A week ago Wednesday we wrapped the main performance and motion capture for Squadron 42, Episode 1, after 66 shooting days. We started shooting on March 31st at Ealing Studios in London and completed principal performance and motion capture on July 8th. This is more shooting days than any film I’ve ever been involved with! I directed my last scene on Friday July 3rd, leaving David Haddock, our lead writer, who along with William Weissbaum wrote the Squadron 42 script, to direct the last three days of secondary character “wild lines” and motion sets the following Monday through Wednesday.
Yup this Guy been out on the loop and have no clue.I am sure people who backed Star Citizen dont care about Squadron 42 ,after all, Millions of dollars were slammed into Star Citizen by backers. Curious though. How much did this guy get from Star Citizen Backers while being out of the loop for so long as a Chairman or Arm Chair? The nerve of it all he goes right back into talking about Squadron 42.. I think the Op hit the nail on the head when he said,Star Citizen history as the "BULLSHIT!" letter.
So this is the new level of arguments regarding the progress of a pc game...
You're one sad little person.
Typical and expected response.
No, it speaks to the credibility (and nepotism questions) of execs at an $85m crowd-funded company, that thus far has failed to deliver on promises. In other industries, people have been fired for similar, or less; entire companies thrown in chaos etc.
And these are the sort of questions that people who invest in a product, should know about. Instead, you folks are trying to deflect attention away from the fact that this is looking a lot like a catastrophic loss of backer money, and making it about the messenger.
Derek, now that you are no longer officially a backer of the project (since they refund and banner your account), how that does leave you with the ability to ask about CIGs and CR reponsibilities?
Do you plan to lend your help to those backers on your list that joined you or you making someone else appointed for the FTC court case?
By the way, I agree with you that the people here are focusing too much on your persona and not on what you are actually saying, which to me is spot on!
That's why they kicked me out as a backer; but it changes nothing. In fact, they just made it worse because it clearly shows that they have something to hide, and a lot of people have already picked up on that. The damage is already done.
The only way that I can help backers, is to point them to the FTC site where they can report the project.
There isn't a doubt in my mind that I will be vindicated. When that happens, we'll see how they spin that. I simply don't care about those who bought into the "dream". I care about the original KS backers who poured $2.1m in a project that has blown out of scope, and now stands less chance of being completed as originally promised. And it's that very premise - not all this noise - that's going to lead to the catastrophic collapse of this project once things start falling apart.
Anyone who continues to put money into this vaporware project, is a fool who deserves to be parted with his/her money.
You've lost all momentum. Your character assassinations show you to be petty and not really concerned about the backers.
It's time to put up or shut up. Even if the FTC did get involved, CIG will likely have delivered enough to kill the investigation by the time they got involved.
Derek, either fund a class action suit or get lost. Because you are losing ground and credibility by the hour.
I'm no expert but here is a prediction: if you're trying to pull on SC the same stunt you did with Alganon there is no way in hell you will succeed. Different times, different game.
That's why they kicked me out as a backer; but it changes nothing. In fact, they just made it worse because it clearly shows that they have something to hide, and a lot of people have already picked up on that.
Give us the data showing that "a lot of people have picked up".. Numbers please.
I simply don't care about those who bought into the "dream". I care about the original KS backers who poured $2.1m in a project that has blown out of scope
Here is what you can't or won't grasp: we, original KS backers believe firmly that CR will deliver a top notch game. We don't need a white knight and most certainly we did not appoint you as our representative. We where aware that as the funding raised the game would grow in features. It's something we wanted and helped towards this direction.
Sorry, you don't get to change history.
The Alganon people came to me in 2010.
I took over the project, then invested in it.
It led to many things, including F2P model, expansion pack etc.
This year, I got it on Steam.
It is now 2015, and I still have it going, a game that, for all intent and purposes, was supposed to have died in 2009.
Nice try though.
ps: And now you're blocked as well. I simply do NOT have time to be reading, or responding to attacks, or bullshit.
