Just in case anyone has not picked it up yet, you have to get theFXAA Post Process Injector mod. Go for level 2, and the change is like the game engine just got upgraded. Performance hit is low too. Can hit pause at any time to toggle it on and off too.
rpg/mmorg history: Dun Darach>Bloodwych>Bards Tale 1-3>Eye of the beholder > Might and Magic 2,3,5 > FFVII> Baldur's Gate 1, 2 > Planescape Torment >Morrowind > WOW > oblivion > LOTR > Guild Wars (1900hrs elementalist) Vanguard. > GW2(1000 elementalist), Wildstar
I'm just wondering if a pure mage requires more than blasting away? For instance, are you using runes and staves. there is also a magic shield spell that seems pretty useful.
And what about higher lvl summons? there is also invisibility (which I haven't tried in this game as I usually dont' use invisibility in these games. I feel it can be overpowered. But maybe it's needed in skyrim?
I found the Illusions tree quite fun to play as a pure mage. Calming mobs can get you out of all sorts of mischief. And forcing someone in a group of mobs to go beserk while you are hiding invisible is a recipe for good times
I rarely have to fight more than one mob at a time using that tactic.
The ability to see hostile / non hostile creatures through walls with alteration? Thats also very much win for a stealthy ninja wizarrd like myself. (Also helps you determine whether an upcoming campfire / road caravan is hostile or not before you run up and say Hi!)
I believe this was posted already in the PC section, but I'll just post it here so that others could see. I don't know if this is legit, but hey, it looks good.
I think somone took looting and hoarding a little too far. LOL!
lol this inspires me to start hoarding myself... that is the house in white run I think? hehe, suprised he/she doesn't have any books on their bookshelf.
I am entitled to my opinions, misspellings, and grammatical errors.
Plus, I just can not get used to the whole L mouse button = right hand and R mouse button = L hand thing. There may be a way to swap them though, I may have overlooked it. I think that alone screws with me more than anything. I'm trying to cast a protection spell and hit the button that casts a fireball instead, etc... In some of those tougher fights, that one or two lost seconds can make or break the fight.
You can. I did it right away in control settings.
Ah yes, I did it too. MUCH better.
"If you just step away for a sec you will clearly see all the pot holes in the road, and the cash shop selling asphalt..." - Mimzel on F2P/Cash Shops
Just in case anyone has not picked it up yet, you have to get theFXAA Post Process Injector mod. Go for level 2, and the change is like the game engine just got upgraded. Performance hit is low too. Can hit pause at any time to toggle it on and off too.
I used "Preset 4" and the game looks a whole lot better now. A big difference. Throw off the Console Shackles!
"I have only two out of my company and 20 out of some other company. We need support, but it is almost suicide to try to get it here as we are swept by machine gun fire and a constant barrage is on us. I have no one on my left and only a few on my right. I will hold." (First Lieutenant Clifton B. Cates, US Marine Corps, Soissons, 19 July 1918)
Luckily I haven't added any mods, but steam makes me weary of doing so, and I am not sure if it will be more complicated with steam.
Rather than just downloading the mod and running the program, having it install, do I have to do more with steam?
Steam sucks.
I have STALKER on steam and its no issue installing mods, the path is just different. When I installed a major skyrim mod the installer knew where to put it, so hopefully the developers of mods will do the same for this game.
Luckily I haven't added any mods, but steam makes me weary of doing so, and I am not sure if it will be more complicated with steam.
Rather than just downloading the mod and running the program, having it install, do I have to do more with steam?
Steam sucks.
I have STALKER on steam and its no issue installing mods, the path is just different. When I installed a major skyrim mod the installer knew where to put it, so hopefully the developers of mods will do the same for this game.
I second this. I've modded many a Steam game without issue. The only mods this will affect are the ones that directly tamper with the executable file which aren't allowed by the EULA anyways. These mods were never a good idea in the first place as if you use one and you haven't backed up your executable first you will have to reinstall the game to get it back when the mod totally messes your game up. Never trust strangers messing with your executables. Always use .esm, .esp or .bsa files which can be turned off if you don't like them or they screw with the functioning of your game. Never use mods that change your game files directly.
Does anyone know if there's a mod to enable first person view when mounted? The forced 3rd person view really annoys me X.X
No. Check Skyrimnexus every now and then though. Check the official Skyrim forums too, since a bunch of the mod community congregates there too. I also wish you can do mounted combat. I mean, Mount & Blade has done it for years already. Spears, lances, and other assorted melee weapons were useable in that game on horseback. To even include horseback archery. And this was done by a small dev team out of Turkey.
