I knew i was going to get beat up for posting this lol
Yeah, the wording of the title gets's people (myself included) a bit riled. I took the time to read through the first few pages and ended up getting what you were saying. So I don't feel the need to reiterate what has been said on both sides of the discussion.
Thank you so much for posting that, I was really wondering how not a single person was getting what i was trying to say.
This guy isjust bad trollin my opinion. Why you even speak with him?
With over 1k views and 142 replies wouldn't that make me one GOOD Goddam troll ? Btw the pictures are relevant because it shows the amount of time the hobbits spent crying , hugging, and just generally giving each other very questionable looks instead of fighting , traveling , and other bad assery.
Ok, I'm not just replying to you. Several people in this thread have equated "farming", "rural", "agrarian" with being peaceful or non-violent. I know I'm going off on a bit of a tangent but that thinking is contrary to all of recorded human history.
Since the Neolithic until recent times the vast majority of the human population has been involved in agriculture in one way or another. Yet, those people still found the time to fight wars with each other. The pre-Roman Celts were an agrarian society but they would happily grab their weapons and run off to fight a rival group if they had some reason.
Just saying.
As far as the LoTR movies go, I didn't like them. They had way too much of a...um...a cartoony vibe to them for my tastes. I'm not sure if that's exactly the right word to use but the action scenes in particular tended to have an over the top ridiculous quality to them that really put me off.
I'm going to respectfully disagree with you. See you are mistaking people who at heart are warriors, or people that want to wage war ,but need to work a farm in order to survive, with people that want to work on a farm and leave the warring to others. Being Farming Folk, means you enjoy where you are, and don't fill your head with illusions of running off and joining the army to see the world and fight epic battles.
While I will agree with others that "Hobbits" would for the most part make horrible choices for an Adventuring Race in a Fantasy game, that does not mean they do't have courage when and were it counts.
The way I read his post is there are some anthropological theories that, prior to the Neolithic revolution, there would have been no reason to wage war because the concept of land ownership hadn't yet been established. Thus agriculture is theoretically tied to warfare.
It makes sense conceptually but I can't say whether it holds up to observation. Wars seem more ideological than anything else these days, but that could just be a sign of the times.
Actually, the one simple point I was trying to get across is that people who farm or raise livestock are not automatically peaceful and gentle. Human history supports me in this because until relatively modern times the vast majority of people you would find in any army were farmers when they weren't fighting wars or they grew up on farms.
That's not to say that farmers are all bloodthirsty killers either. No, what I'm saying is that there is no correlation between an agrarian lifestyle and a persons willingness to go off to war or his/her predisposition towards violence.
I have no doubt that many military legions were made of artisans and laypeople, because that is what the majority of most populations were made of, but, the next question would be, did they willingly join the military, or were they conscripted during a time of war.
Now, no one is saying that farmers are "peaceful" or "gentile" folk, because make no mistake these are the people that would face wolf packs with a shovel to defend their cow, so they had a ton of gumption, but the main difference was, they din't go looking for trouble, they just dealt with it, if it came their way.
Which is the exact opposite of what a "hero" or "Adventurer" would be doing.
Same deal with being in the Military, a farmer is not gonna go run off and join the army for the giggles of it, but, if the war comes to their land, make no mistake, they will rise up.
And that could be seen in LOTR, were Frodo, was put in a situation where we had to do what he had to do to save his family, the shire, and everyone he cared about. So he pulled himself up by his boot straps, and marched on like most any Farmer would do.. but in no way.. did he "Want" to do that, in no way did he wan that situation to befall him, much in the same way, no farmer wants to be conscripted into the military, but if war comes to their land, they have no choice but to fight.
However, you also seem to be mistaking "peaceful" with being a "Pacifist" and typically, asides from say the Amish, most (if not all ) farmer folk want a peaceful life, but they are by far, not pacifist.
D&D and other fantasy related art in gaming should be worshipping Tolkien. If someone changed the basic nature of halflings, it was not only derivative, but it was also a departure from the original - not the other way around.
True, halflings taste like chicken, gnomes taste like axle grease.
For every minute you are angry , you lose 60 seconds of happiness."-Emerson
Thats a very lore based joke, well done =-)
Thank you so much for posting that, I was really wondering how not a single person was getting what i was trying to say.
Aloha Mr Hand !
With over 1k views and 142 replies wouldn't that make me one GOOD Goddam troll ? Btw the pictures are relevant because it shows the amount of time the hobbits spent crying , hugging, and just generally giving each other very questionable looks instead of fighting , traveling , and other bad assery.
Aloha Mr Hand !
Now, no one is saying that farmers are "peaceful" or "gentile" folk, because make no mistake these are the people that would face wolf packs with a shovel to defend their cow, so they had a ton of gumption, but the main difference was, they din't go looking for trouble, they just dealt with it, if it came their way.
Which is the exact opposite of what a "hero" or "Adventurer" would be doing.
Same deal with being in the Military, a farmer is not gonna go run off and join the army for the giggles of it, but, if the war comes to their land, make no mistake, they will rise up.
And that could be seen in LOTR, were Frodo, was put in a situation where we had to do what he had to do to save his family, the shire, and everyone he cared about. So he pulled himself up by his boot straps, and marched on like most any Farmer would do.. but in no way.. did he "Want" to do that, in no way did he wan that situation to befall him, much in the same way, no farmer wants to be conscripted into the military, but if war comes to their land, they have no choice but to fight.
However, you also seem to be mistaking "peaceful" with being a "Pacifist" and typically, asides from say the Amish, most (if not all ) farmer folk want a peaceful life, but they are by far, not pacifist.
D&D and other fantasy related art in gaming should be worshipping Tolkien. If someone changed the basic nature of halflings, it was not only derivative, but it was also a departure from the original - not the other way around.
You ran away safely.
"Be water my friend" - Bruce Lee