Game developers are just human beings who happen to make games for a living. If you want to hold us up to higher standards of conduct, then go ahead ...but don't be surprised if we don't uphold them.
The problem with sociopaths like Derek Smart is that they never know when they are beaten, they never know when to quit.
Why don't you take that 1 million dollars and put it back into those games you are supposed to finish?
Personal attacks. Checked. Blocked.
Who's next?
Game developers are just human beings who happen to make games for a living. If you want to hold us up to higher standards of conduct, then go ahead ...but don't be surprised if we don't uphold them.
I´ll leave this here for you... Mr. Smart will deny all points (even has a website trying to debunk the urban legends *LOL* surrounding him.
Bullshit urban legend? Checked. Blocked.
Game developers are just human beings who happen to make games for a living. If you want to hold us up to higher standards of conduct, then go ahead ...but don't be surprised if we don't uphold them.
Well, I decided to have a look at the alleged "incriminating evidence" where Sandi Gardiner "admits" she knows nothing about Marketing:
"As VP of Marketing (although I’m not sure about the title VP as it stands for Vice-President and there isn’t anyone above me in the Marketing Department) in effect, what I do entails more than just marketing."
As any native English speaker will tell you, the bit in the brackets is a rather weak attempt at humour. The title of Vice-President implies that you are not the President, but second in line. As she says, "...there isn't anyone above me...", implying that she doesn't understand why there's a "Vice-" in her title. Very funny... *rolls eyes*
OK, so she's obviously not going to win any awards for comedy, but anyone that thinks that quote means she's admitting ignorance of what an executive marketing position entails, is going to be laughed out of the room.
I just had to comment after this last statement from the Star Citizen chairman, "“Several years from now, when you are surrounded by your loved ones, and they ask you what did you do during the battle for Space Sims and PC games, you can look them in the eye and say; I helped make Star Citizen.”
Uh what? I find this immensely funny for some reason. The game might be great and groundbreaking who knows, but to make that statement makes me question this company. First off, I can understand that emotions are running high after controversy has been raised, but this a bit over the top. Second, you should appeal more to your backers with facts so they feel more secure. Lastly, be yourself not a salesman with gimmicky statements. People just want honesty and truth good or bad.
I do wish Star Citizen the best and hope they succeed ....
I'm no expert but here is a prediction: if you're trying to pull on SC the same stunt you did with Alganon there is no way in hell you will succeed. Different times, different game.
That's why they kicked me out as a backer; but it changes nothing. In fact, they just made it worse because it clearly shows that they have something to hide, and a lot of people have already picked up on that.
Give us the data showing that "a lot of people have picked up".. Numbers please.
I simply don't care about those who bought into the "dream". I care about the original KS backers who poured $2.1m in a project that has blown out of scope
Here is what you can't or won't grasp: we, original KS backers believe firmly that CR will deliver a top notch game. We don't need a white knight and most certainly we did not appoint you as our representative. We where aware that as the funding raised the game would grow in features. It's something we wanted and helped towards this direction.
Sorry, you don't get to change history.
The Alganon people came to me in 2010.
I took over the project, then invested in it.
It led to many things, including F2P model, expansion pack etc.
This year, I got it on Steam.
It is now 2015, and I still have it going, a game that, for all intent and purposes, was supposed to have died in 2009.
Nice try though.
ps: And now you're blocked as well. I simply do NOT have time to be reading, or responding to attacks, or bullshit.
"Smart, the notorious industry veteran behind the Battlecruiser and Universal Combat games, was brought in to assist soon after it launched, but by mid-March he had taken over the company as president and fired founder Dave Allen, a move which prompted no small amount of controversy in itself."
I'm no expert but here is a prediction: if you're trying to pull on SC the same stunt you did with Alganon there is no way in hell you will succeed. Different times, different game.