"I have only two out of my company and 20 out of some other company. We need support, but it is almost suicide to try to get it here as we are swept by machine gun fire and a constant barrage is on us. I have no one on my left and only a few on my right. I will hold." (First Lieutenant Clifton B. Cates, US Marine Corps, Soissons, 19 July 1918)
Does anyone know if there's a mod to enable first person view when mounted? The forced 3rd person view really annoys me X.X
No. Check Skyrimnexus every now and then though. Check the official Skyrim forums too, since a bunch of the mod community congregates there too. I also wish you can do mounted combat. I mean, Mount & Blade has done it for years already. Spears, lances, and other assorted melee weapons were useable in that game on horseback. To even include horseback archery. And this was done by a small dev team out of Turkey.
The funny thing is TES II: Daggerfall had mounted combat in it. It was one of many things they took out when they made Morrowind (Along with horses altogether). In Daggerfall you could have a horse and wagon as well. They brought back horses in Oblivion but the mounted combat and wagons never did make a return. You could haul a lot of loot away from a dungeon in that wagon!
Ah yeah, forgot about that. The Daggerfall "Loot Wagon," with my adventurers gleefully hauling everything out of a cleared dungeon.
"I have only two out of my company and 20 out of some other company. We need support, but it is almost suicide to try to get it here as we are swept by machine gun fire and a constant barrage is on us. I have no one on my left and only a few on my right. I will hold." (First Lieutenant Clifton B. Cates, US Marine Corps, Soissons, 19 July 1918)
Does anyone have an idea/opinion/info on exactly how your Sneak level+boosts is applied in Skyrim?
I ask because I'm beginning to get the feeling that it's more a factor of distance than it is of overall "stealthiness", with there being a sort of arbitrary/pre-determined point at which you become truly stealthy, and then improvements beyond that being in the form of how close you can get before they detect you.
Here's why. I've been testing it out by going into this one dungeon that has a bandit chief in it that was problematic for me. I decided to come back when I was a bit more developed and had a more equal chance of winning/losing (I don't like it to be too easy either :-p)...
Since my first encounter with them, barely escaping with my life... I've returned several times to test it out, after getting a couple stealth levels, getting some boosts, etc.
I noticed that for the first 3-4 tries, regardless of additional gear (including the Dark Brotherhood gear you get, with the hood that increases your stealthiness you pick up off the bookshelf), he always "detected" me at the same distance, including around corners/behind walls, etc.
I go up 2 or 3 more Sneak levels (don't know exactly what level it was - somewhere around 50), and I'm suddenly able to get almost on top of him before he detects anything.
This made me curious... So I backed out, swapped out the DB gear for regular Leather gear and snuck in again... I wasn't able to get as close before he detected me those times, on several tries, coming from different directions, etc.
As I put on pieces of the DB gear, though, I noticed I was able to get closer to him before being detected.
So it makes me wonder if the game is set up where there's a sort of dual system happening with sneak.
First, there's a sort of binary "on or off" setup where you can only successfully sneak undetected at all after reaching some pre-determined level (relative to the enemy's level, etc).Next, once you've reached that arbitrary level, what bonuses you have from gear, etc. kick in, determining how close you can get before being detected.
I've noticed the same trend with other enemies.
Hopefully I did a good job explaining that.
Anyone else noticing this?
"If you just step away for a sec you will clearly see all the pot holes in the road, and the cash shop selling asphalt..." - Mimzel on F2P/Cash Shops
Does anyone have an idea/opinion/info on exactly how your Sneak level+boosts is applied in Skyrim?
I ask because I'm beginning to get the feeling that it's more a factor of distance than it is of overall "stealthiness", with there being a sort of arbitrary/pre-determined point at which you become truly stealthy, and then improvements beyond that being in the form of how close you can get before they detect you.
Here's why. I've been testing it out by going into this one dungeon that has a bandit chief in it that was problematic for me. I decided to come back when I was a bit more developed and had a more equal chance of winning/losing (I don't like it to be too easy either :-p)...
Since my first encounter with them, barely escaping with my life... I've returned several times to test it out, after getting a couple stealth levels, getting some boosts, etc.
I noticed that for the first 3-4 tries, regardless of additional gear (including the Dark Brotherhood gear you get, with the hood that increases your stealthiness you pick up off the bookshelf), he always "detected" me at the same distance, including around corners/behind walls, etc.
I go up 2 or 3 more Sneak levels (don't know exactly what level it was - somewhere around 50), and I'm suddenly able to get almost on top of him before he detects anything.
