Originally posted by Xexima What is the problem with you? Your religion is no better than anyone elses! Your opinion is no better than anyone elses! So who the hell are you to say that his religion gives him nothing? Who are you to say that you know the truth? You are a nobody, just like everyone else! I'm sick of your elitist attitude. What is it with you fundementalists and thinking that you have it right? STOP TELLING OTHERS THAT THEY ARE WRONG. Your religion might give you "everything," but I have news for you, NO ONE CARES.
I proved that my religion is better than his religion, and if anyone here want to compare his religion with mine, i can prove that Islam is better than his, i can prove to you that Islam is better than the rest of the religions, just bring me yours, and take what i wrote up there, and i can write more.
You did not prove anything, except in that misguided world of yours. I'm an Agnostic, you cannot prove to me that your religion is better than mine, because that is your OPINION. There is no fact behind it, no evidence, no proof. Islam is no better than anyone elses religion.
and my opinion is not the best out there, but it can be better than yours or his, but it remains and opinion anyway.
i didn't tell you that you or he were wrong, but instead i told you that i was right, because i have seen the truth, and i have a mind that i can compare stuff with, unlike you or he who depends on science to explain everything to him, i can explain things on my own, these explainations don't necessarly have to be right, but at least i use my mind, unlike you Xexima.
First off, I would like to say that no where did I insult you, and I would expect you to have the same decency. Secondly, telling someone that you are right and they aren't is the same thing as telling that they are wrong. You think you have seen some truth, but you have just been brainwashed into thinking that you are the only religion that could be right. Please, put your book aside, and just look at the world without your biases. I find that you do have atleast slightly intelligent posts outside of religion.
Science is the art of explaining things on your own by backing them up with solid factual evidence. What you are doing is making guesses at the world using your religion as a base.
and once more, i am not a fundamentalist, but you are, you take everything you read by the letter, i do not.
That is not what a fundamentalist is. Do you believe everything in the Quran to be true? If so, you are a fundamentalist. According to the Meriam Webster dictionary a fundamentalist is someone that adheres to a movement or attitude stressing strict literal adherence to a set of principles. That doesn't mean you take everything you read by letter, it means you adhere to a set of strict guidelines, YOU do that, not I.
Give me one example of me being a fundementalist, and I'll give you 10 examples of you.
Peace be upon you both, it is futile to continue this kind of arguement with you, i give up upon you guys, you can't understand where i am coming from.
Good luck in your lives, and may you find the truth, and peace in your minds, without the need for anyone to guide you.
Originally posted by Teleboas Honestly, as soon as 2 men (or 2 women) can have sex and make a child, I'll be closer to saying that it's meant to be that way. I don't see it happening.
I would like to watch them practice....at least the women
I shoot for the curve... anything above that is gravy.
Originally posted by JoHosephat I've heard of these "situations". But they do nothing to back your "thesis" espoused in your original posting except offering rather weak, and frankly, laughable credibility.
Thesis? I wasnt writing a thesis, just passing on some life experience, experience of aggressive, anti-gay individuals who turn out to be so because they themselves are gay and cant handle the fact.
You have heard of these situations? but you cant accept it may very well be true?
What other logical conclusion can i come too when people i have known in my life (people who have been more anti-gay than the 'norm') have exhibited this exact pattern. This isnt a theory ive always had and found examples to fit, i have come to this belief because of the people i have known and their behaviour.
Im not saying all or most, im saying some people react this way because they have repressed homosexual feelings they cant handle, and it seems to be, in my opinion and experience, the loudest and most aggressive that follow this pattern.
What exactly is your problem with this?
Incidentaly calling someone or their viewpoint asinine is an insult
1: extremely or utterly foolish 2: of, relating to, or resembling an ass
This entire thread shows exactly what is wrong with the world today. I don't call myself a member of any religion because I am not arrogant enough to say that what i believe is right and everyone else is wrong. Do I believe homosexuality is wrong? Yes. That being said, i really don't care what other people do behind closed doors. When people tell me that what i believe is wrong and i should change my mind because they said so, this is when i have a problem. Reavo, the original post in this thread completely contradicts everything you have said about respecting other people's beliefs. As a matter of fact, the first five words pretty much explain that you think what you believe is right and everyone else should conform to what you believe. I'm not even going to go into the problems that ob1sr has. His "I'm right, you're wrong" statements automatically discredits everything else he has to say. History is full of fanatics that have done terrible things in the name of whatever god they worship. If people would study these events, maybe they would think twice about spouting off the putrid rhetoric that has been shoved down they're throats.
