Originally posted by arvainis
Win Back = Suck Back. All my toons on Mourning which has an avg of 300-350 players on at peak. Rolled a toon on wrath, got to 25, went to look for a guild and no one even replied to me. Shouted for an hour in a free…
jedi healer tree has a skill for bf healing. but i know what you mean about just not being for you. i reupped for a month and cancelled so it didn't auto renew, just so i could try the CU and play a little with my friends, and it was the usual "noth…
might be a decent idea for a special ruleset server, but most people playing this game are happy with the way it is. also, newer players are kind of rare, mostly because there's like no advertising budget, so people join only off word of mouth.
Originally posted by gargantroo
Originally posted by punkrock
i think they need to make it more like ff 8< loved that one the most>
Best Final Fantasy= 9
6 & 7 were the best, and 4 has to be up there too. 8 and 9 were decent, …
Originally posted by TooL-D-
Originally posted by Modar
Shadow Bane is a has Been Game!
Do not waste your money on it! It's Boring, is very drag on xp to fight other players.
1. Pvp Sucks because: The sever lags so badly you are locked up most …
from what i can tell, if you're in a guild it's the quickest leveling of any game. power leveling doesn't seem too frowned upon, so that's a good thing. but, it's next to impossible without a friend or a bot acount killing stuff well over your level…