This made me curious... So I backed out, swapped out the DB gear for regular Leather gear and snuck in again... I wasn't able to get as close before he detected me those times, on several tries, coming from different directions, etc.
As I put on pieces of the DB gear, though, I noticed I was able to get closer to him before being detected.
So it makes me wonder if the game is set up where there's a sort of dual system happening with sneak.
First, there's a sort of binary "on or off" setup where you can only successfully sneak undetected at all after reaching some pre-determined level.Next, once you've reached that arbitrary level, what bonuses you have from gear, etc. kick in, determining how close you can get before being detected.
I've noticed the same trend with other enemies.
Hopefully I did a good job explaining that.
Anyone else noticing this?
I've done a couple stealth characters, and i find this general assumption to be true. when i am low level in stealth, i can't sneak anywhere close to enemies. with the increase in stealth (81 on one char,72 on another) i can almost fall on them and them not notice. Not to mention when battling, i stay in sneak, as alot of the time they seem to have a derp moment, forget where i am, and run off. I think that's do to stealth too. As for armor bonuses, i'm sure they boost your overrall sneakyness. ex: 40 sneak+ 25% 'harder to detect'= 50 sneak.
I know Heavy armor and light armor(besides the DB ones) Make noise, and you cant sneak good with them on. hence you get close to an enemy, they hear armor clinking, they notice you.
I've done a couple stealth characters, and i find this general assumption to be true. when i am low level in stealth, i can't sneak anywhere close to enemies. with the increase in stealth (81 on one char,72 on another) i can almost fall on them and them not notice. Not to mention when battling, i stay in sneak, as alot of the time they seem to have a derp moment, forget where i am, and run off. I think that's do to stealth too. As for armor bonuses, i'm sure they boost your overrall sneakyness. ex: 40 sneak+ 25% 'harder to detect'= 50 sneak.
I know Heavy armor and light armor(besides the DB ones) Make noise, and you cant sneak good with them on. hence you get close to an enemy, they hear armor clinking, they notice you.
Hmm... I might try it "naked". Not wearing any gear at all, and just going purely on my base Sneak level and my perks.
I would think my cloth underwear shouldn't make much noise... so we'll see how that goes.
"If you just step away for a sec you will clearly see all the pot holes in the road, and the cash shop selling asphalt..." - Mimzel on F2P/Cash Shops
My turn for a question. Are there anymore weapon and armor types? i know there are different versions of each- they have different appearances- but im level 39 on one of my characters, have done quite a good bit of exploring, yet i always see the same damn old drops in dungeons and exploring.
Do the weapons and armor's scale to your level as well? will i not see a new set of weapons till i hit a higher level? All the dungeons i snoop DO give me alot of great misc items that sell for great prices, but offer no weapon diversity atall.
I'm 39 on this char, and the highest i've seen are Ebony/Glass wep's and armor.
EDIT: also highly upset i cant change my wife's clothes. saved myself from getting a wife till i got the nice house in solitude, grabbed ysolda, got hitched, only to find out i cant equip stuff on her. you know, like your compainions can.
My turn for a question. Are there anymore weapon and armor types? i know there are different versions of each- they have different appearances- but im level 39 on one of my characters, have done quite a good bit of exploring, yet i always see the same damn old drops in dungeons and exploring.
Do the weapons and armor's scale to your level as well? will i not see a new set of weapons till i hit a higher level? All the dungeons i snoop DO give me alot of great misc items that sell for great prices, but offer no weapon diversity atall.
I'm 39 on this char, and the highest i've seen are Ebony/Glass wep's and armor.
EDIT: also highly upset i cant change my wife's clothes. saved myself from getting a wife till i got the nice house in solitude, grabbed ysolda, got hitched, only to find out i cant equip stuff on her. you know, like your compainions can.
When does all this marriage shenanigans take place? Is it a side thing or is it something I"m going to run into regardless?
I'm gonna get insurance, kill my virtual spouse then cash in and retire to a small island off the coast of Elsweyr.
"If you just step away for a sec you will clearly see all the pot holes in the road, and the cash shop selling asphalt..." - Mimzel on F2P/Cash Shops
Ah, thank you
Just in case anyone has not picked it up yet, you have to get the FXAA Post Process Injector mod. Go for level 2, and the change is like the game engine just got upgraded. Performance hit is low too. Can hit pause at any time to toggle it on and off too.
rpg/mmorg history: Dun Darach>Bloodwych>Bards Tale 1-3>Eye of the beholder > Might and Magic 2,3,5 > FFVII> Baldur's Gate 1, 2 > Planescape Torment >Morrowind > WOW > oblivion > LOTR > Guild Wars (1900hrs elementalist) Vanguard. > GW2(1000 elementalist), Wildstar
Now playing GW2, AOW 3, ESO, LOTR, Elite D
I found the Illusions tree quite fun to play as a pure mage. Calming mobs can get you out of all sorts of mischief. And forcing someone in a group of mobs to go beserk while you are hiding invisible is a recipe for good times
I rarely have to fight more than one mob at a time using that tactic.
