I think the best answer here is: let's wait and see. I mean if you have a console system, and you like MMO's give it a try before you bash it, and also remember that while both consoles and MMO's have been out for a long time (relatively speaking) …
Originally posted by Elnator
NIIIICE you realize you just blew the NDA out of the water? I don't recall them lifting it LOL
All that stuff is in the DDO website, pretty much part of their mission statement/ good speculation. I don't think he h…
Originally posted by Elnator
I think LOTRO will survive based on name recognition. It'll probably never be a huge success but it will probably coast along somewhere in the 100k users range for eternity. Which is sad... done right LOTRO could have …
At risk of sounding like a fanboi:
1. The Tolkien fanbase is too broad for a released game to ever be "late". (A game is never late, nor is it early, it arrrives exactly when it means to! ) In reference to SWG, it was a decent game, it did not …
Originally posted by ChromeBallz
WoW PVP is the most flawed system there currently is. 3 months before WoW's release, they decided to put in pvp. 3 months. As a sidethought. All wow's pvp is is an honor grind.... If i want gameplay like in Arathi Ba…
Originally posted by Entreri28
Things to note:
The debate is not that everyone has to pvp. It is that all games need pvp servers to keep their sizeable fanbase in the long run.
That said, a game that is not designed around PvP will, more likely…
I will agree that raid content has its place in MMO's. But I believe it is more of an "Oh, this is easy and it's been done before, so we know we can do it" endgame. It's not that it's poorly implemented, raid encounters are usually quite fun, not …
Originally posted by moonfog
But RPG wise Baldurs Gate II beats them all into the ground. Baldurs Gate II owns all.
I'll back that up. BG II ftw
Gray Shadow
While I will not be as harsh as the above poster, I do not feel there is any need for anyone to play this game in its current state. Wait till it launches... then give it several (and I do mean several) months to work out the bugs, etc.
I feel the…