I can see a problem here, though CIG can not refuse the service in general to an individual the saying it's their house they can throw you out is not applicable. As soon as you are a public company with a product that is avaiable to the public they have to let everyone in.
Tell that to Blizzard when they ban the next 90.000 users from Battle.Net ... without compensation of course.
Have fun
They are banning accounts, not individuals.
Ok, fair enough, tell that to Mississippi
Is that true, though? I hadn't heard that before. I mean businesses can ban individuals from shopping at their store if they have shop-lifted in the past, right?
What all the pro white knight guys should consider is that without a persistent universe there cannot by definition be an economy because nothing lasts. The only economy this game will have (until probably 2020 now) is a real world cash for in game pixels one.
How can there possibly be an in game economy when there is not a game nor is there even a server that is backing anything up thatthey might even try to put into this whatever they want to call it.
I guess the arguments from both sides the last 3 pages pretty much proved that statement to be the most accurate one in this whole thread.
People forget that CIG didn't refund DS because he wrote his first blog but also for his attempt to stir up a "rebellion", promoting LOD using SC as advertise material (comparing how superior LOD is) and doing a FUD campaign that had almost nothing to do with the complaints some backers had at the time. He used the complaints as discussion starter and justification.
Only because DS says ad nauseam that CiG started the war does not make it right. Also it is a kindergarten argument that CIG started the fight. It was just an excuse so that he could go full internet warlord instead of having an honest discussion.
Just look at Twitter or the Steam forum how well he handles criticism and logic arguments.
That is why I say that DS is kind of dangerous. He twists the narrative so hard to let people believe that what he says and tells happened exactly as he described it.
There is a longer story to that... just google Quest Online, Star Trek Online, the Usenet flame war in regards to DS.... or dig through r/DerekSmart. There are enough topics where his past is vetted.
QuestOnline war sein erster Streich... der zweine folgt zugleich... nicht.
If you are critical in regards to SC... that's perfectly fine. I could not care less how hardcore you are anti SC. But do not use DS as a honest, reliable source for your worries or hate.
Considering the TOS...
DS was refunded and banned. It seems he got his hands on some accounts (be it via the grey market or as gift from goons). That was already discussed on Reddit a few weeks back. As he is banned it is clearly stated in the TOS that this is not allowed. As of now it does not matter if it can not stand a second in court only because you think so. You may wish it would not stand a second but to be honest.... you have no clue. You are no attorney. CIG is able to nuke these accounts if they can follow the trail.
Simple scare tactic by DS... he is a propaganda machine and I do not like propaganda.
He admitted that he has no legal stance and hopes that CIG will sue him. They will not... At least for now. What happens after SC is released is unknown but I guess that people will forget about him pretty fast IF SC and SQ42 is critically acclaimed.
Considering the economy... as long as everything is client side there is no economy.
CIG transfers more and more things server side to test how the economy works out. The first step towards persistence and a somewhat living economy should be available with patch 2.6. How it works out until then depends on how the mechanics implemented by CIG work out. I guess a lot of balancing, more systems to travel to and more economy items of all types are needed to call the economy life.
I am not sure what to think of the still not final decisions how often and how much is affected by resets that are necessary during the next development stages. It would give early backers quite an advantage if certain things are not purged during resets. But let's see how this really affects the economy.
I guess it's still too early to make assumptions on how live the economy already is. As said we need more star systems, shops, persistence, etc. to call the economy life.
The only persistent things at the moment are the ship backers own and the amount of UEC they have. CIG needs to be careful with the UEC problematic but we still do not know how much influence players have on the 90% controlled by NPCs economy. The less influence players have vs NPC economy the less importance/influence pre release achieved items, UEC, etc. have.
Considering the economy... as long as everything is client side there is no economy.
