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  • Ultima as a multiplayer game is an exciting concept. People should be thankful they at least make an attempt at reviving it, instead of letting it completely die off. Maybe this at least will be a stepping stone for many new players into the world …
  • This is a good oppertunity to sign up, as more sign up the prizes rise. Good oppertunity to win very nice prizes if enough sign up.
  • If SOE was really confident in their content, why do they feel they need to bombard everywhere with beta accounts and "starter kits" (which you have to PAY for..how lame is that).
  • EQ2 and L2 are nothing alike, especially on the core concept of player responsibility and PvP. Eve does not offer that much difference, other than more player interaction, gamedriven politics and another way of "leveling", which I btw, don't like …
  • You didn't really play the game that much did you?, if you had you would know that the xp loss during a siege is so insignificant that you litereally have to die many hundred times over to lose what you describe, a few do that, but most don't unless…
  • Uhm...because they're looking for a party?
  • No, thats because its: 1. The only viable massive space MMORPG out there atm. 2. A steady influx of Earth and Beyond players.
  • Did you even read the post?, I didn't say you were supporting them in your post, I said you were supporting them working with a site which support farmers and farmer companies through advertisement...if you think this is bad, then maybe you should t…
  • uhm lol. Just because you're leaving doesn't mean everyone else is. They said UO would close after EQ, and guess what, its still around going forward towards its 8th year annerversary. 1. Of course more people are selling than "buying" (in the f…
  • Hmmm? lol, no you don't need to buy adena to do well in this game. Just play smart and play with people/clans. And C1 had C AND B grade equipment.
  • Hmmm..you seem to have misunderstood a few things. 0. The game offers you BOTH kinds of movement, unlike games like EQ2 that really restrict you...damn its nice to be able to just click somewhere out in the horizon and actually just go there inste…
  • Oh you mean the very nice Eve Online where you can't even train them and you have to wait and wait and wait for the skills, and you can't train more than one character at a time?
  • You know whats really ironic about this post?, you work as a staffer for MMORPG.COM, who supports farmers and bots. *points to advertisement* Originally posted by En1Gma until they come up with an effective way to whipe out those Adena Far…
  • That makes it 2000 kills per level...not overly hard. Many other MMORPGs have very tiresome and longtime training to prevent people from being max level in a month.
  • Going from your other post, its about 0.05%, which means about 2000 mobs to a level, it takes a while yes, but there are already level 60 characters in the game, close to max and this game has been out for 6 month. Seriously, if you made the "grin…
  • We are not allowed to comment on specific game mechanics if in Beta, and MMORPG have stated that they will uphold the NDA.
  • McDonalds is the most popular fastfood chain, yet that doesn't make them any less crap and seedy. There's alot of money and ressources tied up in this game and hype, and I doubt SOE will want anyone to spoil that image by allowing an open beta.
  • There are many new players joining the game, we help them alot so we know they are there. It seems less because the newbie areas are large (so they're spread out), its 5 newbie cities they're spread out over and 8 servers.   Lineage 2 is propabl…
  • I agree with you on this. It would be better if things were smoothened out before release. To correct some misconceptions from elsewhere btw: 1. I do not like WoW very much and I do not do "WoW vs. EQ2" threads. 2. I think EQ2 has alot of cool…