Originally posted by ob1sr for you, but we like it this way, our women like it this way too, it is not up to you to decide what's good for us or not, and it is not your right to judge whether we are forced to do stuff or not, to stick it up :}
Another example of elitist hipocracy, ob1sr. You repeatedly judged the religions of others, declared yours to be the greater in all respects, even when you had exceptionally weak arguments in your defense. I respect your opinion in this and wont bother arguing the point, especcially since I dont believe in christianity anymore myself.
However, turning around and declaring that someone else does not have the right to judge your religion, after you just judged his is a high class case of bigotry.
Originally posted by WantsumBier And the winner is... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V6SPzelAFTU Lighten up everyone. Look at it this way, if there is a heaven and your religion is right I will not be there. If mine is right you will not be there. If there is no heaven none of us will be there.
(No I'm not Mormon)
This kind of view is a large part of why I turned away from religion in general. No god worth following would condemn billions to hell because they did not follow the exact religion he happened to want them to, especcially these days when it is vary hard to tell the difference. I have always felt the standard should be based on how you lived, not which doctrine you followed.
Originally posted by Vertex1980 Why are there tons of these stupid threads that don't get locked because they cause nothing but flaming and spam? Yet when someone actually makes a half decent post it gets locked in a matter of an hour.
Well, in my case because I find it fun deflating overswelled headsOff I go with my pin of doom!
No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main. any man's death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind, and therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee. Hemingway
Originally posted by reliquary This entire thread shows exactly what is wrong with the world today. I don't call myself a member of any religion because I am not arrogant enough to say that what i believe is right and everyone else is wrong. Do I believe homosexuality is wrong? Yes. That being said, i really don't care what other people do behind closed doors. When people tell me that what i believe is wrong and i should change my mind because they said so, this is when i have a problem. Reavo, the original post in this thread completely contradicts everything you have said about respecting other people's beliefs. As a matter of fact, the first five words pretty much explain that you think what you believe is right and everyone else should conform to what you believe. I'm not even going to go into the problems that ob1sr has. His "I'm right, you're wrong" statements automatically discredits everything else he has to say. History is full of fanatics that have done terrible things in the name of whatever god they worship. If people would study these events, maybe they would think twice about spouting off the putrid rhetoric that has been shoved down they're throats.
You're contradicting yourself here as well, you've just stated that everyone here is wrong and you're right.
wait, maybe God is wrong, the one who created you, and you're all high and might and is right.
I agree. when any kind of swearing is involved, a post is deleted, but people can damn homosexuals to hell in this thread in the name of religion. its just wrong.
Originally posted by Aelfinn Originally posted by ob1sr for you, but we like it this way, our women like it this way too, it is not up to you to decide what's good for us or not, and it is not your right to judge whether we are forced to do stuff or not, to stick it up :}
Another example of elitist hipocracy, ob1sr. You repeatedly judged the religions of others, declared yours to be the greater in all respects, even when you had exceptionally weak arguments in your defense. I respect your opinion in this and wont bother arguing the point, especcially since I dont believe in christianity anymore myself.
However, turning around and declaring that someone else does not have the right to judge your religion, after you just judged his is a high class case of bigotry
What did i judge?
did you read the previous posts regarding this one? who's misudgeing who now? eh?
i said, i like Islam better than his religion, and i see Islam is better than his religion FOR ME.
Because i like how islam works, his religion on the other hand provides me with nothing but empty answers, so there you go, Islam is better than his religion for me, is it clear now?
maybe his religion is better for him but that's up to him and i respect that, but he has no right to tell me my religion is wrong too because it contradicts with his, although it doesn't, it only contradics with his lusts.