CIG transfers more and more things server side to test how the economy works out. The first step towards persistence and a somewhat living economy should be available with patch 2.6. How it works out until then depends on how the mechanics implemented by CIG work out. I guess a lot of balancing, more systems to travel to and more economy items of all types are needed to call the economy life.
I am not sure what to think of the still not final decisions how often and how much is affected by resets that are necessary during the next development stages. It would give early backers quite an advantage if certain things are not purged during resets. But let's see how this really affects the economy.
I guess it's still too early to make assumptions on how live the economy already is. As said we need more star systems, shops, persistence, etc. to call the economy life.
The only persistent things at the moment are the ship backers own and the amount of UEC they have. CIG needs to be careful with the UEC problematic but we still do not know how much influence players have on the 90% controlled by NPCs economy. The less influence players have vs NPC economy the less importance/influence pre release achieved items, UEC, etc. have.
You really think theyre going to tackle that before they have to? Now that (apparently) SQ 42 doesnt need a persistent universe to be released I doubt theyre even working on it ATM. If they were competent they would have an internal working pocket one right now, that is unlikely as well (but speculation). I htink the reason they reworked everything and are going full steam ahead with SQ 42 (and got rid of the co-op portion of it) is because they cant even get a small scale solo player version of a persistent universe to work internally Again speculation but more than likely fairly accurate.
Now they might TRY and put one out to 'prove' something but again highly unlikely. But we do know how much CR loves to try and prove things to people even when the proof is actually supporting the people he is trying to show something to.
I myself thought they might have something before the fall, but that was before I realized the co-op was completely removed from SQ 42 (and not just minimized to one module). So to me that is the most logical leap, they did it because they cant get it to work. There isnt any other reason to make such a major change to that prtion of the game. Other than lack of funds. Which also wouldnt be a positive.
You really think theyre going to tackle that before they have to? Now that (apparently) SQ 42 doesnt need a persistent universe to be released I doubt theyre even working on it ATM. If they were competent they would have an internal working pocket one right now, that is unlikely as well (but speculation).
Speculation based on what sources? Only because you doubt that they are working on that does not make it right. You have no clue what they are really doing atm.
I htink the reason they reworked everything and are going full steam ahead with SQ 42 (and got rid of the co-op portion of it) is because they cant even get a small scale solo player version of a persistent universe to work internally Again speculation but more than likely fairly accurate.
Why is it fairly accurate? Based on what? People ride the "the coop part his been removed" train too often. Yes they changed it... welcome to game development... Welcome to project management. Only because they focus on SQ42 does not imply at all that important aspects of SC are not developed.
Now they might TRY and put one out to 'prove' something but again highly unlikely. But we do know how much CR loves to try and prove things to people even when the proof is actually supporting the people he is trying to show something to.
Whut? So now you say that you might be wrong if they show proof but it is unlikely because it would not fit the way you think about SC overall? Yes you said it.
And you say that CR likes to show proof of development to people he likes to show proof to so that it supports people that he is trying to show proof? What A Strange Sentence. Please tell me what you really meant by that.
And no... he/CIG does not release updates or proof as you call it to convince the critics exclusively but to show proof of development. You know that... it's like with teasers or trailers for every other games.
I myself thought they might have something before the fall, but that was before I realized the co-op was completely removed from SQ 42 (and not just minimized to one module). So to me that is the most logical leap, they did it because they cant get it to work. There isnt any other reason to make such a major change to that prtion of the game. Other than lack of funds. Which also wouldnt be a positive.
Maybe in your world there is no other way but that does not mean that others cannot find a way. or do you have game developer experience?
[...] DS was refunded and banned. It seems he got his hands on some accounts (be it via the grey market or as gift from goons). That was already discussed on Reddit a few weeks back. As he is banned it is clearly stated in the TOS that this is not allowed. As of now it does not matter if it can not stand a second in court only because you think so. You may wish it would not stand a second but to be honest.... you have no clue. You are no attorney. CIG is able to nuke these accounts if they can follow the trail. [...]