That's why they kicked me out as a backer; but it changes nothing. In fact, they just made it worse because it clearly shows that they have something to hide, and a lot of people have already picked up on that.
Give us the data showing that "a lot of people have picked up".. Numbers please.
I simply don't care about those who bought into the "dream". I care about the original KS backers who poured $2.1m in a project that has blown out of scope
Here is what you can't or won't grasp: we, original KS backers believe firmly that CR will deliver a top notch game. We don't need a white knight and most certainly we did not appoint you as our representative. We where aware that as the funding raised the game would grow in features. It's something we wanted and helped towards this direction.
Sorry, you don't get to change history.
The Alganon people came to me in 2010.
I took over the project, then invested in it.
It led to many things, including F2P model, expansion pack etc.
This year, I got it on Steam.
It is now 2015, and I still have it going, a game that, for all intent and purposes, was supposed to have died in 2009.
Nice try though.
ps: And now you're blocked as well. I simply do NOT have time to be reading, or responding to attacks, or bullshit.
Typical DS response:
When confronted to provide numbers or meaningful answers he just blocks ad runs..
I´ll leave this here for you... Mr. Smart will deny all points (even has a website trying to debunk the urban legends *LOL* surrounding him.
Bullshit urban legend? Checked. Blocked.
Yeah he blocked me again. But he has enough accounts to still watch me here.
Sad... always when people come around with stories that could be unpleasing, he just shuts his eyes and says: "When I can´t see it it´s not there"
The only thing we as backers want is a game. Can we get that with out some animosity or political BS with in the development arena? You folks should keep this in the arena and not bring it out to the forums. It looks bad you know?
I´ll leave this here for you... Mr. Smart will deny all points (even has a website trying to debunk the urban legends *LOL* surrounding him.
Bullshit urban legend? Checked. Blocked.
Yeah he blocked me again. But he has enough accounts to still watch me here.
Sad... always when people come around with stories that could be unpleasing, he just shuts his eyes and says: "When I can´t see it it´s not there"
This is what Derek Smart does. He either bans (if he has the tool), reports, or blocks. All his public channels that are officially his has responses turned off. On Steam, he got caught banning criticism and bad reviews. Steam even removed the blocks.
He won't answer any questions directly. Notice how the one thing he thinks he has on SC and Chris Roberts, Sandi Gardiner, is the one thing he focuses on. Not anything else. That's all he thought he had up to now. He cannot and will not address anything he's said directly and have an honest dialogue about it. Because, he knows all that he has is assertions, speculation, and opinion.
Derek Smart's out clause was even posted in his last blog post:
"And while you’re pacing the room, ponder the fact that I reside in Florida. These are our defamation laws and guidelines, and Florida recognizes the Substantial Truth protection. Read that last link very carefully."
Basically, from my perspective he is basically stating he can exaggerate all he wants as long as a couple of his accusations stick.
So basically Chris Roberts and his brother and his wife and whoever else he is paying with the backers money have been flying around the world having a great time while very little progress on the actual game has been made. This is the same thing every few months. I can't believe anyone still thinks any of this is legit. Keep buying those $2,500.00 ships you suckers!
Originally posted by donger56 So basically Chris Roberts and his brother and his wife and whoever else he is paying with the backers money have been flying around the world having a great time while very little progress on the actual game has been made. This is the same thing every few months. I can't believe anyone still thinks any of this is legit. Keep buying those $2,500.00 ships you suckers!
Please cite your sources on this 'flying around the world on backer's money' stuff. And, please, provide context to those flights if they did occur.
Otherwise, this is nothing more than heresy on the Internet; and we know the credibility level of that.
Originally posted by Elsabolts OK then why not give refunds to anyone who wants there money back, seems the right thing to do ?
It is a kickstarter, you're not buying a 'money back guaranteed' product, you are funding a person with his business.