Originally posted by ob1sr Originally posted by reliquary This entire thread shows exactly what is wrong with the world today. I don't call myself a member of any religion because I am not arrogant enough to say that what i believe is right and everyone else is wrong. Do I believe homosexuality is wrong? Yes. That being said, i really don't care what other people do behind closed doors. When people tell me that what i believe is wrong and i should change my mind because they said so, this is when i have a problem. Reavo, the original post in this thread completely contradicts everything you have said about respecting other people's beliefs. As a matter of fact, the first five words pretty much explain that you think what you believe is right and everyone else should conform to what you believe. I'm not even going to go into the problems that ob1sr has. His "I'm right, you're wrong" statements automatically discredits everything else he has to say. History is full of fanatics that have done terrible things in the name of whatever god they worship. If people would study these events, maybe they would think twice about spouting off the putrid rhetoric that has been shoved down they're throats.
You're contradicting yourself here as well, you've just stated that everyone here is wrong and you're right.
wait, maybe God is wrong, the one who created you, and you're all high and might and is right.
Where in my post did i tell you what to believe? I stated my opinion. BTW, God is not wrong, nor did i say that, i simply stated that i believe organized religion to be a charade. The point of my post was to point out that too many people blindly follow a religion without really knowing what they're following. Everything i said was my opinion. My opinion is that you are blindly following a religion for the wrong reasons. Key word= opinion.
Originally posted by ob1sr What did i judge? did you read the previous posts regarding this one? who's misudgeing who now? eh? i said, i like Islam better than his religion, and i see Islam is better than his religion FOR ME. Because i like how islam works, his religion on the other hand provides me with nothing but empty answers, so there you go, Islam is better than his religion for me, is it clear now? maybe his religion is better for him but that's up to him and i respect that, but he has no right to tell me my religion is wrong too because it contradicts with his, although it doesn't, it only contradics with his lusts.
Thats not quite what I read, lets see...
Originally posted by ob1sr
Are you an idiot or something? when did i bring my book into this? dude get a grip and understand what people write before you type any rubbish in here.
I PROVED, that my religion is better than HIS. no for me here
his religion give him nothing.nope again
my religion give me EVERYTHING.close, but still not quite there without changing the last statement
got it now? now get lost.
Im looking for the FOR ME part, can't find it. Had that really been what you were saying all along, I wouldnt have the slightest problem with it. You also made it clear that you did not respect his choice of religion.
Now, he crossed the line as well, and did not have the right to say some of the things he did, i wasn't just targeting you, simply selecting the best example to make my earlier point.
No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main. any man's death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind, and therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee. Hemingway
Originally posted by Aelfinn Originally posted by Draenor Saying that "homosexuality is not a sin" is all well and good, but at least qualify it to say that "for my religiion, homosexuality is not a sin" then I will take you seriously, because in my religion(christianity) it is specifically stated that it IS a sin. Now, does that mean that we should not greet them with open arms, and love and accept them? Of course not, It is not our place to judge, only to reinforce and educate.
Please read my post a little while back, many things are called sins in the christian religion, many of these have no place whatsoever in our society.
Now, you have a choice, you can admit that not everything in the bible is to be taken as fact which would cast serious doubt on the validity of homosexuality being a sin, or you can declare certain other things the bible calls for to be fact as well, some of which are considered to be horrendous practices in today's society. You cannot pick and choose what you would like to believe, religous tomes are not a salad bar.
Additionally, accepting people means loving them for who they are, not what they might be if you "reeducate" them. Feeling the need for such education is judgement.
Heres a question for you, what is more important to you as a Christian? The words and message of your savior, or the words of the men who came after, some of whom sought power more than anything else. They all too often contradict each other. For example, the letter of Saint Paul to the Romans, which is the main source against homosexuality, also at the same time calls for various outrageous abuses against women that very few are willing to even contemplate, and certainly do not fit in with Christ's message.
Sorry but do not try to outsmart me about my own religious text, I know what is inside of the bible. Now, when you say that most of the bible is not to be taken as fact...I always have fun educating people about this one; ready to be educated? Okay here goes
The Bible was written in a manner of Hebrew that does not denote story telling or metaphor, there is a separate style of hebrew for poetry, metaphor, allegory etc. The bible was specifically written in a manner for people to take it as fact, not fiction.