You can not ban a person from a video game as long as the video game itself is public, you can ban the account but you may not ban a new account if the person didn't do anything wrong with it. If you do > expect a lawsuit.
And no I am not an attorney (wonder how you'd know that), I just translated the first german language EULA for EQLive back in the SOE days (Zack Karlsson was my Boss on this project, I was the only native german speaker in the company), in our training we had to analyse many EULA/TOS to handle the escalations and even early SOE wouldn't be such a top hat with a rear end (SCNR) to it's customers like CIG is ATM and that has something to say.
Finally, for your own sake don't be that much obsessed on that DS guy.
When you have cake, it is not the cake that creates the most magnificent of experiences, but it is the emotions attached to it. The cake is a lie.
[...] DS was refunded and banned. It seems he got his hands on some accounts (be it via the grey market or as gift from goons). That was already discussed on Reddit a few weeks back. As he is banned it is clearly stated in the TOS that this is not allowed. As of now it does not matter if it can not stand a second in court only because you think so. You may wish it would not stand a second but to be honest.... you have no clue. You are no attorney. CIG is able to nuke these accounts if they can follow the trail. [...]
You can not ban a person from a video game as long as the video game itself is public, you can ban the account but you may not ban a new account if the person didn't do anything wrong with it. If you do > expect a lawsuit.
And no I am not an attorney (wonder how you'd know that), I just translated the first german language EULA for EQLive back in the SOE days (Zack Karlsson was my Boss on this project, I was the only native german speaker in the company), in our training we had to analyse many EULA/TOS to handle the escalations and even early SOE wouldn't be such a top hat with a rear end (SCNR) to it's customers like CIG is ATM and that has something to say.
Finally, for your own sake don't be that much obsessed on that DS guy.
Keine Sorge bin ich nicht... bin nur informiert und möchte vor ihm warnen. Kenne seine Stories schon von damals und weiß, war er alles so abgezogen hat. Aber man kann sich da schon etwas reinsteigern... da hast du recht wer kennt das nicht.
But to be honest and returning to the topic... even if you had some training on how to handle escalations regarding EULA/TOS does not give you the proper knowledge on how court/law hardened the CIG TOS is.
The question remains what, in this case, DS did wrong. I am quite sure that if CIG did wrong he would have used it against them. He didn't therefore I guess his legal beagle told him so.
I am not sure what you mean by public games. Can you tell me when a game is public an when not? And maybe a source which says that you cannot ban people from public games. Thanks in advance
[...] I am not sure what you mean by public games. Can you tell me when a game is public an when not? And maybe a source which says that you cannot ban people from public games. Thanks in advance
public game = something you can buy access to in a common place (walmart, internet, etc) non-public game = development versions, private server shards
When you have cake, it is not the cake that creates the most magnificent of experiences, but it is the emotions attached to it. The cake is a lie.
Derek ripped the game in his blog, they banned him and gave him a refund even though he did not originally ask for one. That is what started the whole public DS fight with CIG. He got banned and refunded for writing a blog. Let that sink in.
Derek ripped the game in his blog, they banned him and gave him a refund even though he did not originally ask for one. That is what started the whole public DS fight with CIG. He got banned and refunded for writing a blog. Let that sink in.
DS did quite more than just writing a blog. He even went as far as promoting LoD using CIG's platform. Let that sink in.
Also, the clock on the much anticipated and hyped E.L.E by DS and his fan boy squad is ticking away. Let's see how much credibility he will have left when the timer reaches 0.
Derek ripped the game in his blog, they banned him and gave him a refund even though he did not originally ask for one. That is what started the whole public DS fight with CIG. He got banned and refunded for writing a blog. Let that sink in.
DS did quite more than just writing a blog. He even went as far as promoting LoD using CIG's platform. Let that sink in.
Also, the clock on the much anticipated and hyped E.L.E by DS and his fan boy squad is ticking away. Let's see how much credibility he will have left when the timer reaches 0.
