Wow i checked this site out and they have some very nice builds, if anyone else is wonder what they should do with their point i would highly check this out.
there are probabally 5 differen't faces to chose from and skin tone and hair styles/color. The characters are all human. you start off with the same armor so a lot of people look the same, but the armour is differnt for every class, so in the begi…
couldn't i just give my account away with my email address or play the game with someone elses email adress that they give me before the game then i give it to them?
Our civilization is lucky to be even alive today. Think about all the factors against us. A meteor hitting us at any moment. The earth will eventrually cool down until the core is dead like mars ( so we will freeze ) Our resources could be deple…
The commercials for it are Nike, and Scion. If anyone whats to learn more there will be a show on tonight on the TLC channel at 8 o clock CENTRAL time. I will actually be in the show at the very end.
The Matrix and spiderman stuff were to give yo…
Free style walking is with soap show where there are grinding plates on the bottum of your shoe. This is Parkour and more serious then free walking. The concepts of this sport are vastly different.
Yea i was basically going to make a warrior using axe skills and water magic like congure frost and armor of frost. Is the only way you can get conjure frost from the capture signet?
If i were you i would hold off and see how the games fair, who knows mabye one will bomb, but all in all you should pick which ever one you want to play. which one is slightly more appealing then the other? which one do you find yourself always lo…
I played SWG for about 3 months, and it was soo fun when i started. But then it was horrible, it's so repetative, and full of grinding. If you want a game where you grind to be the best then go for it.
I would say just wait for a new game to c…
I remember reading that guild wars is baseing their game off of a new way to play which will allow low level players to be very good. I believe it is based off of your skill and will reward players that use teamwork instead of people they are just …