Does that totaly blow your mind? Does it completely usurp your belief that you can pick and choose what to believe? You told me in your post that you cannot pick and choose what to believe in a religion. But if you decide that some parts of the bible are just stories, with the knowledge that the hebrew in the bible does not denote fiction, then you sir, are the one who is picking and choosing.
This is of course not to say that times have not changed. But just what exactly is condoned in the bible that is not in today's society? Nowhere in the bible does it say that it is okay for man to treat his brother with anything but love and the courtesy of trying to show him the right way in life. Now this of course only extends so far as is reasonable. You do not invite a murderer to dinner with your family and let him sleep in your children's room.
Acceptance is not the same as tolerance. And the Bible calls for christians to spread the word of God. What this means is not telling your homosexual friend "hey, you are living in sin and your life is an abomination." but rather pointing them towards the right direction and allowing them to make a decision for themself. It is not up to man to indocrinate someone against their will, and the Christian bible does not call for this.
Your reference to the letter of Saint Paul to the Romans, I just reread the letter, and so far as I can tell,
2: Thus a married woman is bound by law to her husband as long as he lives; but if her husband dies she is discharged from the law concerning the husband.
3: Accordingly, she will be called an adulteress if she lives with another man while her husband is alive. But if her husband dies she is free from that law, and if she marries another man she is not an adulteress
Is the line that you are refering to...I see nothing "unspeakable" about this...And many people who follow the Christian faith today still choose to follow this path. If you were refering to a different passage than please let me know, I do not feel the need to quote the entire letter from Paul to the Romans here, as it is very very long.
to sum up: The bible is written in a style of hebrew that denotes literal meaning, not poetic metaphor or allegory, this is a fact that any scholar of the bible should be able to tell you.
Teaching is not the same as bashing someone's head in, the bible calls for us to point people in the right direction and allow them to make their own decision. We are not called to change people, we are called to show them where God calls for the change.
PS. don't tell me that I can't pick at my religion like a Salad bar when you yourself in your own post said that we can't ever hope to believe the bible as a literal translation, is this not picking and choosing? I on the other hand have chosen to educate myself about what exactly is inside of the bible, and how exactly it applies to every day life, it is an on going process that will not end. As of right now, I could be seen as a religious fanatic, OH MY GOD someone who takes their faith seriously enough to stand naked on mmorpg.com and say what he believes.
I'll do me best to answer any questions you may have, but as I said, I am still learning.
Your argument is like a two legged dog with an eating disorder...weak and unbalanced.
Originally posted by Gameloading I agree. when any kind of swearing is involved, a post is deleted, but people can damn homosexuals to hell in this thread in the name of religion. its just wrong.
I wrote a letter to admin talking about that, I have yet to get a response, so I probably sent it to the wrong email adress...
Originally posted by reavo Homosexuality IS NOT a sin.
My religion (Unitarian/Universalist) does not say homosexuality is a sin. Unitarian Universalist Association So if there are any homosexuals who are finding the Christian/Muslim religions to be bit abusive, I welcome you to read about what we stand for and believe. We are the religion that such great thinkers as Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, John Q. Adams, Paul Revere, Ralph W. Emerson, T.S. Eliot, Alexander Graham Bell, and Isaac Newton chose to follow. As a matter of fact, if you want to see more great Unitarian/Universalists, check out this list... [ American Politics ] [ Arts & Humanities ] [ Education ] [ More Politics ] [ Humanitarians ] [ Philosophy ] [ Science, Medicine ] [ Social Reform ] [ UU Builders ] [ And More ] [ Women ] Don't let these people with their "hell/damnation" and stories of ancient times and manuscripts scare you into a life of guilt and loneliness. You are a good person and you deserve the love and companionship that God put you on your path to pursue. You are a welcome in my church and you are welcome in my community of forward thinking folk. Also, anyone feeling the constraints of ancient religions and their lack of applicability to modern times whether in politics, philosophy, or personal growth, I also invite you to look into our religion. We welcome all ideas and encourage self growth and personal spiritual realization. We also welcome the freedom of ideas and the practice of independence and self determination. You're free to be you and be proud of who you are with us. And we will help you by promoting you on your journey and show you the encouragement you deserve to find your own way to God. Live in freedom from fear with us.