WAIT! He said a game CR wanted to make couldn't be done like CR was saying at the time and compared it to a game he is working on. YES an actual game unlike CR's dream that can't be done. Ahhh yeah I can see you guys getting all up in arms about comparing no game to a real game in development. NOT!
Derek ripped the game in his blog, they banned him and gave him a refund even though he did not originally ask for one. That is what started the whole public DS fight with CIG. He got banned and refunded for writing a blog. Let that sink in.
DS did quite more than just writing a blog. He even went as far as promoting LoD using CIG's platform. Let that sink in.
Also, the clock on the much anticipated and hyped E.L.E by DS and his fan boy squad is ticking away. Let's see how much credibility he will have left when the timer reaches 0.
WAIT! He said a game CR wanted to make couldn't be done like CR was saying at the time and compared it to a game he is working on. YES an actual game unlike CR's dream that can't be done. Ahhh yeah I can see you guys getting all up in arms about comparing no game to a real game in development. NOT!
Lol, I actually laughed a little out loud for real when you said "...a real game in development..."
At least call a spade a spade and say that DS is probably the best person to say that what CIG is doing is impossible because he's been trying to do it for a decade unsuccessfully.
Derek ripped the game in his blog, they banned him and gave him a refund even though he did not originally ask for one. That is what started the whole public DS fight with CIG. He got banned and refunded for writing a blog. Let that sink in.
DS did quite more than just writing a blog. He even went as far as promoting LoD using CIG's platform. Let that sink in.
Also, the clock on the much anticipated and hyped E.L.E by DS and his fan boy squad is ticking away. Let's see how much credibility he will have left when the timer reaches 0.
WAIT! He said a game CR wanted to make couldn't be done like CR was saying at the time and compared it to a game he is working on. YES an actual game unlike CR's dream that can't be done. Ahhh yeah I can see you guys getting all up in arms about comparing no game to a real game in development. NOT!
Are you aware that you sound more and more like your Messiah? You just repeat what has been said by him. I wonder when you scream at us and write "Let me f***ing finish!!"
Calling pro SC people cultists who suck everything CR tells them (even if most supporters have no problem having concerns) but you defending DS to the bitter end without questioning him... well... Is kinda worrying.
Lol, I actually laughed a little out loud for real when you said "...a real game in development..."
At least call a spade a spade and say that DS is probably the best person to say that what CIG is doing is impossible because he's been trying to do it for a decade unsuccessfully.
That pretty much sums up the Derrik Smart angle. And what gives him some credibility.
The difference is the hubris of Chris Roberts and the 110+ million reasons he had made him think it could be done.
Derek ripped the game in his blog, they banned him and gave him a refund even though he did not originally ask for one. That is what started the whole public DS fight with CIG. He got banned and refunded for writing a blog. Let that sink in.
DS did quite more than just writing a blog. He even went as far as promoting LoD using CIG's platform. Let that sink in.
Also, the clock on the much anticipated and hyped E.L.E by DS and his fan boy squad is ticking away. Let's see how much credibility he will have left when the timer reaches 0.
WAIT! He said a game CR wanted to make couldn't be done like CR was saying at the time and compared it to a game he is working on. YES an actual game unlike CR's dream that can't be done. Ahhh yeah I can see you guys getting all up in arms about comparing no game to a real game in development. NOT!
You must be maybe the second person on the planet after DS who thinks that LOD even resembles a game.
Lol, I actually laughed a little out loud for real when you said "...a real game in development..."
At least call a spade a spade and say that DS is probably the best person to say that what CIG is doing is impossible because he's been trying to do it for a decade unsuccessfully.
That pretty much sums up the Derrik Smart angle. And what gives him some credibility.
The difference is the hubris of Chris Roberts and the 110+ million reasons he had made him think it could be done.