The ability to see hostile / non hostile creatures through walls with alteration? Thats also very much win for a stealthy ninja wizarrd like myself. (Also helps you determine whether an upcoming campfire / road caravan is hostile or not before you run up and say Hi!)
Look at this image.
I think somone took looting and hoarding a little too far. LOL!
I believe this was posted already in the PC section, but I'll just post it here so that others could see. I don't know if this is legit, but hey, it looks good.
Skyrim Live Action Trailer:
My Blog About Hellgate Global, an ARPG/FPS hybrid MMO:
Hellgate Global Official Fan Blog
Currently Playing: Hellgate Global, LoL, Skyrim, Morrowind
Recently Played: Cardmon Hero, Cabal, Oblivion
lol this inspires me to start hoarding myself... that is the house in white run I think? hehe, suprised he/she doesn't have any books on their bookshelf.
I am entitled to my opinions, misspellings, and grammatical errors.
So here I was... sipping my chamomile tea and minding my own business... and now it's all over my monitor!
Ah yes, I did it too. MUCH better.
and the cash shop selling asphalt..." - Mimzel on F2P/Cash Shops
After latest patch forget the mod steam and bethesda clearly hating PC Gamers and there modding community.
Man i hate STEAM:(
Hope to build full AMD system RYZEN/VEGA/AM4!!!
MB:Asus V De Luxe z77
CPU:Intell Icore7 3770k
GPU: AMD Fury X(waiting for BIG VEGA 10 or 11 HBM2?(bit unclear now))
PSU:Corsair AX1200i
OS:Windows 10 64bit
Yes, I hate steam as well...
Luckily I haven't added any mods, but steam makes me weary of doing so, and I am not sure if it will be more complicated with steam.
Rather than just downloading the mod and running the program, having it install, do I have to do more with steam?
Steam sucks.
I am entitled to my opinions, misspellings, and grammatical errors.
Ewww, that's going to attract skeevers.
Skyrim TimeLapse Video:
My Blog About Hellgate Global, an ARPG/FPS hybrid MMO:
Hellgate Global Official Fan Blog
Currently Playing: Hellgate Global, LoL, Skyrim, Morrowind
Recently Played: Cardmon Hero, Cabal, Oblivion
I used "Preset 4" and the game looks a whole lot better now. A big difference. Throw off the Console Shackles!
"I have only two out of my company and 20 out of some other company. We need support, but it is almost suicide to try to get it here as we are swept by machine gun fire and a constant barrage is on us. I have no one on my left and only a few on my right. I will hold." (First Lieutenant Clifton B. Cates, US Marine Corps, Soissons, 19 July 1918)
I have STALKER on steam and its no issue installing mods, the path is just different. When I installed a major skyrim mod the installer knew where to put it, so hopefully the developers of mods will do the same for this game.
I second this. I've modded many a Steam game without issue. The only mods this will affect are the ones that directly tamper with the executable file which aren't allowed by the EULA anyways. These mods were never a good idea in the first place as if you use one and you haven't backed up your executable first you will have to reinstall the game to get it back when the mod totally messes your game up. Never trust strangers messing with your executables. Always use .esm, .esp or .bsa files which can be turned off if you don't like them or they screw with the functioning of your game. Never use mods that change your game files directly.
Does anyone know if there's a mod to enable first person view when mounted? The forced 3rd person view really annoys me X.X
No. Check Skyrimnexus every now and then though. Check the official Skyrim forums too, since a bunch of the mod community congregates there too. I also wish you can do mounted combat. I mean, Mount & Blade has done it for years already. Spears, lances, and other assorted melee weapons were useable in that game on horseback. To even include horseback archery. And this was done by a small dev team out of Turkey.
"I have only two out of my company and 20 out of some other company. We need support, but it is almost suicide to try to get it here as we are swept by machine gun fire and a constant barrage is on us. I have no one on my left and only a few on my right. I will hold." (First Lieutenant Clifton B. Cates, US Marine Corps, Soissons, 19 July 1918)
The funny thing is TES II: Daggerfall had mounted combat in it. It was one of many things they took out when they made Morrowind (Along with horses altogether). In Daggerfall you could have a horse and wagon as well. They brought back horses in Oblivion but the mounted combat and wagons never did make a return. You could haul a lot of loot away from a dungeon in that wagon!
