Actually, the reason you see so many posts bashing the game is the same reason you see the same kinds of posts in any other forum. Some people just love to bitch, and they love it even more when protected by anonymity. Hell, look at just about any p…
Originally posted by Eyeballz
Originally posted by Karandor
during the DL engine.dll and many of the other DX files were modified, we'll see.
Did it update your .ini file for you at least Or did it reset it to defaults again meaning people ha…
Well, for me, the old "same ol, same ol" line of thinking doesn't matter. Pretty much all games anymore are things that have been done before but with different spins. There just isn't much innovation left in my opinion. All that matters to me is if…
I would like to add that my computer will be 3 years old this April. I'm running a P4 3.2 Ghz proc with AGP Nvidia 6600 GT , 2 Gig Ram on balanced and the game runs pretty damned smooth for me, and still looks great too even on highest resolution. I…
I don't think WAR will be as successful as WoW simply for one reason. Frankly, WoW was designed to be appealing to the broadest possible audience. It's simplistic nature makes it possible for just about anyone to jump in and be successful. I'm not s…
Yeah, check back in awhile uncus, maybe things will have changed or expanded enough by then to get you interested again. I do know they are working on the spamcasting and unlimited mana thing. Thats needs fixed bad and hopefully will be by launch. A…
Originally posted by WSIMike
Well.. everyone just stifle your opinions now. You're all wrong and have no *clue* what you're talking about. Because Keldros says so.
Thank you, Keldros, for setting all of us wayward independent thinkers straight.
I've been in beta since the start, and it has done nothing but get better and I am sure it will continue to do so after launch. Most people who bitch about it are just pissed it isn't like every other MMO out there, because let's face it, most peopl…
Originally posted by AzRaell33
Originally posted by Maca0716
I really fail to see why people are enjoying this game.. this isn't a PC game guys its a console game.
I can see the game failing in less then a year after release seems like they…
I must say after reading through this thread that the majority of you either have absolutely no idea what in the hell you are talking about, or have simply completely missed the point of what DDO is supposed to be about. The graphics look great, and…
If every class is to have the same potential to defeat any other class, then why not just make one class available at all and be done with it! Balancing DDO classes in this way would be totally lame. It may have its place in other MMO's but not DnD.…
If every class is to have the same potential to defeat any other class, then why not just make one class available at all and be done with it! Balancing DDO classes in this way would be totally lame. It may have its place in other MMO's but not DnD.…
It's as simple as this. If you don't like it, then don't friggin play. No one is twisting your gd arm to play DDO, or any other MMO for that matter. Personally, I'll be more than happy if even a fraction of the little crybaby griefers stay away from…
For those who say this change is fine, because since you don't have the time to earn items on your own, why are you even playing an MMO in the first place? Anyone with a lick of sense knows that MMO's are the most time intensive video games aro…
This is kind of like the government saying, "Well, since we can't stop the drug-trade, let's open up our own crackhouses. It will be legal as long as you buy from us!" In a nutshell, the same as SOE's obvious move to get in on the action. With this …