Just for the record, it's highly unlikely that CR said "I believe this can be done so I'm going to do it."
Remember that they have, basically, the entire Crytek team working for CIG, including former lead developers and system architects. If it actually is an impossibility, I'm sure these people never said anything, and I'm sure CR would have leaned on them heavily for feedback on the concept.
At least call a spade a spade and say that DS is probably the best person to say that what CIG is doing is impossible because he's been trying to do it for a decade unsuccessfully.
DS isn't capable to produce anything even remotely decent let alone a game the scope and complexity of SC. So yes, of course he will say that it can't be done.
For a textbook narcissist like him anything beyond his capabilities is De facto out of everyone else's as well.
Bottom line question: who the hell is DS to say what can and what can't be done ?
Derek ripped the game in his blog, they banned him and gave him a refund even though he did not originally ask for one. That is what started the whole public DS fight with CIG. He got banned and refunded for writing a blog. Let that sink in.
DS did quite more than just writing a blog. He even went as far as promoting LoD using CIG's platform. Let that sink in.
Also, the clock on the much anticipated and hyped E.L.E by DS and his fan boy squad is ticking away. Let's see how much credibility he will have left when the timer reaches 0.
WAIT! He said a game CR wanted to make couldn't be done like CR was saying at the time and compared it to a game he is working on. YES an actual game unlike CR's dream that can't be done. Ahhh yeah I can see you guys getting all up in arms about comparing no game to a real game in development. NOT!
Lol, I actually laughed a little out loud for real when you said "...a real game in development..."
At least call a spade a spade and say that DS is probably the best person to say that what CIG is doing is impossible because he's been trying to do it for a decade unsuccessfully.
You guys realize if you didn't have DS you wouldn't have nothing to say. You guys should be honoring DS just for that reason.
Derek ripped the game in his blog, they banned him and gave him a refund even though he did not originally ask for one. That is what started the whole public DS fight with CIG. He got banned and refunded for writing a blog. Let that sink in.
DS did quite more than just writing a blog. He even went as far as promoting LoD using CIG's platform. Let that sink in.
Also, the clock on the much anticipated and hyped E.L.E by DS and his fan boy squad is ticking away. Let's see how much credibility he will have left when the timer reaches 0.
WAIT! He said a game CR wanted to make couldn't be done like CR was saying at the time and compared it to a game he is working on. YES an actual game unlike CR's dream that can't be done. Ahhh yeah I can see you guys getting all up in arms about comparing no game to a real game in development. NOT!
Are you aware that you sound more and more like your Messiah? You just repeat what has been said by him. I wonder when you scream at us and write "Let me f***ing finish!!"
Calling pro SC people cultists who suck everything CR tells them (even if most supporters have no problem having concerns) but you defending DS to the bitter end without questioning him... well... Is kinda worrying.
Take a step back.
Well when it is the truth it should all sound the same.
At least you have DS and attacks to keep this all going.
Lol, I actually laughed a little out loud for real when you said "...a real game in development..."
At least call a spade a spade and say that DS is probably the best person to say that what CIG is doing is impossible because he's been trying to do it for a decade unsuccessfully.
That pretty much sums up the Derrik Smart angle. And what gives him some credibility.
The difference is the hubris of Chris Roberts and the 110+ million reasons he had made him think it could be done.
Just for the record, it's highly unlikely that CR said "I believe this can be done so I'm going to do it."
Remember that they have, basically, the entire Crytek team working for CIG, including former lead developers and system architects. If it actually is an impossibility, I'm sure these people never said anything, and I'm sure CR would have leaned on them heavily for feedback on the concept.
Yep and a few of those CryTek guys said it can't be done. Oh wait you don't believe that because they didn't want there names to be printed because of how this industry is. LOL.
Derek ripped the game in his blog, they banned him and gave him a refund even though he did not originally ask for one. That is what started the whole public DS fight with CIG. He got banned and refunded for writing a blog. Let that sink in.