So what, Camelot Unchained is a kickstarter MMO project and they offer refunds to any backer at any time for any reason. They are not required to of course, but it tells you who is confident in their product and who isn't. There is no reason scam citizen can't do refunds other than they just don't want to because they would lose millions. Of course people could always do charge backs depending in what payment method they used.
Originally posted by donger56 So basically Chris Roberts and his brother and his wife and whoever else he is paying with the backers money have been flying around the world having a great time while very little progress on the actual game has been made. This is the same thing every few months. I can't believe anyone still thinks any of this is legit. Keep buying those $2,500.00 ships you suckers!
Please cite your sources on this 'flying around the world on backer's money' stuff. And, please, provide context to those flights if they did occur.
Otherwise, this is nothing more than heresy on the Internet; and we know the credibility level of that.
Oh you think all that travel is being paid for out of his own pocket? Don't be an idiot. Every company pays for it's employees travel expenses, but the difference here is this company doesn't actually produce anything but pretty pictures of ships. This is nothing new, Richard Garriot did the same thing on Tabula Rasa. They spent a small fortune on parties, travel and living it up while producing a complete junk game. McQuaid did the same over at Vanguard and then walked off with the money Pantheon raised too. You suckers just don't learn. Stop throwing money at these clowns. Remember when people had to actually make a good game and then they could sell it to people?? Stop drinking the kool aid and then moaning about no good games being made. Why should anyone make a good game with so many idiots willing to pay for nothing but promises and pictures?
Oh you think all that travel is being paid for out of his own pocket? Don't be an idiot. Every company pays for it's employees travel expenses, but the difference here is this company doesn't actually produce anything but pretty pictures of ships. This is nothing new, Richard Garriot did the same thing on Tabula Rasa. They spent a small fortune on parties, travel and living it up while producing a complete junk game. McQuaid did the same over at Vanguard and then walked off with the money Pantheon raised too. You suckers just don't learn. Stop throwing money at these clowns. Remember when people had to actually make a good game and then they could sell it to people?? Stop drinking the kool aid and then moaning about no good games being made. Why should anyone make a good game with so many idiots willing to pay for nothing but promises and pictures?
Of course the travels are paid by company money or backer money. But... you know... when you have several studios around the world there is no way you can do all by video conference and such. Traveling is necessary.
If you would have made an adequate research you might have found some more things than just pictures of ships. I just googled a bit and visited the RSI site and could find tons of content. Even the content from the leak is quite nice. Physic vids, Grabby Hands mechanic, etc. etc.
Sorry if you do not understand how game development works espacially when you
a) do something completely new
b) there is no publisher or shareholder who cuts content, sets deadlines and only thinks about its profit (i.e. EA, Ubisoft)
c) share content with the community in a mass and quality I haven´t seen in any other kickstarter campaign and not to mention normal game developer
Like every crowd funded project this game needs to lay out exactly every cent it is spending and on what in order for most sane people to believe what is being said.
Originally posted by donger56 So basically Chris Roberts and his brother and his wife and whoever else he is paying with the backers money have been flying around the world having a great time while very little progress on the actual game has been made. This is the same thing every few months. I can't believe anyone still thinks any of this is legit. Keep buying those $2,500.00 ships you suckers!
Please cite your sources on this 'flying around the world on backer's money' stuff. And, please, provide context to those flights if they did occur.
Otherwise, this is nothing more than heresy on the Internet; and we know the credibility level of that.
Oh you think all that travel is being paid for out of his own pocket? Don't be an idiot. Every company pays for it's employees travel expenses, but the difference here is this company doesn't actually produce anything but pretty pictures of ships. This is nothing new, Richard Garriot did the same thing on Tabula Rasa. They spent a small fortune on parties, travel and living it up while producing a complete junk game. McQuaid did the same over at Vanguard and then walked off with the money Pantheon raised too. You suckers just don't learn. Stop throwing money at these clowns. Remember when people had to actually make a good game and then they could sell it to people?? Stop drinking the kool aid and then moaning about no good games being made. Why should anyone make a good game with so many idiots willing to pay for nothing but promises and pictures?
