Originally posted by manderton
I would love the original makers of NWN1 (believe NWN2 was made by diff people) to join and make an MMORPG.
NWN was made by Bioware (www.bioware.com). NWN2 was done by Obsidian. Bioware are, IIRC, doing an MMO, h…
Originally posted by SirBongsAlot
LOL the topic shoulda read "How to Spot a Gender Bender" LOL sad very sad
No... that reply was very sad... err, lol.
Anyway, rumour has it there may be a LotRO Deed for dancing. There's one for being the targe…
I have to say I found the comment about genre distancing games from WoW a funny one.
I play City of Heroes, and just about every customer suggestion you see comes down to "give us this thing that WoW has." You simply cannot distance yourself from …
I met my partner through Neverwinter Nights. She moved from the Netherlands to England to be with me.
We started playing City of Heroes later and I'd say various things regarding the roleplay in there have caused more stress in our relationship th…
Originally posted by Robbgobb
This was a fun read though not much in it. I followed Mourning and was really excited about what was proposed. Just glad I did not get too involved because it seemed to be having trouble.
I think the first sentenc…
Originally posted by Czarr_Rom
For me its pretty simple. For marketing reasons... The Females always Look better then that males.. Also.. If Im about to start a game that I will be spending hours and days looking at my Chars backside... It better b…
Originally posted by Aazgaroth
Haha soooo many guys responding to this topic! Probably because the male to female gamer ratio is very off (although us females are gaining on ya, ha!!). This topic is really entertaining, at any rate, so of course…
Ah, but you weren't replying to my post, Thorny.
Misunderstanding is a possibility, but I really don't think that MMOs are anything to do with roleplaying, so the "it's a roleplaying game, playing a member of the opposite sex is roleplaying" argu…
Originally posted by Thony
Actualy this topic shows that somewhere we have lost sight of the meaning of mmorpg but then again this is just a case of being human and when you look at rl you see that many things really do not mean what they u…
Even when I'm not roleplaying, I'm a roleplayer. I tend to create a character as the sex the character concept calls for, or the sex which makes the character concept stand out more. I don't care what other people think of me playing a girl, and I d…
Would have to agree with Mogar, but I don't see the point of PLing in CoH.
In a game with open PvP I guess I get the idea: have a really powerful character and go fight other people. CoH has no open PvP. Even when CoV is added in and the PvP Zones …
Originally posted by Vevi
Just anounced at Gencon; there will be another set of points which you get for being in Supergroup mode and doing missions. These Points will pay for the Supergroup base.
This particular feature has gone down like a lea…
According to recent posts from the UK Forum moderator, Bridger, there should be full PvP between heroes and villains from scratch, though I also remember comments about the integration of the two games happening after CoV launch. It's possible they …
Using your second post to justify your first post, doesn't help, mate. You didn't provide the information you say you did, get over it. And insults are the last resort of people with no debating skills.
I see this thread has stalled, so, bye, j-mo…
Originally posted by j-monster
Originally posted by Ravenswing
j-monster, you don't say what level you are, however, I'd point out that you survived repeated frost novas and all the mage could throw at you and then killed him in one blow. If y…
j-monster, you don't say what level you are, however, I'd point out that you survived repeated frost novas and all the mage could throw at you and then killed him in one blow. If you honestly believe that that makes mages well balanced against rogue…
Thanks, you've restored my faith in the under-25s. Constructive discussion.
More please, particularly from higher level mages who may have more experience of group play above level 20.