DS did quite more than just writing a blog. He even went as far as promoting LoD using CIG's platform. Let that sink in.
Also, the clock on the much anticipated and hyped E.L.E by DS and his fan boy squad is ticking away. Let's see how much credibility he will have left when the timer reaches 0.
WAIT! He said a game CR wanted to make couldn't be done like CR was saying at the time and compared it to a game he is working on. YES an actual game unlike CR's dream that can't be done. Ahhh yeah I can see you guys getting all up in arms about comparing no game to a real game in development. NOT!
Lol, I actually laughed a little out loud for real when you said "...a real game in development..."
At least call a spade a spade and say that DS is probably the best person to say that what CIG is doing is impossible because he's been trying to do it for a decade unsuccessfully.
You guys realize if you didn't have DS you wouldn't have nothing to say. You guys should be honoring DS just for that reason.
And what about you? What would you have to say if DS would not have resurfaced?
No we are having fun with DS And considering the amounts of posts that do not mention him at all I have the feeling that there is enough to talk about.
Derek ripped the game in his blog, they banned him and gave him a refund even though he did not originally ask for one. That is what started the whole public DS fight with CIG. He got banned and refunded for writing a blog. Let that sink in.
DS did quite more than just writing a blog. He even went as far as promoting LoD using CIG's platform. Let that sink in.
Also, the clock on the much anticipated and hyped E.L.E by DS and his fan boy squad is ticking away. Let's see how much credibility he will have left when the timer reaches 0.
WAIT! He said a game CR wanted to make couldn't be done like CR was saying at the time and compared it to a game he is working on. YES an actual game unlike CR's dream that can't be done. Ahhh yeah I can see you guys getting all up in arms about comparing no game to a real game in development. NOT!
Are you aware that you sound more and more like your Messiah? You just repeat what has been said by him. I wonder when you scream at us and write "Let me f***ing finish!!"
Calling pro SC people cultists who suck everything CR tells them (even if most supporters have no problem having concerns) but you defending DS to the bitter end without questioning him... well... Is kinda worrying.
Take a step back.
Well when it is the truth it should all sound the same.
At least you have DS and attacks to keep this all going.
What attack? Where did I attack you or DS? I just held up the mirror for you.
Wow... so the truth always sounds the same? What an easy world you must life in. And once again... only because you believe that something is true does not make it true. Only facts which have been proven can lead to a truth. Ad nauseam does not lead to truth.
Lol, I actually laughed a little out loud for real when you said "...a real game in development..."
At least call a spade a spade and say that DS is probably the best person to say that what CIG is doing is impossible because he's been trying to do it for a decade unsuccessfully.
That pretty much sums up the Derrik Smart angle. And what gives him some credibility.
The difference is the hubris of Chris Roberts and the 110+ million reasons he had made him think it could be done.
Just for the record, it's highly unlikely that CR said "I believe this can be done so I'm going to do it."
Remember that they have, basically, the entire Crytek team working for CIG, including former lead developers and system architects. If it actually is an impossibility, I'm sure these people never said anything, and I'm sure CR would have leaned on them heavily for feedback on the concept.
Yep and a few of those CryTek guys said it can't be done. Oh wait you don't believe that because they didn't want there names to be printed because of how this industry is. LOL.
Proof it big boy. So you know how the game industry works? What's your experience? DS blogs do not count because he is on the black list. Oh wait you don't believe he is on the list or that there is a list because of how the industry is? LOL
Derek ripped the game in his blog, they banned him and gave him a refund even though he did not originally ask for one. That is what started the whole public DS fight with CIG. He got banned and refunded for writing a blog. Let that sink in.
DS did quite more than just writing a blog. He even went as far as promoting LoD using CIG's platform. Let that sink in.
Also, the clock on the much anticipated and hyped E.L.E by DS and his fan boy squad is ticking away. Let's see how much credibility he will have left when the timer reaches 0.