Ah yeah, forgot about that. The Daggerfall "Loot Wagon," with my adventurers gleefully hauling everything out of a cleared dungeon.
"I have only two out of my company and 20 out of some other company. We need support, but it is almost suicide to try to get it here as we are swept by machine gun fire and a constant barrage is on us. I have no one on my left and only a few on my right. I will hold." (First Lieutenant Clifton B. Cates, US Marine Corps, Soissons, 19 July 1918)
So here's a question...
Does anyone have an idea/opinion/info on exactly how your Sneak level+boosts is applied in Skyrim?
I ask because I'm beginning to get the feeling that it's more a factor of distance than it is of overall "stealthiness", with there being a sort of arbitrary/pre-determined point at which you become truly stealthy, and then improvements beyond that being in the form of how close you can get before they detect you.
Here's why. I've been testing it out by going into this one dungeon that has a bandit chief in it that was problematic for me. I decided to come back when I was a bit more developed and had a more equal chance of winning/losing (I don't like it to be too easy either :-p)...
Since my first encounter with them, barely escaping with my life... I've returned several times to test it out, after getting a couple stealth levels, getting some boosts, etc.
I noticed that for the first 3-4 tries, regardless of additional gear (including the Dark Brotherhood gear you get, with the hood that increases your stealthiness you pick up off the bookshelf), he always "detected" me at the same distance, including around corners/behind walls, etc.
I go up 2 or 3 more Sneak levels (don't know exactly what level it was - somewhere around 50), and I'm suddenly able to get almost on top of him before he detects anything.
This made me curious... So I backed out, swapped out the DB gear for regular Leather gear and snuck in again... I wasn't able to get as close before he detected me those times, on several tries, coming from different directions, etc.
As I put on pieces of the DB gear, though, I noticed I was able to get closer to him before being detected.
So it makes me wonder if the game is set up where there's a sort of dual system happening with sneak.
First, there's a sort of binary "on or off" setup where you can only successfully sneak undetected at all after reaching some pre-determined level (relative to the enemy's level, etc). Next, once you've reached that arbitrary level, what bonuses you have from gear, etc. kick in, determining how close you can get before being detected.
I've noticed the same trend with other enemies.
Hopefully I did a good job explaining that.
Anyone else noticing this?
and the cash shop selling asphalt..." - Mimzel on F2P/Cash Shops
A long long time ago in a Galaxy far away I once had a life........ then I bought Skyrim oO.......
Awsome game, plenty to do. Plan on dragging out finishing the main quest for months.
I've done a couple stealth characters, and i find this general assumption to be true. when i am low level in stealth, i can't sneak anywhere close to enemies. with the increase in stealth (81 on one char,72 on another) i can almost fall on them and them not notice. Not to mention when battling, i stay in sneak, as alot of the time they seem to have a derp moment, forget where i am, and run off. I think that's do to stealth too. As for armor bonuses, i'm sure they boost your overrall sneakyness. ex: 40 sneak+ 25% 'harder to detect'= 50 sneak.
I know Heavy armor and light armor(besides the DB ones) Make noise, and you cant sneak good with them on. hence you get close to an enemy, they hear armor clinking, they notice you.
The Deep Web is sca-ry.
Hmm... I might try it "naked". Not wearing any gear at all, and just going purely on my base Sneak level and my perks.
I would think my cloth underwear shouldn't make much noise... so we'll see how that goes.
and the cash shop selling asphalt..." - Mimzel on F2P/Cash Shops
My turn for a question. Are there anymore weapon and armor types? i know there are different versions of each- they have different appearances- but im level 39 on one of my characters, have done quite a good bit of exploring, yet i always see the same damn old drops in dungeons and exploring.
Do the weapons and armor's scale to your level as well? will i not see a new set of weapons till i hit a higher level? All the dungeons i snoop DO give me alot of great misc items that sell for great prices, but offer no weapon diversity atall.
I'm 39 on this char, and the highest i've seen are Ebony/Glass wep's and armor.
EDIT: also highly upset i cant change my wife's clothes. saved myself from getting a wife till i got the nice house in solitude, grabbed ysolda, got hitched, only to find out i cant equip stuff on her. you know, like your compainions can.
The Deep Web is sca-ry.
When does all this marriage shenanigans take place? Is it a side thing or is it something I"m going to run into regardless?
I'm gonna get insurance, kill my virtual spouse then cash in and retire to a small island off the coast of Elsweyr.
and the cash shop selling asphalt..." - Mimzel on F2P/Cash Shops