means, post your UNBIASED opinions here and let people know why you didn't like it. Let people make their own decisions about it. It speaks VOLUMES about the fan base of this game that they spend so much time here defending it. That's time you guys could be in game actually playing the game you tout to be so great.
Considering most people have their guild leves on the 48 HR cooldown, they're stuck here defending a game they cannot technically play... Unless they like shitty mining, fishing and crafting minigames..
I guess the part I love about this post the most is where it's obvious that even the Japanese players think it's a bad game, but the fans of this game still defend it's faults. They can't even use their "It wasn't made for the Western world" defense anymore. Apparently, it's not for the Japanese either. Face it. The game has faults. It's not as great as you all seem to think it is. Please stop getting people to waste their hard earned money on crap like this. If you enjoy it, great. Go play it and stop talking about how great it is. If you don't, by all means, post your UNBIASED opinions here and let people know why you didn't like it. Let people make their own decisions about it. It speaks VOLUMES about the fan base of this game that they spend so much time here defending it. That's time you guys could be in game actually playing the game you tout to be so great.
Gonna skip on the hyperbole and go straight after the bullets as I need to hit the sack soon.
-intense engaging storyline: FFXIV has cutscenes that are nice but seeing the main quest once every five or six days but spending the rest of the time killing monster x, y amount of time is not an intense engaging story, I call it a coffee break from the guildleves. You'll see more story, in a more consistent basis, in pretty much every single non-sandbox mmo on the market, be it WoW, LOTRO, EQ2, GW,FFXI or pretty much anything else. A lot of FFXIV apologists say that you have to read the quest text to really enjoy the game, hate to break it to you but just about every other non-sandbox on the market has a LOT more quest text than FFXIV.
-Gonna condense the last two into one. If I'm paying to play a game with other people, I want to play with other people. Saying that I should boot up IRC so I can be social when the whole idea behind mmorpgs were that you would work with and against other players is silly.
Anyway, you can have the last word if you want it, I'm off to sleep. Night night, was fun.
Is that what you think I'm doing - complaining about criticism? Not at all, I'm fine with criticism. I just have to draw the line at exaggeration or blantant lines, and feel it's a good idea to point out misconceptions as I see them. If I were to do any less, could I even be having an honest discussion?
Kinda feel like I'm getting jerked around when you're teling me on one hand the game needs be remade - is worse off than unplayable release-day (week/month/bankrupsty and supported by their government) Anarchy Online was - but on the other hand you're playing and (presumably) enjoying it.
Meh. You know, even though I figure most MMORPGs dragging you around by the nose doing quests, where at the end of the quest nothing changes because the mob just respawns anyway, is a pretty poor excuse for a storyline to the point where I don't really play MMORPGs caring much about the story...
...I'm not going to bother defending FFXIV's story versus the likes of other MMORPGs. Partly because, technically, they haven't added a lot of them yet. We're about to be hit with a bunch of class quests which I'm told will have cutscenes like the main story quests. That's probably going to fill a considerable bulk of the dearth we're seeing. It's also sort of interesting you mention FFXI there because I betcha it was roughly equally lacking in story on release, they've added it over time.
As for the socialization, personally, I think FFXIV is plenty social. If the only thing we're really lacking is zone chat and a larger/more responsive chat prompt, I don't think we're really missing much. Join a linkshell if you want to see more chat... I'm in two, and they just won't shut up! You could say that there's less grouping incentive, but judging by some interviews I've read they're still tweaking the balance there, that could change very soon. So in the end, I haev to say that this is just a very subjective way of looking at the social scene in FFXIV.
Anywho, I too need to sleep.
Wait, did I just read him say FFXIV is unsociable and he needs a zone wide chat to talk to people, like mIRC??
Holy hell what game is he playing?? FFXIV is like king of social networking MMORPGs so far. Join a couple linkshells, seriously. I'm in 4 now and have to shut one off every now and then and toss them on vent just to see the other 3 through the chatter. I can't wait to see having 10, all with 20-50 people on at once.
Unsociable game?? Hardly.
(DISCLAIMER - The use of the word YOU in the above post is not directed at any one person in particular, but towards those who fall into the category itself - there is no personal attack here, neither intentional nor implied.)
1. I agree with the first part, yet this is precisely where I see trouble.
Simply put, when I buy a house, I expect more than foundations. At least one completed room I can live in, plus various "services" (toilets, kitchen, shower...) Now I'm supposed to live in the FF XIV house while all those things are not there yet (companies, ward improvements and so on). This is not a "v1.0" in my perception.