WAIT! He said a game CR wanted to make couldn't be done like CR was saying at the time and compared it to a game he is working on. YES an actual game unlike CR's dream that can't be done. Ahhh yeah I can see you guys getting all up in arms about comparing no game to a real game in development. NOT!
You must be maybe the second person on the planet after DS who thinks that LOD even resembles a game.
I am convinced the two are one and the same. Here's my proof:
Brenics spelled backwards is SCINERB. Which when decoded reveals:
Ok, fair enough, tell that to Mississippi
Is that true, though? I hadn't heard that before. I mean businesses can ban individuals from shopping at their store if they have shop-lifted in the past, right?
Azarelos - 90 Hunter - Emerald
Durnzig - 90 Paladin - Emerald
Demonicron - 90 Death Knight - Emerald Dream - US
Tankinpain - 90 Monk - Azjol-Nerub - US
Brindell - 90 Warrior - Emerald Dream - US
Only because DS says ad nauseam that CiG started the war does not make it right. Also it is a kindergarten argument that CIG started the fight. It was just an excuse so that he could go full internet warlord instead of having an honest discussion.
Just look at Twitter or the Steam forum how well he handles criticism and logic arguments.
That is why I say that DS is kind of dangerous. He twists the narrative so hard to let people believe that what he says and tells happened exactly as he described it.
There is a longer story to that... just google Quest Online, Star Trek Online, the Usenet flame war in regards to DS.... or dig through r/DerekSmart. There are enough topics where his past is vetted.
QuestOnline war sein erster Streich... der zweine folgt zugleich... nicht.
If you are critical in regards to SC... that's perfectly fine. I could not care less how hardcore you are anti SC. But do not use DS as a honest, reliable source for your worries or hate.
Considering the TOS...
DS was refunded and banned. It seems he got his hands on some accounts (be it via the grey market or as gift from goons). That was already discussed on Reddit a few weeks back. As he is banned it is clearly stated in the TOS that this is not allowed. As of now it does not matter if it can not stand a second in court only because you think so. You may wish it would not stand a second but to be honest.... you have no clue. You are no attorney. CIG is able to nuke these accounts if they can follow the trail.
Simple scare tactic by DS... he is a propaganda machine and I do not like propaganda.
He admitted that he has no legal stance and hopes that CIG will sue him. They will not... At least for now. What happens after SC is released is unknown but I guess that people will forget about him pretty fast IF SC and SQ42 is critically acclaimed.
CIG transfers more and more things server side to test how the economy works out. The first step towards persistence and a somewhat living economy should be available with patch 2.6. How it works out until then depends on how the mechanics implemented by CIG work out. I guess a lot of balancing, more systems to travel to and more economy items of all types are needed to call the economy life.
I am not sure what to think of the still not final decisions how often and how much is affected by resets that are necessary during the next development stages. It would give early backers quite an advantage if certain things are not purged during resets. But let's see how this really affects the economy.
I guess it's still too early to make assumptions on how live the economy already is. As said we need more star systems, shops, persistence, etc. to call the economy life.
The only persistent things at the moment are the ship backers own and the amount of UEC they have. CIG needs to be careful with the UEC problematic but we still do not know how much influence players have on the 90% controlled by NPCs economy. The less influence players have vs NPC economy the less importance/influence pre release achieved items, UEC, etc. have.
Now they might TRY and put one out to 'prove' something but again highly unlikely. But we do know how much CR loves to try and prove things to people even when the proof is actually supporting the people he is trying to show something to.
I myself thought they might have something before the fall, but that was before I realized the co-op was completely removed from SQ 42 (and not just minimized to one module). So to me that is the most logical leap, they did it because they cant get it to work. There isnt any other reason to make such a major change to that prtion of the game. Other than lack of funds. Which also wouldnt be a positive.