Pictures of ships you say.
Apparently i play something different. Because i can walk inside both my ships, visit their various compartments, interact with stuff, sit at the controls. I can also fly them in Arena Commander. In a few weeks i will walk my character around.
I must have backed a different game but by all means, please continue providing legit info to the community.
Yup this Guy been out on the loop and have no clue.I am sure people who backed Star Citizen dont care about Squadron 42 ,after all, Millions of dollars were slammed into Star Citizen by backers. Curious though. How much did this guy get from Star Citizen Backers while being out of the loop for so long as a Chairman or Arm Chair? The nerve of it all he goes right back into talking about Squadron 42.. I think the Op hit the nail on the head when he said,Star Citizen history as the "BULLSHIT!" letter.
I retired retroactively..Haha
I´ll leave this here for you... Mr. Smart will deny all points (even has a website trying to debunk the urban legends *LOL* surrounding him.
Mr. Smart has no PhD. It´s a lie!
You've lost all momentum. Your character assassinations show you to be petty and not really concerned about the backers.
It's time to put up or shut up. Even if the FTC did get involved, CIG will likely have delivered enough to kill the investigation by the time they got involved.
Derek, either fund a class action suit or get lost. Because you are losing ground and credibility by the hour.
Ahh, you may want to READ the "Letter of the Chairman" first ;-)
Chris Roberts quote (about midway in the text): "Now I’ll answer those claims in one word: Bullshit!"
Have fun
Sorry, you don't get to change history.
The Alganon people came to me in 2010.
I took over the project, then invested in it.
It led to many things, including F2P model, expansion pack etc.
This year, I got it on Steam.
It is now 2015, and I still have it going, a game that, for all intent and purposes, was supposed to have died in 2009.
Nice try though.
ps: And now you're blocked as well. I simply do NOT have time to be reading, or responding to attacks, or bullshit.
Game developers are just human beings who happen to make games for a living.
If you want to hold us up to higher standards of conduct, then go ahead
...but don't be surprised if we don't uphold them.
Personal attacks. Checked. Blocked.
Who's next?
Game developers are just human beings who happen to make games for a living.
If you want to hold us up to higher standards of conduct, then go ahead
...but don't be surprised if we don't uphold them.
Bullshit urban legend? Checked. Blocked.
Game developers are just human beings who happen to make games for a living.
If you want to hold us up to higher standards of conduct, then go ahead
...but don't be surprised if we don't uphold them.
Well, I decided to have a look at the alleged "incriminating evidence" where Sandi Gardiner "admits" she knows nothing about Marketing:
"As VP of Marketing (although I’m not sure about the title VP as it stands for Vice-President and there isn’t anyone above me in the Marketing Department) in effect, what I do entails more than just marketing."
As any native English speaker will tell you, the bit in the brackets is a rather weak attempt at humour. The title of Vice-President implies that you are not the President, but second in line. As she says, "...there isn't anyone above me...", implying that she doesn't understand why there's a "Vice-" in her title. Very funny... *rolls eyes*
OK, so she's obviously not going to win any awards for comedy, but anyone that thinks that quote means she's admitting ignorance of what an executive marketing position entails, is going to be laughed out of the room.
I just had to comment after this last statement from the Star Citizen chairman, "“Several years from now, when you are surrounded by your loved ones, and they ask you what did you do during the battle for Space Sims and PC games, you can look them in the eye and say; I helped make Star Citizen.”
Uh what? I find this immensely funny for some reason. The game might be great and groundbreaking who knows, but to make that statement makes me question this company. First off, I can understand that emotions are running high after controversy has been raised, but this a bit over the top. Second, you should appeal more to your backers with facts so they feel more secure. Lastly, be yourself not a salesman with gimmicky statements. People just want honesty and truth good or bad.
I do wish Star Citizen the best and hope they succeed ....
