ID say WoW and not just for its huge fanbase or playerbase, in WOW it felt like i was really my character, it was such a epic feeling when a massive horde gathering would happen in the barrens and we would all march all the way to astrannar to go to…
Originally posted by britoca
Originally posted by periodHow many people do you think petitioned to bring back UO to what it was?? more then half of the playerbase. Once a company is dead set on changes players have no say, just like what it is, or p…
Originally posted by Feliis-FOADSWG has fewer subs now than UO has years after they did their NGE.
Damn lol, then there is truely no hope for this game. Not to sound like a fanboy but try saga of ryzom same thing as pre NGE SWG just set in a diffe…
How many people do you think petitioned to bring back UO to what it was?? more then half of the playerbase. Once a company is dead set on changes players have no say, just like what it is, or play something else.
WoW copyed games for the better. Dont tell me todays games changed their games in WoWs footsteps. SWG and EQ2 both changed to be more WoW like, imo made EQ2 better but ruined SWG.
You cant beat the fact that WoW is the best. Most mmorpgs out right now make mmorpgs a JOB to have fun. What? IM playing 15$ a month for a virtual job? Um no. Let me log on a few hours have a blast and go back to real life that is what WOW was, What…
Did any one actually read about age of conan? Its a single player game at first then at its END GAME it becomes a multiplayer lol and you gotta pay monthly for that? NO and Thank you
oops i forgot to mention...Warhammer online is the only game i see that will compete with WoW. If blizzard plays their cards smart with this expansion they will also blow Warhammer out of the water just like they did their RTS.
EA? you mean the game that destroyed ultima online? The only true PVP game on the market? They turned it into a 2D less graphal no quest watered down version of diablo 2?
Originally posted by qotsa
Originally posted by period
Originally posted by Tithrielle
Originally posted by period
Who are we honestly kidding?
You're kidding yourself if you think WoW is the best MMO out there...
If WoW isnt the best th…
Final fantasy 11 rofl, you have to group just to go outside of a town in that game and that game also has no PVP interaction. Even if it does its just barly does. Half the classes dont even work. LMAO FF11 get the hell out of here. I rather play bar…
Originally posted by stickm
See I thought you were ok until I realised you were just a fanboy. How do I know?
"WoWs PVP is getting a major overhaul in 1.12 will make this game even all the better."
IS GETTING? common fanboy mistake. You forget tha…
Originally posted by Tithrielle
Originally posted by period
Who are we honestly kidding?
You're kidding yourself if you think WoW is the best MMO out there...
If WoW isnt the best then what is? Dark age of camolot with its 2k playerbase? A…