And no I am not an attorney (wonder how you'd know that), I just translated the first german language EULA for EQLive back in the SOE days (Zack Karlsson was my Boss on this project, I was the only native german speaker in the company), in our training we had to analyse many EULA/TOS to handle the escalations and even early SOE wouldn't be such a top hat with a rear end (SCNR) to it's customers like CIG is ATM and that has something to say.
Finally, for your own sake don't be that much obsessed on that DS guy.
When you have cake, it is not the cake that creates the most magnificent of experiences, but it is the emotions attached to it.
The cake is a lie.
But to be honest and returning to the topic... even if you had some training on how to handle escalations regarding EULA/TOS does not give you the proper knowledge on how court/law hardened the CIG TOS is.
The question remains what, in this case, DS did wrong. I am quite sure that if CIG did wrong he would have used it against them. He didn't therefore I guess his legal beagle told him so.
I am not sure what you mean by public games. Can you tell me when a game is public an when not? And maybe a source which says that you cannot ban people from public games. Thanks in advance
non-public game = development versions, private server shards
When you have cake, it is not the cake that creates the most magnificent of experiences, but it is the emotions attached to it.
The cake is a lie.
Also, the clock on the much anticipated and hyped E.L.E by DS and his fan boy squad is ticking away. Let's see how much credibility he will have left when the timer reaches 0.
Star Citizen – The Extinction Level Event
4/13/15 > ELE has been updated look for 16-04-13.
Enjoy and know the truth always comes to light!
Lol, I actually laughed a little out loud for real when you said "...a real game in development..."
At least call a spade a spade and say that DS is probably the best person to say that what CIG is doing is impossible because he's been trying to do it for a decade unsuccessfully.
Azarelos - 90 Hunter - Emerald
Durnzig - 90 Paladin - Emerald
Demonicron - 90 Death Knight - Emerald Dream - US
Tankinpain - 90 Monk - Azjol-Nerub - US
Brindell - 90 Warrior - Emerald Dream - US
Calling pro SC people cultists who suck everything CR tells them (even if most supporters have no problem having concerns) but you defending DS to the bitter end without questioning him... well... Is kinda worrying.
Take a step back.
The difference is the hubris of Chris Roberts and the 110+ million reasons he had made him think it could be done.
Just for the record, it's highly unlikely that CR said "I believe this can be done so I'm going to do it."
Remember that they have, basically, the entire Crytek team working for CIG, including former lead developers and system architects. If it actually is an impossibility, I'm sure these people never said anything, and I'm sure CR would have leaned on them heavily for feedback on the concept.
Azarelos - 90 Hunter - Emerald
Durnzig - 90 Paladin - Emerald
Demonicron - 90 Death Knight - Emerald Dream - US
Tankinpain - 90 Monk - Azjol-Nerub - US
Brindell - 90 Warrior - Emerald Dream - US
For a textbook narcissist like him anything beyond his capabilities is De facto out of everyone else's as well.
Bottom line question: who the hell is DS to say what can and what can't be done ?
Star Citizen – The Extinction Level Event
4/13/15 > ELE has been updated look for 16-04-13.
Enjoy and know the truth always comes to light!
Well when it is the truth it should all sound the same.
At least you have DS and attacks to keep this all going.
Star Citizen – The Extinction Level Event
4/13/15 > ELE has been updated look for 16-04-13.
Enjoy and know the truth always comes to light!
Star Citizen – The Extinction Level Event
4/13/15 > ELE has been updated look for 16-04-13.
Enjoy and know the truth always comes to light!
No we are having fun with DS And considering the amounts of posts that do not mention him at all I have the feeling that there is enough to talk about.
What attack? Where did I attack you or DS? I just held up the mirror for you.
Wow... so the truth always sounds the same? What an easy world you must life in. And once again... only because you believe that something is true does not make it true. Only facts which have been proven can lead to a truth. Ad nauseam does not lead to truth.
What point? Explain yourself!