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  • It's the same thing as the clerk at the convenience store asking " Are you if your going to pay for that gum in your pocket or do I need to get the police involved?"  I think its a good alternative to just banning the exploiters.  Trion is out money…
  • Originally posted by Vesavius Do we need another thread on this a month in for everyone to just give the same opinions in over and over. This subject is worn out and tedious, and everyone has made up their minds where they stand. Time to move on…
  • Originally posted by thinktank001 Originally posted by jimmydatwin With that thinking should someone with a lot of disposable income, who works 6 X14 hour days a week, start asking everyone else to play less.... I mean the game is play to win. …
  • Originally posted by TiamatRoar The labor point system is the same revenue system that tons of facebook and mobile games use.  It's not just pay-to-win.  It's pay-to-play-more-to-win.  You pay them more, you get to play more, you get more items and …
  • Originally posted by BalianWolfie Originally posted by iixviiiix Today , i go around to find tree to chop for log and i see group of illegal tree that will mature in 5m , And you know , 5 people wait to chop those tree off and among of them is …
  • I have already returned, but 2 of my main issues are no alignment system and no localized banking so in answer to you questions.   1.  Yes, but the economy needs work, I believe the easiest way to do it would be to see a npc who would "transfer th…
  • I played eso and would give it a 6.5/10.  That stated my problems with this review:   Leveling gets a 3?  Leveling in ESO is industry standard with well written quests and a few bugs.  I encountered 2 bugs on my way to 45 and they were on side que…
  • Originally posted by bansan Well, I guess you have to separate the people who are just venting because they felt really ripped off by the initial purchase of the game, and thought maybe they could recoup some of that (through play time) in "F2P". …
  • Originally posted by fenistil I care very little about this game, actually I care only how it affect / might affect other titles in future.  So I am not upset at all.    Conditions for susbcibers have changed though.  Before sub was getting th…
  • 400 online 9:30pm Eastern on a Tuesday night....Game is really becoming populated.
  • K ty guys, was this way when I quit, and was part of the reason I did quit.  I love the open ended skill system, but the lack of skill cap and viable builds basically makes it so there is only one class and does away with the purpose of a open ended…
  • K TY Will look into it.  PM sent. Thanks,
  • K TY does anyone know where I could purchase a NA key online nice and cheap.....Not willing to pay more than $20 for this game in its current state, but willing to give it a try if it is cheap. Thanks again, Jim
  • If anyone has a spare NA Buddy key floating around would love to give this a whirl.   Just send me a PM and I will post edit post if I get one.  I Am looking for a game that has some grind with good graphics and this looks like it should hit the spo…
  • If you are interested in Vanguard it does have a free trial.  You are limited to the Isle which imo isn't as good as the rest of the game.  It will still give you a good idea of the game though.  Also you don't have to buy it you just have to subscr…
  • I may be wrong, but I think you just need to log into the station launcher and download it.  If you bought it directly from the station store while you were logged in I think it just flags your account.....been awhile so I could be wrong.
  • I am currently playing and the population during primetime is more than sufficient on my server.  Population is about on par with my old EQ2 server.  Only downside is that where EQ2 has several servers they can still merge vanguard is down to only 2…
  • I would say lots of people are going back to EQ this week.  On Tuesday they are launching a new Time locked progression server where the community votes on when to unlock the next expansion.  I can't see any other old MMO's that people will be going…
  • Would it not make sense/be easy to just code in a debuff for monks on the TLP server.  I am no programmer but to program a line that occurs on log in something to the extent of "if class = monk then apply X debuff to attack speed" and if it's global…
  • Originally posted by Wallano Isent the 40 dollars just to get into the pre-launch? When it releases i think it will just be 15 a month. Or i could be wrong. Does anyone know?   If i am not mistaken it is $40 to purchase the game.  If you "pre…