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  • Originally posted by grimjakk Originally posted by UOlover Well first off there was a lot that he didn't reveal about making money whenever he was asked about it Second I don't need much gold when my friend can make me everything want and the h…
  • Originally posted by Tumblebutz Originally posted by Cirin I'm certain no one here is confused with what the idea behind it is or the principles behind it.   I did and have been following it, I'm just amused with how easily most of the CU co…
  • Maybe resub DAoC for a month. Take the 15+ toons I leveled to Thid to Molvik
  • Originally posted by easy-r none, if you die you lose some items depending on how game works and you are back at your bind point with a death penalty of sorts There will be NO ITEM LOSS on death in this game
  • Originally posted by Teh_Axi Game doesnt need rez sickness, graveyards shouldn't be close enough to the main areas of battle that the travel times are insignificant. The idea of some form of temporary rally point would be worth testing but I reckon …
  • Originally posted by professornomos Originally posted by zeroumus Originally posted by fantasyfreak112 I think classic EQ had the best death system. It was difficult to die in that game if you were smart but also difficult to recover from de…
  • I'm thinking Rez sickness needs to last about half as long as travel would take from safe city. another question! If you release....how long is Rez sickness and can an NPC healer cure it?
  • Originally posted by Odaman I like the veil idea, right up to the point I think about a healer trying to 1v1 anyone. 1v1? not sure where you got that
  • Originally posted by KappenWiz Originally posted by Moraxo Oh yeah, missed that. My assumption was based on all the fancy cosmetical stuff being useless if you don't have a character to equip it yet. My bad, thanks for the correction I di…
  • Originally posted by Leiloni Can you explain a bit more what the question is? I don't understand what you're asking. Talk about changing rezzing. Move away from instant or short cast time rezzes as most are now. The push for a death having a bit …
  • No thanks, i play mmo as a graphical bridge from P&P game. we get stats to replace the meager strength, dex, hand eye etc. we possess as pathetic humans
  • Priority log in, reserve names, digital in game map, free expansions. maybe another if its really cool, but unless something added don't see much to buy. i really care less about fluff  
  • Originally posted by Arbroath Im kind of hoping they've been preparing for this and have a head start on them. If I remember correctly it was said they are ready and just need be opened
  • MJ already stated archers 2.1 depths 2.5 im sure you will see some in between
  • Regarding horizontal progression.....I would like to know... @MJ If you have a maxxed character hypothetically given a rating of 100 What rating would someone starting day 1 rate? Given same gear. Also top gear forged in TD in the best materials...…
  • More potatoes , their refinement looks great, but I still would love some general aspects of gameplay revealed
  • Originally posted by Tumblebutz Originally posted by naezgul It's an mmorpg, NOT a FPS! why should we have to arc the arrow, lead a moving target, aim using a reticle? the classes have  stats to take all that out of our hands.  We play games…
    in archer Comment by naezgul April 2013
  • Originally posted by Stiler I for one am glad Archers aren't going to be your usual tab-target fire style.   Having to aim your bow and the mechanics at play can make it quite interesting and (imo) more fun.   Also you can roll "skills" into…
    in archer Comment by naezgul April 2013
  • Originally posted by Axxar I'm having a bit of a rough time deciding whether to play an RvRer or a crafter. Normally crafting is really boring in MMOs, but it looks like a lot of fun in CU. I guess eventually I'll have a crafter as well as an RvRer…
  • Originally posted by Mtibbs1989 Originally posted by meddyck Originally posted by Mtibbs1989 Is it just me or did he contradict his entire first statement? Didn't he say he wanted to feel like legolas? Wouldn't making a realistic system for…
    in archer Comment by naezgul April 2013