Since sin denotes religious belief, i cannot say it is a sin, as i am not STUPID enough to believe in god. However, it is pretty sick to screw someone of the same sex and think its perfectly okay.
If everyone did that, our race would cease to exsist. Thus it is impossible it will ever be okay.
Life is about Living, Sleep is about Dreaming, Games are about Strategy!
Originally posted by Rugster Since sin denotes religious belief, i cannot say it is a sin, as i am not STUPID enough to believe in god. However, it is pretty sick to screw someone of the same sex and think its perfectly okay.
If everyone did that, our race would cease to exsist. Thus it is impossible it will ever be okay.
Why not?
They should be allowed to love and express that love to the perosn they love just like everyone else.
So what you're saying is, it's sick to screw anyone, even the oppisit sex.
And NOT EVERYONE wants children. I sure don't..lol I'd rather see the human race die off from the stupidity we have.
The funny thing is this whole thread was started as a recruitment drive for Reavo's religion.
He makes a topic with a controversial title, then gives you all the propoganda on his church. Shit at the end he basically says "come join us, we're better".
You know what I find interesting though, is that muslim and jew and christian will all stand side-by-side on this issue. They can fight about a million different things until the cows come home, but this view is held by all. Infact, the majority of the entire WORLD holds this view.
We don't hate you, we just know you're committing a sin.
"Because it's easier to nitpick something than to be constructive." -roach5000
What's your Wu Name? Donovan --> Wu Name = Violent Knight Methane47 --> Wu Name = Thunderous Leader "Some people call me the walking plank, 'cuz any where you go... Death is right behind you.." <i>ME<i>
I proved that my religion is better than his religion, and if anyone here want to compare his religion with mine, i can prove that Islam is better than his, i can prove to you that Islam is better than the rest of the religions, just bring me yours, and take what i wrote up there, and i can write more.
You did not prove anything, except in that misguided world of yours. I'm an Agnostic, you cannot prove to me that your religion is better than mine, because that is your OPINION. There is no fact behind it, no evidence, no proof. Islam is no better than anyone elses religion.
and my opinion is not the best out there, but it can be better than yours or his, but it remains and opinion anyway.
i didn't tell you that you or he were wrong, but instead i told you that i was right, because i have seen the truth, and i have a mind that i can compare stuff with, unlike you or he who depends on science to explain everything to him, i can explain things on my own, these explainations don't necessarly have to be right, but at least i use my mind, unlike you Xexima.
First off, I would like to say that no where did I insult you, and I would expect you to have the same decency. Secondly, telling someone that you are right and they aren't is the same thing as telling that they are wrong. You think you have seen some truth, but you have just been brainwashed into thinking that you are the only religion that could be right. Please, put your book aside, and just look at the world without your biases. I find that you do have atleast slightly intelligent posts outside of religion.
Science is the art of explaining things on your own by backing them up with solid factual evidence. What you are doing is making guesses at the world using your religion as a base.
and once more, i am not a fundamentalist, but you are, you take everything you read by the letter, i do not.
That is not what a fundamentalist is. Do you believe everything in the Quran to be true? If so, you are a fundamentalist. According to the Meriam Webster dictionary a fundamentalist is someone that adheres to a movement or attitude stressing strict literal adherence to a set of principles. That doesn't mean you take everything you read by letter, it means you adhere to a set of strict guidelines, YOU do that, not I.
Give me one example of me being a fundementalist, and I'll give you 10 examples of you.
oh and if you don't care, then ignore me.
@Gameloading and Xexima.
Peace be upon you both, it is futile to continue this kind of arguement with you, i give up upon you guys, you can't understand where i am coming from.
Good luck in your lives, and may you find the truth, and peace in your minds, without the need for anyone to guide you.
Good luck,
Honestly, as soon as 2 men (or 2 women) can have sex and make a child, I'll be closer to saying that it's meant to be that way.
I don't see it happening.
I shoot for the curve... anything above that is gravy.
Thesis? I wasnt writing a thesis, just passing on some life experience, experience of aggressive, anti-gay individuals who turn out to be so because they themselves are gay and cant handle the fact.