I can pretty much sum it up for you in one word. Its not about the game its about GREED.....
I retired retroactively..Haha
"Smart, the notorious industry veteran behind the Battlecruiser and Universal Combat games, was brought in to assist soon after it launched, but by mid-March he had taken over the company as president and fired founder Dave Allen, a move which prompted no small amount of controversy in itself."
Typical DS response:
When confronted to provide numbers or meaningful answers he just blocks ad runs..
Yeah he blocked me again. But he has enough accounts to still watch me here.
Sad... always when people come around with stories that could be unpleasing, he just shuts his eyes and says: "When I can´t see it it´s not there"
The only thing we as backers want is a game. Can we get that with out some animosity or political BS with in the development arena? You folks should keep this in the arena and not bring it out to the forums. It looks bad you know?
I retired retroactively..Haha
This is what Derek Smart does. He either bans (if he has the tool), reports, or blocks. All his public channels that are officially his has responses turned off. On Steam, he got caught banning criticism and bad reviews. Steam even removed the blocks.
He won't answer any questions directly. Notice how the one thing he thinks he has on SC and Chris Roberts, Sandi Gardiner, is the one thing he focuses on. Not anything else. That's all he thought he had up to now. He cannot and will not address anything he's said directly and have an honest dialogue about it. Because, he knows all that he has is assertions, speculation, and opinion.
This is my IMHO and how I see this whole thing.
Derek Smart's out clause was even posted in his last blog post:
"And while you’re pacing the room, ponder the fact that I reside in Florida. These are our defamation laws and guidelines, and Florida recognizes the Substantial Truth protection. Read that last link very carefully."
Basically, from my perspective he is basically stating he can exaggerate all he wants as long as a couple of his accusations stick.
Please cite your sources on this 'flying around the world on backer's money' stuff. And, please, provide context to those flights if they did occur.
Otherwise, this is nothing more than heresy on the Internet; and we know the credibility level of that.
So what, Camelot Unchained is a kickstarter MMO project and they offer refunds to any backer at any time for any reason. They are not required to of course, but it tells you who is confident in their product and who isn't. There is no reason scam citizen can't do refunds other than they just don't want to because they would lose millions. Of course people could always do charge backs depending in what payment method they used.
Oh you think all that travel is being paid for out of his own pocket? Don't be an idiot. Every company pays for it's employees travel expenses, but the difference here is this company doesn't actually produce anything but pretty pictures of ships. This is nothing new, Richard Garriot did the same thing on Tabula Rasa. They spent a small fortune on parties, travel and living it up while producing a complete junk game. McQuaid did the same over at Vanguard and then walked off with the money Pantheon raised too. You suckers just don't learn. Stop throwing money at these clowns. Remember when people had to actually make a good game and then they could sell it to people?? Stop drinking the kool aid and then moaning about no good games being made. Why should anyone make a good game with so many idiots willing to pay for nothing but promises and pictures?
Of course the travels are paid by company money or backer money. But... you know... when you have several studios around the world there is no way you can do all by video conference and such. Traveling is necessary.
If you would have made an adequate research you might have found some more things than just pictures of ships. I just googled a bit and visited the RSI site and could find tons of content. Even the content from the leak is quite nice. Physic vids, Grabby Hands mechanic, etc. etc.
Sorry if you do not understand how game development works espacially when you
a) do something completely new
b) there is no publisher or shareholder who cuts content, sets deadlines and only thinks about its profit (i.e. EA, Ubisoft)
c) share content with the community in a mass and quality I haven´t seen in any other kickstarter campaign and not to mention normal game developer
But please continue spitting hate.
Pictures of ships you say.
Apparently i play something different. Because i can walk inside both my ships, visit their various compartments, interact with stuff, sit at the controls. I can also fly them in Arena Commander. In a few weeks i will walk my character around.
I must have backed a different game but by all means, please continue providing legit info to the community.