However, that the existing foundations are not flawless, I guess it's only natural--no MMORPG ever comes out "perfect", or die in that state for that matter. Patches and improvements will hopefully fix all the cracks.
2. I have to disagree strongly with your last sentence. SE isn't at all "well informed".
For starters, japanese people don't play much MMO, so you can bet the devs themselves aren't, in majority, avid MMO players. More like RPG console players. Big (huge?) difference, and frankly it shows in the final product (for the best or the worst, that's not for me to decide). Or maybe some do play jap MMOs, such as PSO, stuff like that. The language barrier (most japanese people are totally unable to understand foreign languages well enough to play a RPG in english, let alone a social game as a MMORPG) is also a very big limitation for them, and I'm sure they struggle to "understand", literally, what westerners or even chinese think about MMORP gaming.
Next, Tanaka himself stated that he doesn't play other MMORPGs besides FF XI. What a good example for the team. I guess this, too, shows in the conceptual design of FF XIV. Well, in my book, if you're going to make a product, you must know what's been made, how, why it succeeded/failed, and so on. It's the bread and butter of being "well informed" on the product market you're aiming for. I would call lazy or arrogant someone who doesn't take that time for research.
So, by all globalized business standards, SE (and their teams) is far from being "well informed". Japan really is this island, their insularity is more than just a cliche. The only thing they really know is FF XI, and I imagine WoW. A possible "proof" of that is that all issues related to this game are somehow placed on a theoretical line between FF XI and WoW, PR and Design-wise, as if the MMO market was a two-sided coin. It's a common mistake in MMO making ("my game vs wow"), but clearly one that SE can't avoid by knowing so little about the current MMORPG offer. Which is why, I think, they seem so "disconnected", out of touch with the reality of both PC gaming and MMO gaming, as perceived by so many players (again, that this is a good or a bad thing is another topic, highly subjective indeed).
Nope, you didn't read me saying that.
Me: The game feels like it's not built around group or social dynamics, I'd prefer that, the game being an mmo, would have the mm part of that acronym down(massively multiplayer).
Geldon: If you want to chat with people, get on IRC. Obviously implying that the game isn't for people who want to socialize with other people.
In short, you were apparently too busy to read the conversation correctly but not too busy to type up an ill informed response.
Also, having to trade linkshells is just a retarded way of creating a chat channel that most other mmo's easily let you do and usually they aren't softcapped.
old school fools see the crap that is this game as a complex challenge, they are enjoying themselves but deep down know the game they're playing will be less popular than AoC/WAR. they want their game to succeed, and feel like if they can conclude a logical proof that they are right, the game will be a smashing success and IGN, Gamespot, etc will read this and go omg they are right, this game is actually great. they'll be quoted and rememberd forever as the heroes of the best game ever made
rofl... You guys got way too much time on your hands.
"Be water my friend" - Bruce Lee
Take the Magic: The Gathering 'What Color Are You?' Quiz.
Huge MMORPG fan here. I had a 75BLM in FFXI, 6 maximum level characters in WoW, purchased Warhammer Online when it came out, and even played EVE Online (LOVED this game). Final Fantasy XIV is incredibly disappointing. I purchased the CE after playing beta and I regret it. I knew the game had serious flaws, but I wanted a modern online FF so bad I bit the bullet. The game feels incredibly archaic and I've played many free MMORPGs that have higher quality design. The thing is, the game is inconvenient and just not fun. I am incredibly disappointed right now and hope SE turns this around, because I already cancelled.
I'm a level 11 Marauder, 11 Lancer, 9 Armorer, 9 Miner, and 8 Goldsmith btw.
To summarize what's going on with ff14 with all these threads
So you're at a restaurant and you buy that meal most people warned you not to get but you get it anyways. It tastes like crap but what do you say? You save face and pretend it's not "so bad"
No, whats actually going on is....
You walk into a restaurant, and having been warned by others that the meal would be bad, you get it anyway. It actually turns out to taste really good, but what can you say? You play it off as a terrible meal so you dont look like an outsider or have to explain why you spent the last 6 months agreeing with everyone else without ever actually eating the meal first.
Well thats almost whats actually going on here, because 90% of these people on here still saying its 'so bad' STILL haven't even bothered to go try the freakin meal to know for themselves either way.