You have heard of these situations? but you cant accept it may very well be true?
What other logical conclusion can i come too when people i have known in my life (people who have been more anti-gay than the 'norm') have exhibited this exact pattern. This isnt a theory ive always had and found examples to fit, i have come to this belief because of the people i have known and their behaviour.
Im not saying all or most, im saying some people react this way because they have repressed homosexual feelings they cant handle, and it seems to be, in my opinion and experience, the loudest and most aggressive that follow this pattern.
What exactly is your problem with this?
Incidentaly calling someone or their viewpoint asinine is an insult
1 : extremely or utterly foolish
2 : of, relating to, or resembling an ass
Why are there tons of these stupid threads that don't get locked because they cause nothing but flaming and spam?
Yet when someone actually makes a half decent post it gets locked in a matter of an hour.
Another example of elitist hipocracy, ob1sr. You repeatedly judged the religions of others, declared yours to be the greater in all respects, even when you had exceptionally weak arguments in your defense. I respect your opinion in this and wont bother arguing the point, especcially since I dont believe in christianity anymore myself.
However, turning around and declaring that someone else does not have the right to judge your religion, after you just judged his is a high class case of bigotry.
This kind of view is a large part of why I turned away from religion in general. No god worth following would condemn billions to hell because they did not follow the exact religion he happened to want them to, especcially these days when it is vary hard to tell the difference. I have always felt the standard should be based on how you lived, not which doctrine you followed.
Well, in my case because I find it fun deflating overswelled headsOff I go with my pin of doom!No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main. any man's death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind, and therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee.
You're contradicting yourself here as well, you've just stated that everyone here is wrong and you're right.
wait, maybe God is wrong, the one who created you, and you're all high and might and is right.
Another example of elitist hipocracy, ob1sr. You repeatedly judged the religions of others, declared yours to be the greater in all respects, even when you had exceptionally weak arguments in your defense. I respect your opinion in this and wont bother arguing the point, especcially since I dont believe in christianity anymore myself.
However, turning around and declaring that someone else does not have the right to judge your religion, after you just judged his is a high class case of bigotry
What did i judge?
did you read the previous posts regarding this one? who's misudgeing who now? eh?
i said, i like Islam better than his religion, and i see Islam is better than his religion FOR ME.
Because i like how islam works, his religion on the other hand provides me with nothing but empty answers, so there you go, Islam is better than his religion for me, is it clear now?
maybe his religion is better for him but that's up to him and i respect that, but he has no right to tell me my religion is wrong too because it contradicts with his, although it doesn't, it only contradics with his lusts.
You're contradicting yourself here as well, you've just stated that everyone here is wrong and you're right.
wait, maybe God is wrong, the one who created you, and you're all high and might and is right.
Where in my post did i tell you what to believe? I stated my opinion. BTW, God is not wrong, nor did i say that, i simply stated that i believe organized religion to be a charade. The point of my post was to point out that too many people blindly follow a religion without really knowing what they're following. Everything i said was my opinion. My opinion is that you are blindly following a religion for the wrong reasons. Key word= opinion.
Im looking for the FOR ME part, can't find it. Had that really been what you were saying all along, I wouldnt have the slightest problem with it. You also made it clear that you did not respect his choice of religion.
Now, he crossed the line as well, and did not have the right to say some of the things he did, i wasn't just targeting you, simply selecting the best example to make my earlier point.
No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main. any man's death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind, and therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee.
Please read my post a little while back, many things are called sins in the christian religion, many of these have no place whatsoever in our society.
Now, you have a choice, you can admit that not everything in the bible is to be taken as fact which would cast serious doubt on the validity of homosexuality being a sin, or you can declare certain other things the bible calls for to be fact as well, some of which are considered to be horrendous practices in today's society. You cannot pick and choose what you would like to believe, religous tomes are not a salad bar.
Additionally, accepting people means loving them for who they are, not what they might be if you "reeducate" them. Feeling the need for such education is judgement.
Heres a question for you, what is more important to you as a Christian? The words and message of your savior, or the words of the men who came after, some of whom sought power more than anything else. They all too often contradict each other. For example, the letter of Saint Paul to the Romans, which is the main source against homosexuality, also at the same time calls for various outrageous abuses against women that very few are willing to even contemplate, and certainly do not fit in with Christ's message.
Sorry but do not try to outsmart me about my own religious text, I know what is inside of the bible. Now, when you say that most of the bible is not to be taken as fact...I always have fun educating people about this one; ready to be educated? Okay here goes
The Bible was written in a manner of Hebrew that does not denote story telling or metaphor, there is a separate style of hebrew for poetry, metaphor, allegory etc. The bible was specifically written in a manner for people to take it as fact, not fiction.
Does that totaly blow your mind? Does it completely usurp your belief that you can pick and choose what to believe? You told me in your post that you cannot pick and choose what to believe in a religion. But if you decide that some parts of the bible are just stories, with the knowledge that the hebrew in the bible does not denote fiction, then you sir, are the one who is picking and choosing.
This is of course not to say that times have not changed. But just what exactly is condoned in the bible that is not in today's society? Nowhere in the bible does it say that it is okay for man to treat his brother with anything but love and the courtesy of trying to show him the right way in life. Now this of course only extends so far as is reasonable. You do not invite a murderer to dinner with your family and let him sleep in your children's room.
Acceptance is not the same as tolerance. And the Bible calls for christians to spread the word of God. What this means is not telling your homosexual friend "hey, you are living in sin and your life is an abomination." but rather pointing them towards the right direction and allowing them to make a decision for themself. It is not up to man to indocrinate someone against their will, and the Christian bible does not call for this.
Your reference to the letter of Saint Paul to the Romans, I just reread the letter, and so far as I can tell,
Is the line that you are refering to...I see nothing "unspeakable" about this...And many people who follow the Christian faith today still choose to follow this path. If you were refering to a different passage than please let me know, I do not feel the need to quote the entire letter from Paul to the Romans here, as it is very very long.
to sum up: The bible is written in a style of hebrew that denotes literal meaning, not poetic metaphor or allegory, this is a fact that any scholar of the bible should be able to tell you.
Teaching is not the same as bashing someone's head in, the bible calls for us to point people in the right direction and allow them to make their own decision. We are not called to change people, we are called to show them where God calls for the change.
PS. don't tell me that I can't pick at my religion like a Salad bar when you yourself in your own post said that we can't ever hope to believe the bible as a literal translation, is this not picking and choosing? I on the other hand have chosen to educate myself about what exactly is inside of the bible, and how exactly it applies to every day life, it is an on going process that will not end. As of right now, I could be seen as a religious fanatic, OH MY GOD someone who takes their faith seriously enough to stand naked on mmorpg.com and say what he believes.
I'll do me best to answer any questions you may have, but as I said, I am still learning.
Your argument is like a two legged dog with an eating disorder...weak and unbalanced.
NGE Refugee.
If everyone did that, our race would cease to exsist. Thus it is impossible it will ever be okay.
Life is about Living, Sleep is about Dreaming, Games are about Strategy!
weird. so do you believe in the noah ark story...literally?
They should be allowed to love and express that love to the perosn they love just like everyone else.
So what you're saying is, it's sick to screw anyone, even the oppisit sex.
And NOT EVERYONE wants children. I sure don't..lol I'd rather see the human race die off from the stupidity we have.
Independant, Shinto, Lesbian, and Proud!
Homosexuality is a sin.
No it's not.
/hehe..this is kinda fun.
Reported to be closed.
We'll see if they do it.
This thread's going no where fast.
NGE Refugee.
The funny thing is this whole thread was started as a recruitment drive for Reavo's religion.
He makes a topic with a controversial title, then gives you all the propoganda on his church. Shit at the end he basically says "come join us, we're better".
You know what I find interesting though, is that muslim and jew and christian will all stand side-by-side on this issue. They can fight about a million different things until the cows come home, but this view is held by all. Infact, the majority of the entire WORLD holds this view.
We don't hate you, we just know you're committing a sin.
"Because it's easier to nitpick something than to be constructive." -roach5000
What's your Wu Name?
Donovan --> Wu Name = Violent Knight
Methane47 --> Wu Name = Thunderous Leader
"Some people call me the walking plank, 'cuz any where you go... Death is right behind you.."