(DISCLAIMER - The use of the word YOU in the above post is not directed at any one person in particular, but towards those who fall into the category itself - there is no personal attack here, neither intentional nor implied.)
Naaaa, it’s more like ordering a hamburger and fries. When it arrives at the table it looks really good. The meat looks nicely cooked, the bun is soft and fresh the tomato and onions are nicely sliced and then you bite into it and the meat is raw. So then you take a bite of your French fries, looks nicely colored and is hot like it just was finished cooking and when you bite into it the middle is frozen.
So then you think "hey I know this restaurant, I have eaten here before, So it’s ok because hey, I know what the cook was going for.” Thats more in reason with the fan base so far.
I thing I forgot to add, after playing it off taht it 's nowhere near as bad as it actually is, you deflect attention and start making fun of the haircut of some guy at the next table or poke fun at the really overweight guy stuffing his face full of junk.
So after skimming the first page(since i know all these threads get so far off topic its stupid) I've come to the conclusion that the OP compiled a bunch of user reviews. Theres nothing wrong with that but let me ask you guys a question. When you go to purchase say a console game which review is it that you're looking at. On IGNs page are you looking at the countless user reviews that i hate to say usually are full of complete bias and lacking tons and tons of information? Or do you guys rate your halo and other games with the number score given by ign? User reviews are nice but lets stop deluding ourselves when we know that they are NOT what we use to make game purchases. So lets all please stop being morons and arguing over the same freakin things every single thread. What i would do to finally see some useful information on this wretched site about any game...
So basically it took them 4 years to release a "foundation" albeit not a flawless one? And you paid full price for it, and, you're now living at a construction site feeling happy about yourself. Good for you.
We will do what most sane people do, you know, wait till the work is done and the place is actually ready, and then decide if we want to buy it. Trailblazers, i salute you!
"It is my opinion, that my opinions are always right"
Yea. I am amazed that the game was even rated this high. I am interested to see the reception of the September 30th release of this game. I bought the CE edition & a few days ago I finally rage quit. It came down to the fact I realized I wasn't having any fun, and then I thought too myself. "what is the purpose of why I play games." So I finally decided to log off even though I was still reeling from wanting to get my money's worth. I really really like Japanese stuff, and its a surprise to see even Japanese dislike their own product. There are usually bad reviews for Japanese games like "Nier" which I loved, but I think that this game will generally be well hated across all boards. Just because, please people its 2010. This game might have worked years and years back, but not now, when there are so many other games that have more to offer. even the F2P games coming out of asia are much stronger than this and have far more too do.
I don't need a review to tell me that this game is bad, there's so many design flaws, most of the game is flawed.
I currently "play" it, just making the most of my free month and hoping at some point I discover this ellusive fun that a few people claim to be having. If not i'm done when the free month is up.
You need to be a full blown masochist to enjoy this game.
This is coming from a guy who used to write "controls are clunky" for XI, in the old forums. I guess desperation got the best of you, and you lost $80.
You should have listened to your own post you made years ago brah.
i cant understand the people how they cant find ls yet???
i have 2 ls
ls from friends and japanese ls
i know that is hard to reply anyone
if you want conversation just write:
for linksell /l or /chatmode linkshell (all time you talk in ls)
/s /chatmode say
/tell yoursucks wow reply all time /chatmode tell yoursucks wow
this game have grat potencial, SE works fix the bugs and lag
Which Final Fantasy Character Are You?
Final Fantasy 7
If doing guild leves which consist of killing x mob y times everyday is a "deep and emersive storyline", someone needs to tell NCSoft that they wrote the greatest story ever told when they made AION. Just sayin.....
I guess the part I love about this post the most is where it's obvious that even the Japanese players think it's a bad game, but the fans of this game still defend it's faults. They can't even use their "It wasn't made for the Western world" defense anymore. Apparently, it's not for the Japanese either. Face it. The game has faults. It's not as great as you all seem to think it is. Please stop getting people to waste their hard earned money on crap like this. If you enjoy it, great. Go play it and stop talking about how great it is. If you don't, by all means, post your UNBIASED opinions here and let people know why you didn't like it. Let people make their own decisions about it. It speaks VOLUMES about the fan base of this game that they spend so much time here defending it. That's time you guys could be in game actually playing the game you tout to be so great.
Considering most people have their guild leves on the 48 HR cooldown, they're stuck here defending a game they cannot technically play... Unless they like shitty mining, fishing and crafting minigames..
Well, you could technically grind, but yeah. It's a bad design.